Through the wealth life

Chapter 1367 Development Focus

Chapter 1367 Development Focus
On the morning of the second day of the wedding, Li Guangyu and the shareholders behind the Hongkong Bank consortium and Hsinchu Commercial Bank discussed the development of 2001 in the conference hall of the Peninsula Hotel on Phoenix Island.

Li Guangyu said: "This year our main market is still in the mainland market, and the second is to focus on getting involved in the energy market. With the rapid development of the mainland, the demand for both oil and steel is growing at a high speed. Now is the right time to enter."

The development in East Africa over the past few years is not only the Star Source Group and Husky Energy Company under the Lee Consortium entering East Africa, but also the Heung Kong Energy Group under the Hongkong Bank Consortium and the Hsinchu Energy Group under the Hsinchu Commercial Bank. There are many oil fields and non-ferrous metal mines.

In Western Australia, it is now known as the six largest mining companies in Australia together with Rio Tinto, BHP Billiton, Xingyuan Group, and GLE (controlled by a Japanese consortium).

The mainland has officially joined the WTO at the end of last year, and its economy will develop faster. Coupled with the real estate reform, the housing allocation system for civil servants and enterprises and institutions has been abolished, and the real estate development in the mainland has ushered in a period of rapid development.

The demand for steel bars is very large, which in turn drives the demand for iron ore. The global unit price of iron ore has started to rise again after nearly 20 years.

In terms of oil prices, due to the continuous expansion of the mainland auto market and the relatively good global economic development, oil prices have also begun to rise.

There are already a large number of companies under the several major consortiums, and many industries have developed to the bottleneck. If they want to achieve greater development, they can only continue to find new breakthroughs.

For example, the current Internet industry is one of the major concerns of the three consortiums, and the retail market. Over the past ten years, the three consortiums have always attached great importance to it and strived to occupy more markets.

The other is to invest in basic industries and tourism, especially in industries such as city gas, electricity, tap water, and communications, which are industries with low risks and stable returns.

Now several major consortiums have passed the stage of risking their lives for a little start-up capital. They have enough funds to make these large investments, and they have time to sit and wait for the returns brought by these projects.

In addition, the three major consortiums officially entered the grain and oil industry in 95, and established the Southeast Grain and Oil Group, which spent huge sums of money to buy farms in Canada and Australia and practice grain cultivation, so as not to let themselves be controlled by others in grain and oil.

With the development to the present stage, Li Guangyu can give few pointers. Now, every year's development is discussed and planned by everyone to promote the continuous development of these industries.

The major consortiums in the East are different from those in the West. The West masters the core technology, and other aspects can be held responsible by its forces.

Whether it is Li Guangyu's three major consortiums, Japan's six major consortiums, or South Korea's major consortia, they all hope that each industry can form a closed loop.

From the main raw materials to product processing, and then to the final product sales, these consortiums in the East hope to be in their own hands.

Zheng Yutong said: "I support Coslight's proposal to focus on investing in energy. With the rapid development of the mainland, the demand for these two things will inevitably increase. Investment in this area has been profitable for the past few years.

In addition, I personally suggest increasing the investment in CBDs in the Mainland, and building a large CBD in major capital cities in the Mainland, as well as important economic cities in East China, South China, and North China.

With the continuous development of the mainland economy, the demand for commercial office buildings continues to rise. We invest early and benefit early, and the cost is relatively low. "

Most of them are real estate tycoons. They are very familiar with this aspect, and they all agree with Zheng Yutong's proposal. They plan to start construction of 15 more CBDs within five years, with an estimated investment of 15000 trillion yuan.

The reason why the investment is so huge is that each CBD that Li Guangyu and the others want to build can become a new local landmark and new center.

And this round of CBD construction will include many important economic cities along the coast and provincial capitals in the interior. The establishment of CBDs in these places will generally not lose money, and it will be much easier even in the future.

After that, everyone also discussed the development of the Internet industry. The focus is still on the mainland market. The reason for this separate discussion here is that everyone knows that the future development of this aspect in the mainland will mainly rely on the Internet companies in the mainland, Hong Kong, Baodao and even the Internet companies in England. It's untenable to go in.

This makes them want to share this huge cake in the mainland, so they have to invest in Internet companies in the mainland. Although they have no decision-making power, they should have a lot of profits every year.

At the same time, it is necessary to suppress Internet companies invested by capital such as the United States and Japan to seize more market share.

It was the first time for Li Songtao to participate in such a meeting, and he could only listen quietly from the sidelines, without the right to speak at all.

Not only him, but also Li Jiajie and others who already controlled the family business. At present, Li Guangyu, Li Zhaoji, Zheng Yutong, Li Jiacheng, Gu Zhenfu, Lin Tingsheng and others are mainly talking here.

They are only listening at the moment, and they may have to wait a few years before they can really make the decision.

After Li Zhaoji and the others completely retire, that's when they will be on the stage. Now these big bosses haven't fully taken care of me.

As long as they still attend such meetings, not to mention Li Jiajie and others, even Li Guobao and Feng Yongxiang don't have much power to speak, and most of the time they can only listen to discussions between Li Guangyu, Li Jiacheng, Zheng Yutong and others.

While Li Guangyu and the others were discussing, Cao Weiqing and Zhang Ziyu also held a high-level meeting on Bentley Island.

The focus of this meeting is the new round of land reclamation plan of Bentley Island. This time, it plans to reclamation land of 100 square kilometers, with an estimated investment of 1000 billion US dollars and a planned construction period of 10 years.

Once the plan is completed, the land area of ​​the Bentley Island territory will reach 170 square kilometers, which is equivalent to the land area of ​​five Lisboas, enough for millions of people to live on it.

Only the Li's Consortium is so rich and powerful, spending such a huge amount of money to carry out land reclamation.

The reclamation area this time is still based on the reclamation area between the north of Bentley Island and the middle of Suzaku Island, expanding to both sides. This will make the construction much easier, and it will also make the main island of the Bentley Island Territory larger, which is also conducive to the development of the Bentley Island Territory. Construction Planning.

The executives of Bentley Island naturally support the consortium's continued land reclamation, so that the future development of Bentley Island will have more potential.

Compared with Xiangjiang's land area of ​​more than [-] square kilometers, the land area of ​​Bentley Island's current land area of ​​more than [-] square kilometers is too small. If it weren't for the Li's consortium taking care of this side, Bentley Island's territory would not have much development prospects at all. Word.

The new round of land reclamation is [-] square kilometers. Although it is still not comparable to Xiangjiang after completion, it is already good compared to the urban areas of some cities in the mainland. There is also more room for maneuver in the development of Bentley Island.

Some industries and organic agriculture can also be developed on this, attracting more people to settle in the territory of Bentley Island.

In fact, the executives of Bentley Island very much hope that some important research and development institutions of the Lee Consortium will be built on Bentley Island to increase the heritage of Bentley Island.

It's a pity that the current development of Bentley Island is far from being comparable to that of Xiangjiang, and this idea cannot be realized now.

When one day some headquarters of the Lee Consortium are in the territory of Bentley Island, that is when the construction of Bentley Island is successful.


(End of this chapter)

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