Through the wealth life

Chapter 1364 New Year's Eve Party

Chapter 1364 New Year's Eve Party
The footsteps of the 21st century have arrived. On the night of December 12, Jiayi TV held a New Year's Eve party to welcome the arrival of 31.

Because it is the year of crossing the century, Jiayi TV station also pays special attention to this. Three months ago, they came up with the plan and asked Li Guangyu to review it. matters of the party.

Li Guangyu watched the party live with the [-]th and above senior members of the consortium and their family members, and spent this special night with everyone.

Today, the lineup sent by Jiayi Group is also extremely large. Not only well-known artists from Xiangjiang, but also well-known artists from branches in mainland China, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, and Singapore also came to attend this grand event.

Before the live broadcast of the party started, Li Guangyu gave a speech on stage.

"In the last 20 years of the [-]th century, we started as a garment factory and gradually developed to the current scale. These achievements are inseparable from the efforts of everyone present and all employees.

Here, I would like to express my sincere thanks to everyone present and all employees of Lee's Industries.

The bell of the 21st century is about to ring, and a new era is coming. I hope that in this era, everyone can work with the Li family to develop their industries better and make our Li family's industry a more stable global position.

The 21st century is the era of information networking, and the Internet industry is the top priority. I also hope that our senior management will pay more attention to this aspect when planning the company's development, so that the company's business and the Internet can be organically combined.

Of course, no matter how the times change, providing high-quality services to customers will not change. This is also the trump card to compete with competitors. Improving service quality is a problem that our senior management must always consider.


Li Guangyu's speech was very long, it took about half an hour in total, and he said a lot of content. This is more like the development guidelines of the Lee Foundation in the 21st century.

Artists who often attend various galas of Jiayi Group are familiar with Li Guangyu and the Lee Consortium, so they are not as shocked as they were the first time.

The artists who attended the party for the first time were very shocked. They were only interviewed by the company's executives when they were confirmed to attend the party, and they were asked to keep strict confidentiality about what happened at the party and not to leak the scene of the party. audience information.

Now they finally know why. If the news of the audience who attended the meeting today is leaked, if the outside world knows that 37 of the world's top [-] companies belong to one family, this will cause an uproar in the world.

For example, Stefanie Sun, Liang Qianru, Charlene Choi, Jolin Tsai, etc., who participated in this gala for the first time, discovered how powerful the Jiayi Group they belong to is. No wonder they attended the event without worrying about any harassment.

The artists from the mainland feel more strongly than these few. After all, the information they receive is somewhat different from these people, and their understanding of Xiangjiang is far worse than Stefanie Sun and others.

No matter what these people and artists think, because tonight's party is very special, Jiayi Group also has some ingenuity.

In addition to the current popular artists, Jiayi Group has also invited former bigwigs out of the mountain, among them Alan Tam and Chen Baiqiang who were in full swing in the 80s, both of whom are now professors at the Hong Kong Conservatory of Music.

In addition, there are Anita Mui, executive vice president of Jiadai Group, Priscilla Chen, vice president of Hongyu Clothing Group, and Zhou Huimin, vice president of Fetion Group.

These people were the first brother and the first sister of Jiayi Group's record company. Even after so many years, these people's popularity in Asia is still unabated.

This is also the first time that Anita Mui, Priscilla Chan, and Vivian Chow have been on such a stage since their farewell concert.

No matter how popular Jiayi Group's artists are now, the protagonists of today's party will only be Alan Tam, Chen Baiqiang, Anita Mui, Priscilla Chan, and Vivian Chow. Many well-known artists here are their juniors and fans.

Especially Anita Mui and the others, who are now senior executives of the Lee Consortium, elites in the workplace, their temperament is not comparable to that of artists.

In terms of making money, Anita Mui and the others really can't compare with some artists. When it comes to status, these people are not qualified to be compared with the others.

There are also many artists who are very envious of these few people. These few have caught up with the good times and received preferential treatment from the high-level consortium, so they were able to become high-level consortia. In addition to these three, the current Vice President of Lebao Group Wen Bixia, Qiu Shuzhen, vice president of Phoenix Group, and Gigi Lai, vice president of Nanhua Food and Beverage Group, were also the lucky ones.

It's a pity that because Jiayi Group's first sister became a female artist and was promoted to the high-level springboard of Li's consortium, Jiayi Group spent a lot of resources to cultivate talents, and the current president of Jiayi Group, Ye Jiexin, personally spoke to Li Sheng to prevent this from happening again , and at the same time, the consortium will no longer give preferential treatment to employees.

This caused Jiayi Group's top artistes to almost block their way to enter the upper echelon of Li's consortium. Except for the few who jumped out before, no such figures appeared later.

Compared with becoming a senior executive of the Li family consortium, it is easier for these top female artists to marry into wealthy families, especially with the changes of the times, Xiangjiang is becoming less and less well-matched, and it is not uncommon for some family children to marry female celebrities things.

On January 1st, Anita Mui and several people attended Jiayi TV's New Year's Eve party, which made headlines in major newspapers.

After a lapse of more than ten years, several heavenly kings and queens in the 80s once again sang their famous songs for the audience, allowing everyone to hear the voice of heaven again.

Last night, the ratings of the Jiayi Comprehensive Channel surpassed the ratings of more than ten channels of the six major Hong Kong TV stations at the same time.

The deeds of Anita Mui, Priscilla Chan and Vivian Chow were also reported in detail again. Xiangjiang's daughter, Princess Xiangjiang, and the first generation of young lady heads of Xiangjiang are the titles of these three.

Just after New Year's Day, the Li's Consortium held a year-end summary meeting. Li Guangyu listened to the financial reports of the major companies under its umbrella last year.

At the same time, arrangements have been made for this year's development, with the focus on the layout in the mainland market.

At present, only Hualien and China Resources can threaten the Lee consortium in the retail market in the southern part of the mainland. Li Guangyu doesn't care whether it's Wal-Mart or Carrefour.

As for the Nanfang Electric Chain Company established in Guangdong Province, it has just started. It is very difficult to shake the South China Electric Chain Group's market in South China, and because of its nature, Li Guangyu believes that compared with service and operating costs, the other party will definitely compare Don't win the South China Electric Chain Group, and this is the key to winning the market.

In addition, it is the layout of the Internet industry in the Mainland. Not only does Heung Kong Internet Company increase its investment in the Mainland to seize the Mainland market, but it also needs to assist the Mainland Internet companies it invests in to seize the market and make two-handed preparations.


(End of this chapter)

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