Through the wealth life

Chapter 1350 Hate Iron Is Not Steel

Chapter 1350 Hate Iron Is Not Steel

Early the next morning, Li Guangyu, Li Guanghui, Chen Feipeng, Zhang Xuefeng and others drove to the urban area by car. Today is also a meeting held in Guocheng City, and this meeting is also very grand.

As long as they still care about their hometown, or are entrepreneurs whose ancestral home is from Guocheng, after receiving the invitation from the Guocheng government, they all agree to participate in this conference for the development of their hometown.

The biggest player in today's meeting is Chen Feipeng. After all, he is the first chairman of a private company listed in Xiangjiang in Guocheng. His personal wealth ranked first in Guocheng at the beginning of the year with more than 40 billion yuan. No one in the city can shake his position.

Although the market value of Feipeng Network Chain Company is as high as tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars, Chen Feipeng's personal public shares are 10%, so his personal wealth is only this figure.

The actual situation is that Phoenix Group holds 15% of the shares, Suzaku Group holds 10% of the shares, Tianyu Investment holds 10% of the shares, Li Guanghui Family Fund holds 10% of the shares, Xiangjiang Bank holds 5% of the shares, and Hsinchu Commercial Bank holds 5% of the shares. % of the shares, 10% of Chen Feipeng's personal shares, 10% of his family fund's shares, and another 25% of the shares are on the market.

Speaking of this person, both his parents and Li Guanghui and others hated him at the beginning. Li Guanglan asked Li Guanghui to ask Li Guangyu to help him get this person to go to university in Xiangjiang.

It's a pity that Li Guanghui felt ashamed to ask Li Guangyu for help for a person who didn't even pass the high school exam, so this matter didn't work out.

Chen Feipeng, who is only 16 years old and has nothing to do, hangs out in the billiard room and arcade hall all day long. Chen Feipeng, who is in the rebellious period, can't control anyone.

Later, he came to Pengcheng for part-time work. He fished here for three days and spent two days drying the nets. All the money he earned was used in the billiard room and arcade hall.

In 94, he became obsessed with a new thing, that is, the computer room, or the computer room. Because computers were very expensive at this time, these earliest Internet cafes were not large, and many of them did not even have business licenses.

A computer room only has a few or more than a dozen computers, not to mention the slow internet speed, and it costs two yuan an hour to surf the Internet, which was quite high in terms of prices at the time. You must know that an ordinary employee only costs a few hundred yuan a month. During this period, the salary of catering waiters was only two or three hundred a month.

But with this extremely slow internet speed, the game is only a stand-alone game, and the internet connection is not up to standard, which still makes Chen Feipeng addicted.

In 95, Li Guanghui and Chen Lanfang resigned from the Li's consortium and established Xinyang Real Estate Group in Xiangjiang, but their main business is in Pengcheng, so they are often in Pengcheng.

For Chen Pengfei's obsession with the computer room and not paying attention to his work all day, he was so angry that he specially reprimanded Chen Pengfei, made him resign from his original job, and was thrown to the construction site to practice.

This guy Chen Pengfei grew up in the urban area, and he didn't even do farm work. If he was asked to work as a handyman on a construction site, how could he do it.

In less than two days, this guy didn't go to the construction site for life and death, clamoring to go out to find a job by himself.

Li Guanghui also hated iron and steel at that time, and said angrily: "What can you do, continue to be a monk and hit the clock like before, earn so little money every month and use it all in the computer room, have you considered your own?" In the future, just like you, I tell you that no girl will marry you.

Not to mention my nephew Li Guanghui, you have disgraced our Li family. None of the people who have come out of our village in the past ten years or so are as relentless as you. "

The rebellious Chen Feipeng was not afraid of anything at this time, and responded directly: "I am not from your village, don't worry, I will not use your signboard to eat and drink, and I have not seen me starved to death in the past year." gone."

Chen Lanfang, who was at the side, saw that Li Guanghui was about to lose his temper again, and quickly tried to persuade him, "Guanghui, Feipeng is still young, so we should talk about things. Just getting angry can't solve the problem. Now that Feipeng is still young, he will understand when he becomes a director."

"He is twenty this year, so young. Guangyu has already created a huge foundation in the world at his age. If he is not taken care of now, he may have no hope in his life."

Li Guanghui not only hoped that his children would be successful, but he also hoped that everyone in his family could make a difference. Chen Feipeng's current situation really disappointed him.

His original plan was to let Chen Feipeng practice on the construction site for a year and a half. At that time, let him learn some skills from the technicians of the project department, and gradually train him to become the top management of Xinyang Group.

Unexpectedly, Chen Feipeng would not be able to bear this bit of hardship. How could Chen Feipeng have the capital to be self-willed? Thinking about Li Guangyu's cousin He Hao, who insisted on working as a general worker in Jinlin Toys Company for more than half a year, a young master could bear it. Chen Feipeng has the right to complain.

Li Guanghui calmed down the anger in his heart, and continued to say to Chen Feipeng: "I will give you two choices now, one is to continue to work on the construction site, or I will send you back to Guocheng immediately, and you can decide on your own."

Chen Feipeng doesn't want to go back to Guocheng now. He knows that there may not be a computer room there yet, and he will have nothing to play with when he goes back, and he will have no money after he goes back, and he will be naughty by his parents every day. How can he be at ease in Pengcheng.

Just going to work on the construction site is not what he wants, it is really hard, and he is sweating profusely in the wind and sun all day, and now he feels uncomfortable all over his body.

He responded: "I'm not going back to Guocheng, and I'm not going to the construction site. I want to find a job I like by myself, so you don't need to worry about me."

Facing the rebellious Chen Feipeng, Li Guanghui didn't have much to do. If it was his own child, he would have done it long ago, so there would be so much nonsense.

Seeing the stalemate, Chen Lanfang persuaded again: "Guanghui, ask the group to help Feipeng get a special pass, we will take him to Xiangjiang in two days, let him know about the outside world, and let Guangyu talk about it. "

Chen Feipeng didn't care that Chen Lanfang was going to invite Li Guangyu to give him a political class. He was very excited now, and he had the opportunity to go to Xiangjiang. He had heard about it countless times, but he hadn't seen it with his own eyes.

Now he finally had a chance, he was going to see what the legendary place was like, and he was going to meet the legendary person.

For more than ten years, he had always heard about the legend of Li Guangyu, but he had never met Li Guangyu. He wanted to see what was different about him.

And it is so prosperous there, there must be a computer room, and it will definitely be better than here, he wants to feel what it feels like to surf the Internet over there.

After listening to Chen Lanfang's suggestion, Li Guanghui also agreed. He hoped that Chen Feipeng would understand that if he didn't work hard, he could only become a frog in a well, and he was not qualified to see the wonderful world outside.

I hope Chen Feipeng can be stimulated to work hard and make himself a successful person.

Li Guanghui said to him: "You are not allowed to go to the computer room these two days. In addition to applying for documents, you just want to give me some common sense about Xiangjiang. Don't make jokes after you go there. You have been in Pengcheng for a year, and you can't speak Cantonese. can speak."

Chen Feipeng doesn't care if he doesn't go to the computer room for these two days. At this time, he is thinking about going to Xiangjiang. game.


(End of this chapter)

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