Through the wealth life

Chapter 1268 Adjusting Goals and Plans

Chapter 1268 Adjusting Goals and Plans

At noon of the same day, news came out again in Japan, saying that the U.S. Department of Commerce sincerely hopes to communicate with the Japanese government on bilateral tariffs and trade issues, but the Japanese government has been reluctant to express its position on this matter for a long time, and is unwilling to hold talks immediately.

There are even well-known politicians from the opposition party who stand up and point out that the ruling party ignores the interests of hundreds of millions of people and supports individual private interests.

The ruling party is required to immediately start consultations with the US Department of Commerce to allow more Japanese products to enter the US market.

Naturally, the Japanese ruling party will not allow the public opinion to go on like this, and they immediately clarified the matter.

The war of public opinion in Japan is in full swing, the opposition party and the ruling party criticize each other, and there are endless news in the market.

The stock market also looked very strange. The Hang Seng Index fluctuated back and forth around 18200 points, with neither a big rebound nor a big drop.

In the Investment Department of the Bank of America in Tokyo, the heads of several American consortiums in Asia met here to discuss actions for the next two days.

In the past 30 or [-] years, the Tokyo stock market has made them uncomfortable for the first time. In the past, if the stock market rose in various places, the governments of various places would definitely like to see it. The major listed companies will try their best to maintain the market value of their own companies.

Japan is doing well this time, and it’s completely the opposite. In the past, hot money suppressed the local stock market, but now the local government and companies are suppressing the stock market together. Instead, the hot money has to find a way to protect the market. This is really a hell of a thing.

At the same time, the ability of their Wall Street pack of wolves has been challenged again. When the government is out, they appear so powerless. How ridiculous it is for the so-called stock market to destroy the economy of some countries.

If it hadn't been for the consideration of the U.S. government, forced by the power of the U.S., I'm afraid that their investment in the Japanese stock market would have been strangled long ago. The Japanese government has too many means to make the Japanese stock market plummet in a short period of time, which can directly reduce the They died in it.

It is not easy to protect the market, but it is too easy to smash the market. This is the reason why these hot money mainly make money by shorting. Compared with letting the stock market go up, it is obviously easier to operate the stock market.

They originally planned to do reverse shorting after the Nikkei index climbed above [-] points, but the Japanese government and financial groups did not give them a chance to take the initiative and directly locked them in the space for long positions .

At this time, even if they wanted to sell, no one wanted it. After all, most of their orders were taken over by several major Asian consortia.

As for those retail investors and small and medium-sized investment companies, they can only share a very small part, and in this bearish market, unless the delivery date is reached, they will be forced to buy and return according to the contract, which cannot share much at all.

And because the market is all short-selling, there are so many sell orders emerging, it is very difficult for them to trade.

The Japanese stock market is a huge gambling market, and the American consortium and the Asian consortium are the two biggest opponents. As for retail investors and small and medium-sized investment companies, they have few chips, and they do not affect the overall situation at all. Only these two parties are the focus. Many futures contracts on both sides are Be eaten by the other party.

If you want to withdraw from the game, you must show your cards. It is unrealistic to rely on the surrounding chips to replace yourself and the opponent. The chips under the two opponents are too large. A huge futures bill worth hundreds of billions of dollars is waiting for the day after tomorrow.

John Milton, head of Asia at the California Consortium, said: "Everyone, our long-awaited plan is about to start. Although we lost in the stock market this time, we will make the Japanese economy pay a heavy price, so that they will not have any money in the future." The strength is against us."

This time they have no intention of boosting the Japanese stock market. They are waiting, waiting for the delivery of the futures contract, and then it is time for them to suppress the Japanese stock market and the economy vigorously. This time they will make the Japanese economy never recover.

At the same time, other consortiums have already made preparations in other Asian stock markets, waiting for the arrival of next Monday. They want to make the Black Monday of 87 reappear.

In addition, they are also dissatisfied with the current political circles in Japan. They are preparing to push political parties that support their forces to power, and at the same time try to divide the six major Japanese conglomerates and major Asian conglomerates.

A united Asian capital is difficult to deal with, but a fragmented and hostile Asian capital is much easier to deal with.

The Lee Consortium and its allies were directly excluded by them. This time, they first divided the six major Japanese consortiums, second, wooed the Korean consortium, and third focused on suppressing the Li consortium. When the time comes, the Japanese consortium will be overwhelmed, and the Korean consortium will become hostile instead. Let's see how much strength the Li's consortium has and their hard top.

The American consortium often refers to the Lee consortium, which includes the Xiangjiang Bank consortium and the Hsinchu Bank consortium. In the eyes of the American consortium, these three consortiums are one, with Li Guangyu as the core.

K.J. Dujac said: "I know everyone is unhappy with this result, but we have to recognize the situation. Now we are powerless, and we don't have the strength to force the Japanese consortium and the Lee consortium to finish with us ahead of schedule. For contract delivery, it is impossible for us to quickly increase the Nikkei index.

The Japanese government is determined to stand on the side of the Japanese consortium and the Lee consortium this time. No matter how many external moves we have, it is useless to Japan now. After all, protecting the market is far more difficult than smashing the market. "

Plate protection has never been their strong point, and this is the first time they have faced such a situation, so they haven't made many moves, and they are really helpless.

Now the request from their headquarters is that the Nikkei index can be pulled up as soon as it can be pulled up, and if not, it will wait for the delivery date.

Making money is no longer a problem they need to think about. This time there is only one purpose, which is to destroy the rapid development of Asia's economy, interrupt its development of high-tech industries, let the economies of Japan and the four Asian tigers go into a downturn, and maintain the global economy of the United States. status.

As long as they can accomplish this set goal, the loss this time will be made up later, and the major financial groups can bear the short-term loss.

The person in charge of Ford said: "The big consortiums of yours have big businesses, so you don't need to care about the loss this time. We, Ford, don't have such strong capital. I hope everyone can do their best to sweep the stocks on the market in these two days, so as to stimulate the future. The economic index rose rapidly to reduce our losses."

This time, the American consortium was also not calm, and the quarrel was quite fierce. They even pointed the finger at several top consortiums such as Morgan, Rockefeller, and California, thinking that this operation was a hole dug for them by these consortiums, borrowing the hands of Asian capital. weaken their strength.

After the Asian capital made the move, these major groups were full of thunder and rain, and did not make many meaningful actions at all.

Now it has even given up the continued entanglement in the stock market, trying to destroy the economic development of Japan and the four Asian tigers in the future.

Even if such a plan is realized, it will not be of much benefit to the Ford consortium at that time. Their main business is the automobile group, and there are not many markets in Asia for them to develop.


 Thanks to the book friend Jianzun 498419 for the reward of 100 coins

  Thanks for the lingering 100 coins reward from book friends under the starry sky

(End of this chapter)

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