Through the wealth life

Chapter 1345 East African Union

Chapter 1345 East African Union
While Xiangjiang was holding an Internet conference, in East Africa, an important meeting was held in Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia.

In addition to the leaders of Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Djibouti, the leaders of Somalia, Rwanda and Zambia also attended the meeting.

These three countries have also officially become a member of the East African Community this time, and the central banks of the three countries will also become shareholders of non-development banks and integrate into the integration of East African economic development.

These three countries can join the East African Community. Rwanda and Zambia are already Commonwealth countries. Somalia is currently mainly close to the European Union and the Lee Consortium. This is the basis for joining the East African Community.

In addition to the heads of state of the eight countries and high-level governments, the meeting also invited Zhang Ziyu, Governor of Bentley Island, Dial Barrons, British Minister of Commerce, Luke Jocic, Director-General of East African Affairs of the European Union, Cao Weide, Chairman of Xiangjiang Business Association, A delegation headed by Gu Chengyun, chairman of the board of directors of Baodao Hsinchu Bank, attended the economic talks in East Africa.

Zhang Ziyu, Byrons, and Jocic will also attend talks on security in East Africa.

This time Zhang Ziyu came here for a lot of plastic surgery. Li Xuelan, president of Nine Dragons Group, Xu Yuntao, president of Xingyuan Group, Chen Xinqi, president of Xiangjiang Petrochemical Group, and Sun Jianping, executive vice president of Tianyu Financial Group, came here.

To say that the Lee Consortium has made the biggest change to East Africa in recent years, it is transportation, especially the four railway lines in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania, which have made great contributions to the economic development of the three countries.

Of course, Britain and the European Union are not idle, they also invested in the construction of the railway from the capital of Ethiopia to Djibouti.

The focus of Jiulong Group's coming this time is to invest in the construction of the coastal railway from Mombasa, Kenya to Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia.

The second is the joint venture between Jiulong Group and the European Union to build a railway from Mogadishu to Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia.

The third is the construction of the railway from Lusaka, the capital of Zambia, to Dar es Salaam, a coastal port city in Tanzania, solely funded by Jiulong Group.

The fourth filling is the joint venture between the Kowloon Group and the European Union to establish a railway from Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, to Deas Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia.

The fifth is a joint venture between Kowloon Group and British Railways to build a railway from Kampala, the capital of Uganda, to Kigali, the capital of Rwanda.

The sixth is the joint venture between the Kowloon Group and the British government to build a railway from Kampala to Dodoma, the capital of Tanzania, through which Dar es Salaam can be directly reached.

Once these six railways are opened to traffic, they will be combined with the four railways from Dar es Salaam to Dodoma, Dodoma to Nairobi, Mombasa to Dar es Salaam, Mombasa to Nairobi to Kampala, and the British and British railways built by the Kowloon Group. With the Addis Ababa-Djibouti railway built by the European Union, many cities in the eight countries of the East African Community can be connected by railway, and transportation can be greatly improved.

This is unimaginable in the whole of Africa. Apart from the transportation in South Africa, the development of West Africa can now be compared with them. There are Japanese and Korean capitals there, and the momentum is not weak at all.

The reason why the Lee Consortium, the British and even the European Union poured so much money into East Africa to build railways is because East Africa is rich in mineral resources, whether it is non-ferrous metal mines, oil, or natural gas, there are huge reserves.

Now Li's consortium and its allies don't need to buy oil from outside. Their oil fields in Romania, Somalia, Tanzania and Kenya are not only used by themselves, but also exported to several major oil companies in the mainland.

Although the economies of the eight countries within the East African Community are still relatively poor, the political situation has been stable over the years, coupled with the investment from the Lee Consortium, its allies, and EU companies, the economy here has improved considerably. This is also a very good market, Lee Many products under the consortium still have good profits here.

The most important thing this time is the discussion on security. At the meeting, the Secretary-General of the East African Community (also known as the East African Union) said: "At present, our internal situation is stable. In the past eight years, the economy has increased by 280%. Although the economies of various countries have continued to rise, But overall it is very good.

But we cannot ignore the threats around us, such as Burundi, Sudan, Congo, and Mozambique.

There are security threats inside or around these countries. I hope that everyone can unite to maintain the security of our community. "

This time there is an issue, which is to learn from the European Union and prepare to establish a force that will always maintain the security of the East African Community. In this regard, the East African Community still has a certain foundation. The British forces have a common promotion, so there is no big problem.

The establishment of the joint force of the East African Community was also promoted by the Lee Consortium and the British. The main reason is that as the East African Union is getting bigger and bigger, Bentley Island, the British, and even the European Union do not want to send too many troops to garrison. After all, this requires a huge military expenditure.

With the East African Allied Forces, Bentley Island and England only need to send an advisory group to guide them. You must know that the British Military Academy has trained a lot of talents for these countries for so many years, and they are enough to support the defense of the East African Community.

And the existing garrison will not be withdrawn, it is just a change of location, and the military base will be moved forward. For example, the fighter planes stationed in the British military base on Bentley Island will be moved forward to Rwanda. At the same time, there are mechanized troops stationed in Tanzania camp.

At the same time, troops stationed in Somalia are stationed in Zambia to maintain stability here.

As for Kenya, Tanzania, and Somalia, after years of development, the internal situation has stabilized, and the government's control has been greatly strengthened. The internal forces no longer have troops and armed forces, and there will be no turmoil.

You must know that over the years, with the support of Bentley Island, England, and the European Union, the governments of several countries have eliminated those who are unwilling to disarm internally, and at the same time increased domestic gun control. impossible.

Now the heads of state are very satisfied with domestic development. Like the people in their own countries, they are full of hope for the future, and they don't want their country to return to the situation in the 80s and [-]s. A stable internal environment is enough, so they agreed to the establishment of the East African Security Force.

Compared with many countries, they are more fortunate, because they have not paid any military expenses for the troops stationed in Bentley Island, England and even the European Union. They know that the United States has to charge a lot of military expenses for stationing troops in many countries.

They also know that this kind of thing cannot last for a long time, and only when their own armed forces are strong can they be more secure. A country cannot support a strong army, but their East African Community can support an elite army. beneficial.

The President of Ethiopia said: "We set up this force mainly to protect the security of our countries, not to interfere in the affairs of other countries. We also hope to list some specific regulations. This force is mainly for defense, and Not to attack."

Although several countries have learned from the EU and achieved an integration, due to various reasons, similar to the EU, each country also has its own interests, and it is impossible to be completely single-minded.

This army is jointly funded by many countries. Naturally, it is impossible for one country to kidnap it. The current situation is hard-won, and they are unwilling to participate in the wars of some countries.

The President of Somalia also put forward similar opinions. They were still suffering from war ten years ago. If Bentley Island had not united with England, France, Italy, etc. to allow several forces within them to form a coalition government, it is not known when the war would end. Finish.

Now that the development of Somalia is on the right track, and the living standard of the people is getting better every year, he is naturally unwilling to start the war lightly.


(End of this chapter)

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