Through the wealth life

Chapter 1354 Guocheng University Speech

Chapter 1354 Guocheng University Speech
In the next few days, Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing visited the enterprises of the Li's consortium in Guocheng together, and held a meeting of the main responsible persons in Guocheng to make some arrangements for the development of the industry in Guocheng.

The mainland western headquarters of the main companies of the Lee consortium are basically located in Rongcheng. On the Guocheng side, there are only the western mainland headquarters of the Jiulong Group, and the western headquarters of China Electronics Group is planning to move to Guocheng.

Therefore, there are very few managers above the tenth level in Guocheng, and the general manager level of the major manufacturing companies has reached the tenth level, so Li Guangyu only held a meeting of the main person in charge this time.

On the eve of leaving, Li Guangyu went to Guocheng University to give a speech.

Although it is still summer, there are still more than 3000 teachers and students who came to listen to Li Guangyu's speech today.

In the eyes of these teachers and students, Li Guangyu did not look like a businessman, but more like a senior educational philanthropist.

This time not only Li Guangyu was present, but also Cao Weiqing. Many of the students here attended the Cao Weiqing Primary School donated by the Cao Weiqing Charity Foundation.

It is also because Li Guangyu is mainly linked to the honorary presidents or school directors of many universities in Hong Kong, which makes him not very popular with these students. If the richest man comes to give a speech, the gymnasium will not be able to sit at all.

After the president of Guocheng University introduced Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing, Li Guangyu's speech officially began.

"Now it's everyone's holiday, so many teachers and classmates come here at such a time, I am very happy in my heart.

The big wave of the 21st century is coming, and our technology and informatization will develop rapidly in the future.

In the 21st century, the Internet industry will be a very important industry. Although I am not a well-known Internet boss, today I will talk to you about the future of the Internet. "

In fact, a large part of the teachers and students attending this speech today are students majoring in electronics. There are not only students from Guocheng University, but also students from several other schools in Guocheng, and some companies related to the Internet in Guocheng. Some key persons in charge have also come here.

For example, Chen Pengfei, Zhang Xuefeng, etc. Li Guangyu has already set the topic of his speech, and this time he will mainly talk about the Internet industry.

"I believe everyone is aware that the world is currently falling into an Internet winter, and the market value of many listed Internet companies has plummeted, causing countless Internet companies to go bankrupt.

But this is just the darkness before the dawn. In the future, the Internet industry will become one of the world's major industries, and people's lives will become more and more inseparable from the Internet industry.

For example, let me give you an example, such as the current Jiayin music, if we want to listen to songs, we have to buy albums, or have walkmans and tape recorders, buy tapes, and there are relatively few songs. If we want to listen to other songs, we need Just buy a tape with the songs you want to hear.

But now with Jiayin Music, you can find what songs you want to listen to on Jiayin Music. Over time, the market share occupied by tapes will become smaller and smaller, while Jiayin Music will become more and more popular. This is the role of the Internet.

Jiayin is just an example. For example, our Hengyu Electronics Mall, you sit at home, just place an order on the computer, and the product will be delivered to you without leaving your home.


Of course, the Internet industry is huge, and what I said is just the tip of the iceberg. In the future, the Internet industry still needs to be explored by everyone.

However, no matter how the Internet develops, its original intention is to serve people and make people's lives more convenient. Only such products can survive. "

Li Guangyu rambled a lot, but he didn't mention many specific things, but it still made those present feel that the trip was worthwhile.

In the following questioning session, one of the men, about 25 years old, stood up and said, "Mr. Li, hello! I am Chen Siqi from Jianan Technology Company. We are mainly engaged in search. The main reason why the Internet industry is facing a cold winter is now. As you said, it is still a matter of profitability, and I wonder if Mr. Li has any good views on search engines?"

Li Guangyu did not expect that there would be a company specializing in search engines at the meeting here in Guocheng. At present, the leading companies in the mainland are Qiandu and Sohu, and there are no other well-known companies.

Li Guangyu naturally knows something about how search engines make money, but these are all prepared for Qiandu and Sohu. Neither of these two companies has launched them, so he will naturally not say it at this time.

He responded aloud: "If the Internet wants to make a profit, it must first have a large amount of traffic. With a huge amount of traffic, the company can attract advertisers. With enough advertisers, the value of the advertising space will be higher. In this way Only then can the website form a cyclical development, but it is difficult to develop for a long time by blindly relying on investment companies."

Afterwards, many people asked questions, and Li Guangyu also dealt with it vaguely. Those who wanted to ask about the specific development would definitely have no answers, but those who asked about the future prospects would get a bright answer.

After the speech, Li Guangyu held a discussion with the school's senior management to discuss the future development of Guocheng University.

Although Li Guangyu of Guocheng University has invested a huge amount of money, this university is a public university, and is currently striving to become the third university in Guocheng Guocheng that can have a doctorate program.

In Guocheng, only Southwest Petroleum University and North Sichuan Medical University have doctoral programs, and China West Normal University and Guocheng University are still far behind in strength.

Li Guangyu said: "Wei Qing and I have always been more concerned about the development of Guocheng University, and we are very happy that Guocheng University has achieved such great achievements.

After we return to Hong Kong, we will continue to promote exchanges and cooperation between Hong Kong Chinese University, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong University of Finance and other universities and Guocheng University, so as to promote the common development of all schools. "

Cao Weiqing also donated [-] million yuan to Guocheng University on behalf of the Cao Weiqing Charity Foundation to improve the scientific research strength of the school and strive to allow some majors to be promoted to doctoral disciplines as soon as possible.

The executives of Guocheng University are very grateful for the help given by Li Guangyu and his wife. They know very well that if it weren’t for the large amount of financial support provided by the Cao Weiqing Charity Foundation and the cooperation between Guocheng University and many universities in Xiangjiang, their school would It is impossible for strength to rise so fast.

Especially for universities in prefecture-level cities in the west, the annual research funding is limited, and it is difficult for them to develop rapidly without external support.

Fortunately, Li Guangyu came out of Guocheng, which made several universities in Guocheng relatively rich in research funding compared to universities in other prefecture-level cities.

Especially for their Guocheng University, in the entire Sichuan Province, their research funding is also among the top three. Sometimes they can take the top position strongly, and the reason is the donations of Li Guangyu, Li Guanghui, Chen Feipeng and others.

The president of Guocheng said: "Mr. Li and Mrs. Li, thank you very much for your support to our school all the time. We will definitely use every penny wisely, so that Guocheng University can become a university that can hold a doctor's degree as soon as possible. University."

Afterwards, the two sides also discussed the issue of jointly building a science and technology innovation park. This science and technology innovation park mainly serves the students of Guocheng University, and it is also an attempt to integrate learning, teaching, research and production in the school.


(End of this chapter)

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