Chapter 1297

On the last day of March, Li Guangyu's special plane arrived at Kai Tak Airport, which also ended his half-month trip in Europe.

In the past half a month, Xiangjiang has also been very lively. After Tian Yi'an established the HK TV station, Zhang Jiaming received financial support from the British Butte family, the Duke of Algay, the Earl of Spencer, Mitsubishi, Fuji and other consortiums. , began to form the Kowloon TV station.

At the same time, the Xiangjiang British-funded consortium is no longer silent this time. It is dominated by Henry Keswick, and jointly established Xiangdao TV Station with Shi Huaiya and Sutherland, occupying a place in Xiangjiang Media.

It has never happened before that a small Xiangjiang TV station stands side by side, and the current Xiangjiang market obviously cannot meet the development of so many TV stations.

TVB, Jiayi, and ATV don’t matter. After so many years of operation, they have already established their own mature market and their own development model. As for how the three new TV stations will develop, it depends on the future development. up.

Although Shi Shaoming did not go to HK, he still chose to leave the Li's consortium. This person who has spent half his life dealing with TV stations obviously doesn't like working in Donghua Trading Company. This time, a TV station invited him to be the general manager. The remuneration was very good. After some consideration, he chose to resign.

His next home is the Xiangdao TV Station established by Henry Keswick and others. After Shi Shaoming passed, he served as the managing director of the TV station's board of directors.

As for the chairman of the board of directors, it belongs to Keswick, and Swire, Sutherland, and Kadoorie, who is of Iraqi descent, are also directors of the board of directors.

Huo Yingdong, Hu Yingxiang, Bao Yugang, Cao Guangbiao and others also wanted to obtain a TV station license, but unfortunately the Xiangjiang government did not approve it.

At the same time, the newspaper office is also full of excitement. Xiangjiang Free Press has quickly attracted the attention of the public by relying on some topics that several major newspapers are unwilling to report, and its sales have risen rapidly. momentum.

Jardine Matheson, HSBC and Swire jointly acquired the Xiangjiang Evening News, allowing it to cooperate with Xiangdao TV Station, serve several major groups and companies, and gain the right to speak in Hong Kong public opinion.

In fact, Selina Chow was the most depressed. Her own party was the Liberal Party, but the Xiangjiang Free Press was robbed by Li Lexing.

In the end, she had no other choice. After discussing with Du Yuemei and Le Yiling, she decided to establish Xiangjiang Minsheng Daily, which mainly publicized her party's ideology, and at the same time focused on Xiangjiang people's livelihood.

In addition to Zhou Liang Shuyi, Li Pengfei and Xin Mengjie also established Hong Kong Democracy Daily and Hong Kong Youth Daily respectively.

John Major did not set any threshold for the application of newspapers, as long as the application can be approved, he praised his freedom of speech on various occasions, saying that the citizens of Xiangjiang and the media have the right to freedom of speech, and the government will never interfere with the voice of the media.

Li Guangyu is too lazy to pay attention to what John Major is doing now. After getting off the plane, he said to Zhang Ziyu: "You have worked hard in the past few years. This time I will give you a month off. You can spend time with your parents at home. May Day Then start working."

Since becoming the president of Bentley Group in 1984, Zhang Ziyu has been at home for less than ten days a year. After returning this time, Li Guangyu also gave her a long vacation, allowing her to spend more time with her family and think about her future. Happiness.

It was quite benevolent for Li Guangyu to do this. After all, Zhang Ziyu's marriage still depended on Zhang Ziyu herself. Li Guangyu could only provide her with a good environment as much as possible, and at the same time give her more free time.

Those people who have made great contributions to the Li's consortium, if they were ordinary people, Li Guangyu would not care too much.

Now among the members of the executive team, apart from Zhang Ziyu, there are also Li Xuelan and Qin Jiao. These two are not too young, they are both 33. Li Guangyu can only ask Cao Weiqing to communicate with them more.

Li Guangyu didn't want these people who had dedicated their best years to the development of the Li family to be lonely and helpless when they were old, without any relatives by their side, so how much money would be of any use.

Zhang Ziyu, who is about to turn 36, is most afraid of going home. As an older leftover girl, her parents ask her the most questions about her partner. During this one-month vacation, she will probably be nagged every day at home.

Since Zhang Ziyu has been working in England for a long time, her parents lived in the mansion in Mid-Levels, and her parents were not allowed to follow her two older brothers.

As a middle-class family, Zhang Ziyu's family is not bad. The eldest brother works in Hutchison Whampoa Group and is currently the director and financial director of Hutchison Whampoa. The second brother is the deputy general manager of Sun Hung Kai Bank.

There is also a younger sister, 32 years old, who is currently a housewife, and she is at home with her husband and children. Her husband is currently the deputy general manager of the game design company of Xingyu Game Group.

Her eldest brother's family has three children, and her second brother's family also has two children. Her sister-in-law is taking care of her own, so her parents are quite free. In order to avoid having a bad relationship between her parents and sister-in-law after staying for a long time, Zhang Ziyu let her parents live alone here.

This caused her to be nagged as soon as she got home. In this respect, she was no match for Ganqin, who lived not far from her. Compared to herself, Ganqin lived alone, and she would not be nagged by the market.

It's not that Ganqin is not filial, but Ganqin bought luxury houses for her parents and elder brother in Repulse Bay, and even paid for her elder brother to start a business. He has a private doctor and checks up his parents every month.

It's a pity that the family is different, so Zhang Ziyu can only listen. Ganqin's older brother was developed by Ganqin, so her sister-in-law is more sensible and very filial to the second elder, because her sister-in-law knows that if she is not good to the second elder, Ganqin might not take care of their family anymore.

My family is different. My elder brother and second brother rely on me, and my two sisters-in-law are not easy-going lamps. Before they had children, they were also high-level executives in their company, and their abilities are not low at all. If it takes a long time, There will always be quarrels.

In order to avoid such a situation, Zhang Ziyu simply let her parents live with her. If her parents are not used to it in the future, she will buy a house for her parents in other places, and then just hire them.

In fact, she was quite envious of Cao Weiqing in her heart. Compared with diplomas and abilities, many senior executives of the Li family consortium are better than Cao Weiqing. Even in terms of appearance, there are many senior executives who are not inferior to Cao Weiqing. It's a pity that the other party directly crushed them because of their family background.

If Cao Weiqing hadn't been the second miss of the Cao family, she would never have been able to be with Li Guangyu, which also caused many high-level officials to regret.

An outstanding, legendary and handsome person is always very attractive, especially those young women who work with him. They always like to use Li Guangyu as a benchmark for comparison. This is also the reason why more senior women in the Lee Consortium are single .

There is only one legendary person like Li Guangyu in the whole world. Comparing other people with Li Guangyu, he will always be inferior in one way or another, so let it be in the end.

Sometimes Zhang Ziyu felt that Li Guangyu was not a real character at all, this kind of character could only appear in novels, otherwise how could there be such a perfect person, he was simply the benchmark of a good man and a model husband.

This is unbelievable for the younger generation of Xiangjiang, and I am 8 years older than Li Guangyu, otherwise I might be like some high-level women in the consortium.


(End of this chapter)

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