Through the wealth life

Chapter 1325 Joint Garrison

Chapter 1325 Joint Garrison
After the negotiation here, Zhang Ziyu soon received a notice from Ganqin. At [-] o'clock in the morning in Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia, Zhang Ziyu sat down with the British Minister of Commerce and the Kenyan Vice President again. , to communicate on the follow-up matters of the Kenyan garrison.

After a few days of communication, the three parties agreed that a mechanized battalion on Bentley Island would be stationed in the small town of Wajir on the border between Kenya and Mali, where the Mali people mainly lived.

At the same time, an electronic reconnaissance plane and twelve Mirage 2000cs on Bentley Island are also stationed in the small town of Wajir, and a military airport will be established around it. The British side will station an airborne battalion, an army aviation battalion of 12 armed helicopters, and Two electronic reconnaissance patrol planes and three British military transport planes.

The traffic in East Africa is only at this level, and it is mainly solved by fighter planes and airborne. Zhang Ziyu did not expect England to attach so much importance to this area. It seems that it does not matter if there is no Bentley Island garrison. England is very determined to return to Kenya.

You must know that this is just the arrangement of the Wajir military base. In the Lamu Islands, England will build a new naval base, and a British naval unit will be stationed here.

In terms of military expenses, Kenya is unable to afford such a huge military expense. These garrisons in England and Bentley Island are responsible for themselves, and the construction and maintenance of the Wajir military base are also paid by England. Bentley Island only needs to pay for the life of its own troops here. Expenses, wages, and training supplies for your own troops will do.

Originally, the garrison on Bentley Island alone has now become a joint garrison, and the military base is also called the British Wajir Military Base.

If Li Guangyu hadn't been asked for instructions, Zhang Ziyu would not have dared to agree to such a cooperation. Now that Bentley Island's troops stationed here would definitely be influenced by the British side. As the person in charge of Bentley Island's Wajir military base, the chief officer of the Joint Command will indeed be from the British side.

Anyway, Zhang Ziyu felt that this time was a bit of a loss, and let Yinglun decide here. Yinglun is not willing to pay a penny for the military expenditure on Bentley Island, and also wants Bentley Island to fund the construction of a military base. Zhang Ziyu was angry with the Minister of Commerce of England at that time , directly preparing to shoot and separate.

After several days of bickering, mainly between Bentley Island and Yinglun, Kenya chose to remain silent most of the time, and Zhang Ziyu directly negotiated with Yinglun on some issues, and finally came up with such a plan.

Although it has not obtained the control of the joint command, the British side has no right to special transfer of the troops at the Wajir military base on Bentley Island. It must be authorized by Bentley Island.

And in order to speed up the development of Kenya, Yulon Group established a car production base in Mombasa, mainly producing Yulon cars to supply the African market.

On the eve of returning to Bentley Island, Zhang Ziyu had a private meeting with Kenyan Vice President Musad.

In the living room, Zhang Ziyu said to him: "Mr. Mussad, Kenya is one of the key development areas of our Lee consortium. In the future, we will have more companies to invest in Kenya. This is the vice president of Nanhua Food and Beverage. Zhou Jianming, he will be stationed in Kenya in the future, and will be in charge of all the industries under our Li family in Kenya, you can communicate with him at any time if you have anything to do."

This time, the key investment areas of the Lee Consortium and its allies are Kenya and Tanzania. Uganda is just incidental, and there is not much interest there to attract the Li Consortium.

Zhou Jianming is in charge here, while Masahiro Izumi, vice president of Xiangjiang Petrochemical Group, is in charge of Tanzania. This is another Li who is in charge of a group or a place after Huiyin Fujiwara, Zhou Zhigang, and Toru Iwatani. High-level Japanese nationals of the consortium.

Mussad is still very satisfied with Kenya's investment promotion results this time. Although England and Bentley Island will station troops in their country, it will not have a big impact on them. On the contrary, it will make Kenya safer. Anyway, they don't need to spend their own military expenses. , It can also allow these thousands of garrisons to spend here.

At the same time, Mombasa passes through Nairobi, but the railway in Kampala, the capital of Uganda, not only drives Kenya's infrastructure construction, but also provides many jobs for it after it is opened to traffic.

As for the food and beverage industrial park and garment industrial park invested by the Lee consortium, and the automobile industrial base of Yulon Group, these can bring tens of thousands of jobs to Kenya and inject vitality into their domestic economy.

At the same time, Kenya has also signed an agreement with the Lee Consortium. Every year, Kenya has [-] places to study in Xiangjiang Nine Schools and Bentley University. In the future, more people in Kenya will have the opportunity to receive higher education. After they return from their studies, they can drive Better development in Kenya.

And they also purchased two sets of fertilizer production equipment from Eastern Europe at a relatively low price through Donghua Trading Company. Musad believes that through the unremitting efforts of their government, Kenya's future development will be better and better.

Poverty is not terrible. As long as the domestic political situation is stable and the government is willing to develop, Mussad believes that Kenya in the future will inevitably become one of the regions with the best economic development in Africa.

They are willing to make changes in Kenya. As long as the quality of life of Kenyan citizens can be improved, it is no problem to have troops stationed in England and Bentley Island. What can be proud of.

Musad said: "Miss Zhang, please rest assured that our government will do its best to protect the legitimate rights and interests of your enterprises. We will set up police stations in food and beverage industrial parks, clothing industrial parks, and auto parts industrial parks to protect Local law and order.

We also welcome Li's industry and allies to visit our Kenya and welcome all enterprises to invest in us. I believe that Kenya will not let you down. Investment in Kenya will definitely be mutually beneficial and win-win. "

Zhang Ziyu then discussed with Kenya the cooperation between the Kenyan government and the Bentley Group, in which the Kenyan government ordered 20 Hengtong buses and 50 Jinniu trucks.

Its passenger cars mainly operate the Nairobi-Mombasa highway line, and the Jinniu trucks are used by the Kenyan government for construction.

During Zhang Ziyu's discussions with British and Kenyan high-level officials these days, Li Guangyu personally met with Cao Weiqing, Fujiwara Huiyin, Guo Fengtao, the head of the Lee Consortium in Southeast Asia, Chen Linwen, the president of Hengyu Supermarket Group, Wang Junchang, the president of Xiangjiang Air Transport Group, and Wang Junchang, the vice president of Bentley Group. Senior executives such as the general affairs president and the vice president of Zhonghua Electric Group went to Haiphong, Vietnam to communicate on investment in Vietnam.

This year, the Lee Consortium has invested in Romania, the three countries in East Africa, and now Vietnam. The investment lineup is extremely large, and the funds are quite terrifying. The outside world is once again shocked by the powerful capital reserves of the Li Consortium.

The total investment in Romania and East Africa exceeds 200 billion U.S. dollars, and this is not counting the investments of other major groups of the Lee Consortium.

This time there must be a lot of investment in Vietnam. This makes countless forces envious but also deeply vigilant. Once the Li's consortium relies on strong funds to stir up troubles in the stock market, will they be able to withstand the Li's consortium? s attack.

The United States is even more dissatisfied with Western Europe, especially England, who indulged the Lee Consortium. Unfortunately, they don't have much to do at the moment.


(End of this chapter)

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