Through the wealth life

Chapter 1352 An urgent idea

Chapter 1352 An urgent idea

The reprimand was almost over. At this time, Li Guangyu began to understand Chen Feipeng's thoughts and see what he was going to do. After all, if he had no interest in arranging a job for him, he would not have the slightest interest.

Now Chen Feipeng is still very young, just turned [-], as long as he has a goal and strives towards it, the future is still bright.

Li Guangyu didn't see Chen Feipeng, he can ignore it, since Li Guanghui brought him, Li Guangyu who can give him a hand is still willing to give him a hand, after all, he is also one of his own, and Chen Feipeng's career development is also good for the Li consortium .

The current Chen Feipeng is very at a loss, earning some money every day to spend time in the computer business, without any ideals and goals at all, and living a day is the most true portrayal of him.

On such an occasion, when Li Guangyu asked him what kind of industry he likes and what he thinks about the future, he couldn't possibly say that he could play computer games every day.

Seeing that his nephew was silent for a long time, Li Guanghui said aloud, "Uncle Yu asked you what you want to do in the future. We can help you only if we know your thoughts. If you are silent, how can we help you?" You, don't you just spend your whole life aimlessly working as a general worker."

As his own nephew, Li Guanghui naturally hopes that Chen Feipeng can have a good career in the future, so that his sister can worry less and have a happy life in her later years.

If Chen Feipeng had no achievements in his life, even if Li Guanghui took some care of him, Li Guanglan might not be happy.

Chen Feipeng was also driven into a hurry. At this moment, he suddenly had an idea in his heart. If he opened a computer shop, wouldn’t he be able to play computer games every day? And this seemed to make a lot of money. Anyway, his business in Pengcheng’s computer shop was quite good. , the machine basically has nothing to spare.

He also knows that it costs tens of thousands to open a computer house with a dozen or so computers. His family does not have the capital to support himself, but these two have. If they can help him, let alone a computer house with a dozen or so computers , It is no problem for him to open a computer house with hundreds of computers.

He said to Li Guangyu and Li Guanghui: "I don't want to work at my uncle's construction site, and I can't do the physical work. I like computers. I think a computer house is good. I want to open a computer house."

Li Guanghui is not very clear about this aspect. Li Guangyu is quite familiar with Internet cafes in the Mainland. From 995 to 2010, the market for Internet cafes was very good during this period, and Internet cafes played a very important role in promoting games.

He didn't expect Chen Feipeng to have such an idea. In this era, as long as the mainland has the capital, running an Internet cafe will not lose money.

It's just that an Internet cafe can't meet Li Guangyu's plan, and it needs to be a big one if it wants to do it. It's just that Chen Feipeng's current ability obviously cannot support the management of a large chain Internet cafe company.

Li Guangyu said: "Are you just thinking about opening a computer shop to make a living? Have you ever thought that most cities in the country have their own computer houses? At that time, you were the business elite in the mainland, and countless people wanted Looking up to you."

Chen Feipeng himself was terrified when he said that he wanted to open a computer shop. He was deeply afraid that Li Guanghui and Li Guangyu would not support him. After all, compared with Xin Yang Group, opening a computer shop seemed a little bit playful and not enterprising.

After all, in Xinyang Group, if he is willing to learn and work hard, he may become a senior executive of the group in the future, and an annual salary of one million is not a dream.

A computer shop, how much money it can make, is probably better than my current salary, which is very different from Xinyang Group.

The result gave him a huge surprise. Not only did Li Guangyu not veto his idea, he even asked himself if he wanted to open the computer shop to most cities across the country.

Chen Feipeng is a gangster, but he is also a person with dreams. He also hopes that one day he can become a well-known figure in the country like his uncle.

In the past, it was because I had a low diploma and no ability, so I muddled along like this, and even a little playful, and my heart was even more pessimistic.

After all, compared with his cousin who is two years older than himself, the difference between the two is too great. His cousin graduated from Hong Kong Chinese University with a bachelor’s degree, is the vice chairman and vice president of the Xinyang Group’s board of directors, Hong Kong’s top ten outstanding young people, and a member of the Hong Kong business youth delegation one.

And he is just a person who is running around for a salary of several hundred yuan a month. He wants a diploma but no diploma, technology but no technology, capital but no capital, and he still talks about his life ideals.

At this moment, he felt that his distant dream was so close to him. If he could really open computer houses in most cities, he would definitely become a famous figure in the country.

"I also want to develop such a company one day, but I can't afford to open a computer shop now."

After Chen Feipeng finished speaking, he waited for the response from Li Guangyu and Li Guanghui. He deeply knew that if he wanted to build a huge computer house chain company, he had to invest from these two. He himself did not have the capital to perfect this plan.

Li Guangyu said with a smile: "As long as you have an idea, you don't need to worry about capital. The question now is whether you have the ability to manage such a company well, whether you can understand the financial statements, and whether you can understand the performance of major computer brands. Clearly, how to ensure the security of the computer house, these are the problems you need to solve, as long as these are solved, you will be the chairman and general manager of this company."

Chen Feipeng, who is the chairman and general manager of this company, naturally thought, but he can't meet any of the conditions Li Guangyu said. He doesn't understand financial statements at all, and he doesn't understand computer performance. As for safety, this is also a problem.

Full of hope, Chen Feipeng lowered his head again. He knew that it would not be so easy. After talking so much, it was not that he disagreed with letting him open a computer shop.

Li Guanghui looked at Chen Feipeng's expression on the side, and he couldn't get angry. He said sharply: "You are a pig, you can't learn if you don't understand, as long as you are capable enough, you can naturally be the chairman and concurrently chairman of this company." General manager.

If you don't understand and don't learn, who will invest in you? From tomorrow on, you will learn finance from your uncle. I don't want you to understand this major. You can at least understand various reports. "

Li Guanghui didn't want his nephew to lose such a good opportunity. This time Li Guangyu was obviously planning to invest heavily in this industry, and the development would definitely be very good. Even if Chen Feipeng only held a small amount of shares, it would be enough for him to become a rich man.

Chen Feipeng also knew that if he didn't express his opinion this time, if he didn't work hard, he might never get Li Guangyu's support again.

He said: "Uncle, Uncle Yu, I will work hard to learn from my uncle, and strive to gain your approval in the shortest possible time."

Li Guangyu said with a smile: "It's good if you have such determination. It doesn't matter if you have a low diploma, and it doesn't matter if you don't know anything. Your aunt didn't know anything back then. She has achieved her current success only by studying hard.

There are still 5 months until the end of the year. As long as you have a certain level of ability, I will inject one billion yuan to establish the company. I will contribute 70 million yuan, and your uncle will contribute 10 million yuan. I will occupy 20% of the shares. You Uncle holds [-]% of the shares, and you hold [-]% of the shares. Your shares will not be diluted in the future.

I hope that the company's market value can double several times in a few years, and it will not disappoint my investment in it. "

Li Guangyu took care of Chen Feipeng this time. By the way, he also brought Li Guanghui in. Everyone can make money. Although Li Guangyu has lost [-] million for the time being, he believes that in a few years, this company can earn him dozens of dollars. tens of billions.

Hearing Li Guangyu's words, Chen Feipeng was very excited. As long as his ability was recognized for a billion-dollar company, he would be able to become a billionaire immediately. This had a great impact on him.

At the same time, his heart is full of unprecedented motivation, and he is determined to study hard. This is an opportunity to change his life. If he misses this opportunity, he may never have it again.


(End of this chapter)

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