Through the wealth life

Chapter 129 Chapter 134

Chapter 129 Chapter 130 Four Persuading Cao Wenjin

Cao's family prepared a sumptuous meal for tonight, including Sichuan and Sichuan dishes that Li Guangyu likes, and Jiangsu and Zhejiang dishes that Cao's family likes.

Cao Wenjin greeted Li Guangyu to eat, and said to him: "Guangyu, the Sichuan and Sichuan dishes made by our chef may not be as good as yours, so you just make do with it."

Li Guangyu replied: "Father-in-law, it's already very good, and the taste is also good."

After dinner, Li Guangyu and Cao Wenjin came to the upstairs study.

After Cao Wenjin sat down with Li Guangyu one after another, he asked Li Guangyu, "Guangyu, you came here on purpose today. What should you do? Tell me, is there anything I can do for you?"

Li Guangyu said: "Father-in-law, I have established a group in Pengcheng with a Japanese investment fund, mainly engaged in the production of clothing and shoes. Today I want your textile company in Malaysia to build a branch next to our group." , or to provide raw materials for our group nearby."

After hearing Li Guangyu's words, Cao Wenjin did not express his opinion immediately. After thinking for a while, he said to Li Guangyu: "Guangyu, what do you think of the future of mainland China?"

Li Guangyu knew that if he hadn't answered this question, Cao Wenjin would not have invested in the mainland now.

Li Guangyu said: "Father-in-law, I am still very confident about the mainland. Now under the leadership of the new leader, the reform and opening up has been implemented. I think the mainland will develop soon. You must know that there are ten A market of hundreds of millions of people."

Cao Wenjin also knows that the market potential there is huge, but there are some issues that have to be examined clearly.Whether the policies over there can be stable, and whether the rights and interests of one's own investment can be guaranteed, all these must be carefully considered.

Cao Wenjin skipped the issue of the mainland, but asked Li Guangyu: "Guangyu, now that the Xiangjiang issue is being wrestled secretly between Britain and the mainland, what do you think of the future of Xiangjiang?"

"Father-in-law, on the issue of the ownership of Xiangjiang, the mainland will definitely take back. As for what kind of policy will be implemented in the future, I think the mainland government will definitely consider the actual situation of our Xiangjiang." Li Guangyu replied.

After Li Guangyu finished speaking, Cao Wenjin did not speak, but sat there quietly, thinking about something.

A few minutes later, Cao Wenjin asked: "Guangyu, tell me about your establishment of a group in Pengcheng."

Li Guangyu told Cao Wenjin about the establishment of Pengyu Group in detail.

Cao Wenjin didn't expect Li Guangyu to be so optimistic about the mainland. He not only established a production company there, but even established the headquarters in Pengcheng.And the one-time capital injection is 5000 million yuan. You know, [-] million yuan is equivalent to [-] million Hong Kong dollars today.

Cao Wenjin said: "Guangyu, it seems that you have great expectations for the mainland. Xiangjiang thinks that your vision has always been good. I also hope that you can do the same this time as before. I agree with the establishment of a branch company."

Seeing that Cao Wenjin agreed to the matter, Li Guangyu immediately said, "Father-in-law, thank you for your trust and support. Don't worry, this investment will definitely not lose money."

Cao Wenjin waved his hand and said, "Don't be in a hurry to thank me, just listen to me first."

"Okay, father-in-law, please tell me." Li Guangyu replied.

"When I invest in Pengcheng this time, I will not use the name of my Cao family company. I will register an offshore fund, and the owner of this fund will write Wei Qing's name." Cao Wenjin said.

Li Guangyu didn't expect Cao Wenjin's operation. Just when he was about to say something, Cao Wenjin said, "I know that you don't need the money to invest in the construction of this supporting company, but that's your money. I'm going to give this company a comfort." Green."

Li Guangyu stopped talking about this issue, because Cao Wenjin was worried that if the relationship between Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing was not good in the future, with this company, Cao Weiqing would also be able to have a stable source of income without depending on Li Guangyu's face to live.

Although Li Guangyu thought that Cao Wenjin's worries were unnecessary, he also understood Cao Wenjin's feelings.Cao Wenjin was giving Cao Weiqing a guarantee that no matter what happened with Li Guangyu in the future, they would not have nothing in the future.

Li Guangyu said: "Father-in-law, you don't need to worry about Weiqing, I will treat her well. After this company is established, I will ask Pengyu Group to take care of it."

Cao Wenjin said: "Guangyu, don't blame me for being overwhelmed. After all, you and Wei Qing still have a long life, and no one knows what will happen in the future. I still have such abilities, and you also think that there is a lot to do in the mainland. , I will give Weiqing this little help, and you will need to watch over how far this fund can develop in the future."

"Father-in-law, don't worry, I will let him grow stronger." Li Guangyu replied.


Li Guangyu and Cao Wenjin talked in the study for over an hour before leaving the study.

When they went downstairs to the living room, Cao Weiqing and Cao Zhou Meiqi were chatting.

After seeing Li Guangyu, Cao Zhou Meiqi said, "Guangyu, you are done discussing."

"Yes, mother-in-law, I have discussed it with my father-in-law." Li Guangyu said.

Cao Zhou Meiqi ordered: "It's not too early now, you should go back to rest early, and remember to come and have a look when you have nothing to do."

"Okay, mother-in-law, let's go back first." Li Guangyu said.

Cao Weiqing also said: "Mommy, we're leaving first, and you and Daddy should also go to bed early."

"Well, I know, you and Guangyu have to work hard to add a grandson to me as soon as possible, so that your father and I will be happy."

Cao Weiqing blushed and said, "Let's go."

On the way back, Cao Weiqing asked: "Guangyu, what did you discuss with Daddy? It took so long."

Li Guangyu told her about Cao Wenjin setting up an offshore fund for her and setting up a company in Pengcheng.

Cao Weiqing was very moved by Cao Wenjin's actions, but he was afraid of causing Li Guangyu's misunderstanding.He said to Li Guangyu: "It's true Daddy, I'm not short of money now, so there's no need to do this."

Now Cao Weiqing is really not short of money. He has a HSBC card given by Li Guangyu, with a monthly limit of 1000 million.But she never thought of spending the money lavishly.

Although Li Guangyu is making a lot of money now, she knows that it is not easy to make money. Thinking of her father going to the company early and coming back at seven or eight o'clock every day for so many years, one can imagine the hardships involved.

Li Guangyu knew Cao Weiqing's thoughts and said to her: "Your father-in-law gave it to you, you just keep it. This is also his heart for you. As for the company, father-in-law will arrange personnel management, and I will let Pengyu Group Zhou Zhigang took care of it."

"Well, Guangyu, anyway, you can do as you see fit." Cao Weiqing said.

Li Guangyu said with a smile: "There is no rush for these things. Nowadays, everyone wants you to get pregnant soon. This is the big deal."

Cao Weiqing turned her head and stopped talking. Cao Weiqing also thought about giving birth to a baby for Li Guangyu as soon as possible, which would be of great benefit to the Li family as well as to herself. But do you want to have it right away? luck.

(End of this chapter)

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