Through the wealth life

Chapter 1329 The Once Little Girl

Chapter 1329 The Once Little Girl
On this Sunday, Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing went to Xiangjiang International Convention and Exhibition Center and Tianyu Sports Center to learn about the job fair.

Since the job fair was only for one day, the entire venue was crowded with people during this day, and many places were crowded with people, and there were a lot of fresh graduates looking for jobs.

Looking at this posture, Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing did not squeeze into the crowd, but just took a look around, and at the same time learned about the flow of people coming to today's job fair through the venue management staff.

When he came out, Cao Weiqing said: "Guangyu, there are now 10,000+ fresh graduates in Xiangjiang every year. After these years, our company has been unable to recruit these personnel on a large scale. Our schools still have to take the initiative to fight more. Enterprises establish contacts and hold more campus job fairs.

At the same time, students are encouraged to start their own businesses, so as to increase the employment rate of graduates. "

The current Lee Consortium and its allied companies do not lack college students. You must know that in the past ten years, many graduates from Xiangjiang 21 School, Bentley Island, Hsinchu University, and Lisboa University have been absorbed by their major companies.

Now the main management of a supermarket under the Lee Consortium is a college degree, and the same is true for the management of various hotels. Now college students are really cheap in the companies of the Lee Consortium and its allies. Major companies have experienced rapid expansion in the 80s Only people panic.

They can ignore the employment of fresh graduates from other universities, but they can't ignore the nine schools of Xiangjiang, Bentley University, and Hsinchu University.

Li Guangyu said: "It's just that the annual increase in jobs here in Xiangjiang is far from enough to meet the growing number of fresh graduates in Xiangjiang every year. In this regard, the school still needs to give more guidance.

The campus job fair you mentioned is one aspect of encouraging students to start their own businesses. We also need to guide these students to go abroad. For example, international students return to their own countries or regions for employment, which can also reduce the employment pressure of Xiangjiang. "

Now Xiangjiang is really as famous as New York and London, and the third largest financial center in the world, Tokyo is under the pressure of Xiangjiang, which also makes many graduates want to work in Xiangjiang. With 68, more than many countries.

Especially to Hengyu Supermarket Group, South China Electric Chain Group, Xiangjiang Air Transport Group, Wheelock, Starlight, Tianjiao, Jiulong, Xingyu, Xiangyu, Feiyu, Hongyu, Xiangjiang Petrochemical, Jiadai and other Li's subsidiaries .

And Hong Kong Bank, Sun Hung Technology Co., Ltd., Cheung Kong, Hutchison Whampoa, Heung Kong Electric, Town Gas, Shau Kee Group, Sun Hung Kai, New World Development and other groups.

These are groups that are sought after by countless graduates. Their first choice of employment after graduation is these well-known groups. This has also caused fierce competition among the employees of the Lee Consortium and its allies. Many who cannot bear the pressure choose to quit the company.

The No. [-] Xiangjiang School is better. The students of the other eleven schools are under greater pressure. After all, many industries in Xiangjiang are run by the Li Family Group and its allies. They cannot compete with the No. [-] Xiangjiang School under the same conditions.

Cao Weiqing didn't have much to do about it. After all, the Li's Consortium was not the nanny of these students, and the way to go in the future was mainly up to them. The Li's Consortium could only provide them with a platform as much as possible.

When Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing came to the Hung Hom Sports Center in the afternoon, there was also a sea of ​​people here, which did not decrease due to the passage of time.

In charge of this recruitment meeting is Gan Qin's assistant Liu Xiaowen, who graduated from the Management Department of Hong Kong Zhonghua University last year and has been Gan Qin's personal assistant for a year.

The former little girl has also grown into a big beauty, and her mother Liu Qiwen is currently the vice president of Hengyu Supermarket Group and the president of the Greater China Region.

Gan Qin has always treated her like a daughter, and let her study by her side after graduation. At the end of this year, she will go to He Jin's side as an assistant. After a few years of training, she will be able to become the vice president of the group.

The reason why she can be treated like this is that apart from Gan Qin, Bai Jiangting and others treating her like a daughter, another important reason is that she is also Li Songtao's girlfriend.

Li Songtao, who has never forgotten this young lady since he was a child, still caught up with her in college. Of course, there is a childhood friendship in this regard, which is inseparable from the thoughts of Gan Qin and others.

When Liu Xiaowen was still relatively young, Gan Qin and others hoped that Li Songtao and Liu Xiaowen could be together, and now their wish has been fulfilled.

Cao Weiqing knew what Gan Qin and others were thinking a long time ago, she didn't deliberately stop it, she just let it be, if Li Songtao liked it, she would not object to the marriage.

Although Liu Xiaowen was not from a wealthy family, behind her were several high-level executives of the Li Family Group, such as Gan Qin, Bai Jiangting, He Mengting, Zhou Yuanyuan, Guo Qingya, etc.

After Li Songtao and Liu Xiaowen get married, it is also beneficial for him to succeed in the future. With these high-level support, Li Songtao's future road will be much smoother.

Now Liu Xiaowen doesn't dare to call her too close, especially when she is working.

After knowing that Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing were here, they immediately came to say hello to them.

Li Guangyu said, "Xiaowen, how is the job fair going today?"

Immediately after Li Guangyu finished speaking, Liu Xiaowen reported to Li Guangyu about today's job fair.

It mainly focused on the data of recruiting companies and applicants, so that Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing could more intuitively understand the details of today's job fair.

After hearing this, Li Guangyu said, "You have to pay attention to the maintenance of the on-site order, especially in terms of safety. There are a lot of people in the venue, and it is easy to cause safety hazards. If necessary, you can restrict the flow of people."

"Today we specially transferred 3 groups of 72 security personnel from the security company to be responsible for today's security inspections. At the same time, the Xiangjiang Police Department also attaches great importance to this. The Hung Hom Police Station specially arranged 30 police officers to come over and guard us. staff to maintain order.

Moreover, the quality of the applicants is relatively high. Although there are many people crowded, there are no accidents. "

Liu Xiaowen was very concerned about this. The Li Consortium had always attached great importance to safety issues, and she did not dare to take it lightly.

Moreover, among the candidates who came to apply this time were her juniors, and even seniors who graduated with a master's degree. She didn't want any surprises when these people came to the interview.

She knows how lucky she is. If it weren't for her godmother (Ganqin) and two Aunts Ting and Aunt Qingya, even if her mother is the vice president of Hengyu Supermarket Group, she would not be able to become Li The senior management of the consortium.

Many people who are more capable than her, even if they enter the Li's consortium, it takes three to five years to reach her level, usually ten to 15 years, and some even take more than 20 years. Can't get to where I am now.

Therefore, she also cherishes the opportunities her godmother and a few aunts have given her, and earnestly completes every job so that her abilities can match her current status as soon as possible.

And if I want to be with Li Songtao, I don't have the ability. I have to show the ability recognized by Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing, so that she can marry Li Songtao happily.


(End of this chapter)

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