Through the wealth life

Chapter 1307 A Different New Year's Party

Chapter 1307 A Different New Year's Party

The Gulf War was still going on, and Li Guangyu didn't put too much thought on it. The outcome of this war was already doomed before the war started. Iraq was not a superpower, and it couldn't withstand the attacks of so many countries.

Tianyu Investment Co., Ltd. acted very quickly. On the 21st, they cleared their long positions, and began to backhand short oil and gold.

Only 17 days have passed since the 4th. Although the Allied Forces are relatively strong, Iran's counterattack has not stopped, and the effect is still somewhat. At least for now, the Allied Forces are mainly based on air strikes. It is not clear that the war will end in a short time.

Therefore, the long-short conversion of Tianyu Investment Company is quite smooth. There are always some capitals who feel that they can make a lot of money by being long oil and long gold at this time. As long as the war drags on for more than 3 months, the prices of oil and gold will will rise to unimaginable heights.

It is now the twelfth lunar month of the lunar calendar, and the Spring Festival is only about [-] days away. Li Guangyu and Gan Qin went to Jiayi Building.

The 1991 New Year’s Gala is different from the previous ones. This time it will be broadcast live on four channels simultaneously. Artists attending this gala will no longer be artists from Jiayi Group, but artists from TVB, ATV, and Lisboa. , In addition, there are artists under the five major companies of Golden Harvest, Xinyicheng, Dickson Pictures, Yongsheng, and Siyuan Pictures.

This has changed the pattern of Jiayi Group's Spring Festival Gala for more than ten years, so this time Li Guangyu also attaches great importance to it.

After all, the guests attending the New Year's Gala this time are not only members of the Lee Consortium, but also core members of the Xiangjiang Consortium, executives of major groups, and executives of several major TV stations and film companies.

At the preparatory meeting of Jiayi Group’s New Year’s Gala, Ye Jiexin, executive vice president of the group, reported: “Sheng Li, this time, due to the participation of artists from other major film and television companies and TV stations, we have reduced the number of artists compared to previous years. This time, only the Guocheng Acrobatic Troupe will come from the mainland.

Only Nakamori Akina and Tamaki Koji were the representatives of Jiayi Japan this time, and Baodao Company was attended by Wang Jie, Zhou Huajian, Zheng Zhihua, Meng Tingwei, Li Yijun, and Gao Shengmei.

Our Heung Kong company is attended by Chen Baiqiang, Jacky Cheung, Andy Lau, Hacken Lee, Sandy Lam, Wang Jingwen, Peng Ling, and Sammi Cheng.

Several other TV stations and film and television companies include Leslie Cheung, Liming, Aaron Kwok, Ekin Cheng, Zhang Xinzhe, Xu Zhian, Liu Xiaohui, Liu Yali, Xu Qiuyi, Wang Xinping, Tang Baoru, and Li Huimin. "

As time goes by, many people who thought of the first Chinese New Year Gala have already left the big stage of the entertainment industry, and some chose to retreat behind the scenes. Only Chen Baiqiang, this time will be the No.12 new show he attended , and Jiayi Group also held No. 12 times, and he did not fail even once.

And Alan Tam has now gone to work at the Conservatory of Music, and now only produces some works every summer vacation, his reputation has relatively declined, and he doesn't have much interest in the New Year's Gala.

Another example is Anita Mui, Vivian Chow, Irene Wan, Yau Shuzhen, Yuan Jieying, Gigi Lai, Priscilla Chan, etc., have all quit the company, and are either studying in university or serving as senior executives under the Lee Consortium.

Now the faculty team at the Conservatory of Music is quite strong, with Huang Ersheng, Alan Tam, Lin Xi, Li Zongsheng, Luo Dayou, Zheng Zhihua, Nakajima Miyuki and others all working there, which also makes Xiangjiang Conservatory of Music one of the top pop music academies in Asia. There are quite a lot of music talents who come here to study abroad.

This time the host has also changed. Because of the cooperation of the four channels, this time the host is ingeniously not using his own artists, but the students of the Communication University. The school will conduct competition selection. The four best male hosts and Four hostesses served as the hosts of this Spring Festival Gala.

This is also a test for the school and the students. For the students to stand on such a big stage and show themselves, both the school and the students themselves are under great pressure.

Li Guangyu said aloud: "This time, you need to pay more attention to the hosts. After all, the students have never even hosted a TV station program. Suddenly hosting such a large-scale Spring Festival Gala will face many problems. You must timely Work it out for them."

Due to the several big schools in Xiangjiang, many things have changed. Many unknown people have appeared one after another. Some he had heard of in his previous life did not appear, and some appeared but did not enter the showbiz.

For example, Lizhi under him is now the general manager of the administration department of Jiadai Group, Zeng Huaqian is the deputy director of the design department of Hongyu Clothing Group, Zhu Yin is now the vice chairman of the student union of Hong Kong Zhonghua University, and Li Jiaxin, Miss Hong Kong is Her name is gone, this is now the chairman of the Student Union of the Flight Attendant Academy under Xiangjiang Aviation Academy.

There is also Zha Zhahui, this guy is now the deputy chief of the Bentley Island Police Department, and he probably doesn't plan to come back to be an actor.

Of course, there may be many celebrities who have not entered the showbiz due to the influence of Li Guangyu's butterfly effect, but Li Guangyu remembers more female celebrities and only a few male celebrities. In addition, he usually doesn't know much about it. He met several of them by accident when he went to inspect the company or school, so he remembered them.

Li Guangyu is now less and less relying on the memory of his past life to deal with things. Except for some problems in the direction of product development, he will let him develop on his own, and he will not interfere too much.

Take Jiayi Group as an example. Maybe some celebrities in the previous life were very famous, but under his influence, these people may not be able to compare with the elites in the three major colleges of film and television, media, and music.

As for beauties, Xiangjiang now has a population of over 600 million, not only beautiful actresses who were famous in previous lives are beauties, Xiangjiang also has more beautiful women than them, many of them are comparable in appearance, but they just didn't have the chance to be famous in their previous lives Forget it, when they are famous, they can also become the dream lovers of countless teenagers.

Since Jiayi Group changed the contract a few years ago, and Li Guangyu demanded that the high-level executives not specifically ask the group to give artists more treatment than their own value, Li Guangyu never interfered with Jiayi Group's own cultivation of artists.

Xu Yali, the vice president in charge of the affairs of the Communication University, said: "Li Sheng, the host competition of the Communication University is coming to an end, and the hosts who will attend the Spring Festival Gala will be determined this weekend. I believe in the strength and ability of these students to withstand pressure. The school and the school will also provide guidance for them."

For the first time in the New Year's Gala, the host was selected from the school, which aroused enthusiastic response at Communication University of Hong Kong, that is, many students who were not from the broadcasting and hosting department participated in this campaign.

This is the New Year's Gala. Being able to be on it means that I have no problems in my future. After graduation, I will be reused by several major TV stations, which can save me several years of struggle.

In fact, Xiangjiang students have more advantages in this respect, because Xiangjiang’s New Year’s Gala is in Cantonese. Although students from other places can speak Cantonese after living for a few years, their fluency and proficiency is far from being comparable to that of native Xiangjiang people.

And these people who have lived in Xiangjiang since they were young know more about the artists attending the show, and they can better use language to host the show.


(End of this chapter)

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