Through the wealth life

Chapter 1258 The Curtain Opens

Chapter 1258 The Curtain Opens
The situation that should have come has come. Li Guangyu received a report from Gan Qinglin on Bentley Island. The Social Workers Party in Hungary announced that it would give up its status as the ruling party and implement a multi-party system.

These announcements can be said to have shocked Europe and the world. As a member of the Warsaw Pact, Hungary has now given up its one-party system, which is contrary to the members of the Warsaw Pact.

At the same time in Poland, the ruling party also held a roundtable meeting with the Solidarity trade union and reached a number of agreements.

Among them, the legalization of the Solidarity trade union, the conversion of the presidential system and parliamentary democracy are its main achievements.

In 1989, the curtain of Eastern Europe has been opened, and various forces are on the stage. Now a large amount of aid from Western Europe and the United States is preparing to enter Hungary and Poland, setting an example for those Warsaw Pact members who are still hesitant, as long as these countries choose to cooperate with Poland and Hungary Also abandon the one-party dictatorship, then the aid from Western Europe and North America will be sent to them.

Li Guangyu also wouldn't just watch the show from the sidelines. Now that the American conglomerate economy has begun to enter, he will naturally not give up the opportunity to enter these markets.

Li Guangyu said to Gan Qinglin: "Our Donghua Trading Company has increased trade with these two countries, and at the same time increased support for pro-us forces. In addition, Donghua Trading Company has established the Donghua Charity Foundation to carry out some humanitarian activities for the two countries. humanitarian assistance, and regularly assist outstanding students from the two countries to study in Xiangjiang.”

This will be a long-term process, and it will be a decades-long plan. In order to allow the Lee Consortium to have a greater influence in Eastern Europe for a long time, Li Guangyu hopes to promote it through a series of plans.

Attracting outstanding and top students from these regions to study abroad is very important. Whether it is to directly join the Li Family Foundation in the future, or they return to their country after completing their studies, with the support and promotion of the Li Family Foundation, they will definitely be able to study abroad in their country. Has a major impact, whether in politics or any other industry.

Gan Qinglin had been waiting for this moment for a long time. Last year, they suddenly terminated their cooperation with the Warsaw Pact member countries, which caused Donghua Trading Company's profits to decline rapidly in the second half of the year, and his influence rapidly decreased.

And now the curtain of upheaval in Eastern Europe has begun, this is the time for him to flex his muscles. He never thought that one day he would be able to personally participate in such a major worldwide event, and he is just a businessman identity.

Although many of the things I do now are indeed inconsistent with a businessman, the ultimate essence remains the same. No matter what the process is, the result is to ensure that the Li's consortium can gain a firm foothold in the market in these regions.

Gan Qinglin believes that Poland and Hungary are just the beginning, and many countries will follow up. The Donghua Trading Company in his hands will flourish again, and this time it will not be directly cut in half like last time.

He responded: "Li Sheng, I will make arrangements here. I believe that Eastern European countries are very willing to cooperate with us. At the same time, they are also very yearning for Xiangjiang. If they have the opportunity to study there, they will not give up this opportunity." Given the opportunity, many parents are willing to support their children to study in Xiangjiang.”

It is absolutely impossible for Gan Qinglin to assist the children of ordinary families to study in Xiangjiang first. This time, the first aid will be the children of the close forces of the Li family, so that they can give priority to studying in Xiangjiang, so that they can develop with more peace of mind. own work.

As for the ordinary top students in the country, Gan Qinglin will set a quota limit every year, and within the framework set by Li Guangyu, send as many talents as possible to expand the influence of the Li consortium in these places.

Li Guangyu is also aware of the current situation in Eastern Europe. If there is an opportunity for his children to study abroad, or if he has the opportunity to study abroad, especially Western Europe, North America, Australia, Japan and the Asian Tigers, they are extremely willing. .

This is an era when studying abroad in developed countries is common, not only in Eastern Europe, but also in some places.

Li Guangyu is not good at judging whether this is good or bad, but those who go to study abroad are inevitably influenced by the local ideology, politics, culture, etc. of their schools, especially in the capitalist market, what they pursue is more of a profit , Egoism has long been deeply rooted in capitalist society.

And after studying in this place and then returning to the country, no one knows what kind of concept these people will have.

And this time, Li Guangyu asked Gan Qinglin to use his charitable foundation to assist some students from Eastern Europe to study in Xiangjiang, especially Hong Kong Chinese University, Hong Kong Medical University, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong Communication University, etc., hoping to make these people more Get close to the Li's consortium, so that they will be the natural allies of the Li's consortium after returning to their country.

Li Guangyu also knows that he is not the only one doing this. The United States, England, and Japan are all doing it, especially the United States. This guy absorbs elite talents from all over the world, and he is also absorbing top students to study in his country to strengthen his own strength. strength and influence.

Li Guangyu said to Gan Qinglin: "Our charity foundation mainly supports those colleges whose families are relatively poor and whose students have excellent academic performance. As for the children of the political and business circles, we only provide places, and let them bear the expenses themselves."

These guys are not short of money, many of them just lack opportunities, and there must be more opportunities now, the United States, England, and Japan will open up some quotas, and Li Guangyu will naturally not be left behind.

It doesn't matter if the grades of these children are good or bad. This is mainly due to the closer relationship between the Li's consortium and the forces in Eastern Europe, which is an unplanned enrollment of the school.

At present, there are enough colleges and universities in Xiangjiang. Let's wait for the Chinese New Year to see the situation. If there is demand, Li Guangyu will get a few more colleges.

Due to the influence of his own life, Xiangjiang will be more attractive to the world in the future, and more people will come to study abroad. Xiangjiang University is really not worried about the lack of students. Li Guangyu just needs to think about expanding the university and establishing new universities.

For example, Xiangjiang Flight Attendant College is now an important aviation talent training base for airlines such as Xiangjiang, Formosa, Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand.

The vast majority of students majoring in flight attendants, pilots, maintenance, and ground handling are basically the reserve talent bases of major airlines.

Moreover, many students in the driving department have signed contracts with major airlines, and the fees are borne by the airlines.

Li Guangyu has always hoped to promote Xiangjiang Higher Education to become a world-renowned institution, so as to attract students from all over the world to study abroad, which is also a major boost to Xiangjiang's economy.

Not to mention anything else, if the major universities in Xiangjiang are well-known in the world and attract tens of thousands of foreign students to come here every year, the consumption will be relatively huge, and it will also be able to retain the top students in Xiangjiang, which will have a positive impact on the future development of Xiangjiang. All benefits and no harm.

Gan Qinglin said: "Sheng Li, I will make arrangements for this, but I hope that Xiangjiang will give me more places this summer. I guess this time many countries in Eastern Europe will set off a wave of studying abroad, especially It's the children of the upper echelons of society and the top families."

Gan Qinglin was worried that the universities in Xiangjiang would give him too few places to study abroad, and it would be difficult for him to allocate them when the time came, since there were many Eastern European countries.


(End of this chapter)

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