Through the wealth life

Chapter 1295 Let go of the boundary

Chapter 1295 Let go of the boundary
After Li Guangyu signed the contract with Cao Weiqing and Zhang Ziyu in England, he also traveled to France and West Germany to sign the military purchase contract for Bentley Island.

In Paris, Li Guangyu also specially communicated with Chirac, who is very uncomfortable now, he stepped back again, and France also ended nearly three years of co-government.

The privatization process in France has also temporarily come to an end. Fortunately, Li Guangyu took down Thomson Company, otherwise Li Guangyu's high-end home appliances would have to be delayed for many years.

On March 3th, Li Guangyu's special plane arrived at Vienna Airport, which was also his last stop in Europe, and he would then return to Xiangjiang.

After years of layout and development in Vienna, the influence of Li's consortium here has greatly increased, and Li Guangyu's arrival has also been received by high-level officials of the Austrian government.

We must know that the so-called richest man in Forbes in later generations can be received by the heads of state, let alone Li Guangyu. Just as the public may not know who Li Guangyu is, the high-level leaders of various countries are very aware of Li Guangyu's influence.

In addition, the current Lee Consortium has more than 3 employees in Austria, driving the development of many companies and indirectly affecting the employment of 10 people. The Austrian government naturally attaches great importance to this.

This time Li Guangyu and the Austrian government talked about the further deepening of cooperation between the two sides, especially the cooperation in automobiles, trade, culture and tourism.

Among them, the Austrian Bentley production base will increase the production of Hengtong bus and Jinniu truck, mainly to meet the market in Central and Eastern Europe.

In terms of trade, Austria is currently a transit point for trade between the Lee Consortium and the Warsaw Pact member countries in Eastern Europe. Here, the Hongmei Clothing Wholesale City is accelerating, and the logistics base of Hengyu Supermarket is also under construction. Its Wheelock Plaza is expected to be put into use in June next year. .

In terms of culture, Vienna is known as the capital of music. In this regard, we can cooperate with Jiayi Group. In terms of tourism, we also hope to use Jiayi TV to promote Austria and attract people from Asia to travel to Austria.

Austrian President Waldheim said: "Mr. Li, the cooperation between our two parties has been very pleasant in the past three years. The two brands of Linghu and Kirin have achieved very good results in Central and Eastern Europe. will disappoint you."

"My industry is very optimistic about the future development of Austria. This is an important hub connecting Eastern and Western Europe. In the future, we will invest in more industries in Austria. At the same time, we will increase the promotion of Austria and strengthen the relationship between Austria, Xiangjiang and Asia. communicate."

Wouldn't Waldheim now just treat Li Guangyu as a simple businessman and sit under him without seeing Zhang Ziyu?
You must know that Zhang Ziyu is the Baron of England, the governor of Bentley Island, and his status is a little lower than that of the lord of a country.

But all the high-level officials in various countries knew that Zhang Ziyu was just a name, and the real owner of Bentley Island was Li Guangyu.

The news of the Bentley Island military purchase has spread to the world, and he has also received the news that if all the equipment is in place and a well-trained army is added, some small countries may not be able to win Bentley Island, especially some in Africa. For a small country, in terms of weapons, Bentley Island can beat them by a few blocks.

Not to mention financial resources, Waldheim doubts whether his foreign exchange reserves are one-tenth of the Li's consortium.

After all, in this era, many small countries are considered good if they have foreign exchange reserves of billions of dollars, and they are considered big countries with tens of billions of dollars in foreign exchange reserves. Their Austrian dollar reserves are only a few billion dollars. Not sure.

In the past, the Lee Consortium was only rich. Although there were many security personnel, some special operations teams, and many pistols, these were not much of a threat.

It’s different now, not only light weapons have been upgraded, but also sniper rifles, rifles, submachine guns, individual bazookas, grenades, etc. In terms of heavy weapons, the Mirage 2000C, a world-class fighter, is used in the sky. The very advanced 2 frigates, these equipments are not even owned by them in Austria. If only in terms of quality, the equipment of Bentley Island is better than that of Austria itself.

Waldheim naturally attached great importance to such a power leader, and even treated Li Guangyu in the same position as himself.

Waldheim said: "At present, there are various changes within the Warsaw Pact member countries. We, Austria, are also preparing to open the border with Hungary. It is estimated that there will be some situations at that time. I also hope that the companies under Mr. Li can take precautions. After all, There are too many people coming here, and there are all kinds of people.”

After the opening of the border this time, it is estimated that many people from the Warsaw Pact member countries will flock from Hungary and borrow Austria to go to West Germany, especially East German personnel.

He also informed Li Guangyu in advance. After all, after several years of development of the Li’s consortium’s industries, Austria currently has a lot of 7-11, Hengyu Supermarket, and Tianyu Bank business outlets. Who knows if there will be some people who come here? People who think otherwise.

Li Guangyu could imagine the scene after the opening of the border, let alone the opening of the border. More than ten years ago, there were a large number of people smuggling from the north side of the Xiangjiang River.

As long as the border between Austria and Hungary is opened, those members of the Warsaw Pact members who yearn for life in Western Europe will definitely find ways to come over, and they will focus on East Germany. Originally, the Federal Republic of Germany and the Democratic Republic of Germany were one country, but it was a pity that they were divided into two after World War II.

The most important thing is that the lives of people in West Germany and East Germany are very different. East Germans who yearn for a better life naturally hope to live in West Germany. A Berlin Wall cannot separate people's hearts.

Li Guangyu said: "In this regard, we also hope that the government can strengthen public security management, and our enterprises will also be more vigilant. In order to enable our government personnel to better serve the citizens, our Bentley Group donated 100 Linghu and 20 to the Austrian police. A unicorn."

In the past two years, Li Guangyu's charitable activities in Austria have been relatively small. This time, he should be more generous. The donation of these cars to the Austrian police will also help them maintain the safety of Li's property.

Waldheim just reminded Li Guangyu, he did not expect to receive such a surprise.

He said: "Mr. Li, I just remind you to pay attention, and I hope you don't misunderstand. Our government will naturally do its best to ensure the safety of people's lives and property, and foreign-funded enterprises will also be protected."

"Don't think too much about it. I am looking for a win-win situation when I develop everywhere, and everyone develops together. Many charitable funds under my umbrella have carried out charitable work in various places. The rapid development of our company in Austria in the past few years is inseparable from the support of your government and the Austrian people. Support, and the donation of these vehicles this time is also a little of my heart."

Due to the increasingly large industry of the Li family consortium, the donations from Cao Weiqing Charity Fund, Li Xuemei Charity Fund, Wu Wen Charity Fund and other major groups amount to [-] million U.S. dollars every year. This is not counting Li Guangyu's occasional donations.

Most of the donations are in Greater China and Southeast Asia, and relatively few other places.

Hearing what Li Guangyu said, Waldheim accepted it. He knew that Li Guangyu was not short of such a small amount of money, so the relationship between the two parties would become more and more harmonious.


(End of this chapter)

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