Through the wealth life

Chapter 137 Sun Hung Kai Securities

Chapter 137 Sun Hung Kai Securities

After breakfast the next day, Li Guangyu was not in a hurry to go to the company, but sat in the living room and read the newspaper delivered today.

Cao Weiqing came to the living room and said to Li Guangyu after doing simple makeup, "Guangyu, I'm going to the charity foundation."

Li Guangyu said: "Go to Tianshuiwei today and pay attention to safety."

"I know, when are you going to meet Uncle Si (Lee Shau Kee) and the others today?" Cao Weiqing asked.

Li Guangyu replied: "It's still early, I went there at 09:30, and I don't know what fourth uncle is looking for me this time."

"Okay then, I'll go first." Cao Weiqing went out after finishing speaking.

Li Guangyu looked at several newspapers, the headlines were all about last night's concert, and they all praised Li Guangyu's establishment of a charity fund.There are only three newspapers in total, and he is a shareholder in two of them. It is really difficult to find out who criticizes him.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Li Guangyu arrived at the place agreed with Li Zhaoji. After seeing Li Guangyu's arrival, the service staff of Peninsula Hotel smiled and said, "Li Sheng, please follow me. Mr. Li Zhaoji and the others have already gone up."

After Li Guangyu came to the private room, he did not expect that Guo Desheng and Feng Jingxi were also here.

Li Guangyu said: "Fourth Uncle, Uncle Guo, Uncle Feng, I kept you waiting for a long time."

Guo Desheng said: "Guangyu, come and sit down, we have just arrived here."

Li Guangyu didn't quite know what these people were discussing with him today. He had to know that he didn't have any cooperation project with them.Li Zhaoji and Guo Desheng are engaged in real estate, while Feng Jingxi is engaged in securities, and Li Guangyu himself is involved in this aspect.

After sitting down, Li Guangyu asked Li Zhaoji: "Fourth Uncle, do you have anything to discuss when you invite your nephew over today?"

Li Zhaoji said: "Guangyu, this time it is mainly because you, Uncle Feng, need to discuss something with you, and you and Uncle Guo are just accompanying guests."

Li Guangyu couldn't think of any business he had that was related to Feng Jingxi, so he needed Li Zhaoji and Guo Desheng to accompany him to discuss.

Li Guangyu said: "Uncle Feng, if you have anything to do, just tell me, if I can help, I will definitely help."

The reason why Feng Jingxi asked Li Zhaoji and Guo Desheng to accompany him to meet Li Guangyu was that he had a big plan in his mind. Now he has contacts with Tanita Bank in Europe and France and Merrill Lynch in the United States. He is helping them to transfer their business While promoting to Asia, these two consortiums also helped him promote Sun Hung Kai Securities in Europe and North America.

And this time he met with Li Guangyu, hoping to persuade some companies under Li Guangyu to be listed by Sun Hung Kai.Based on the profits of Li Guangyu's companies and Li Guangyu's current reputation, as long as the company is listed, the market value will definitely increase. This will greatly benefit his reputation in Sun Hung Kai Securities, and will also benefit his negotiations with Tanita and Merrill Lynch.

Feng Jingxi said: "Guangyu, today Uncle Feng hopes that you can let a group under your company be listed by Sun Hung Kai Securities. Of course, this time, you will not be charged any fees. Our company hopes to use this to increase its reputation and negotiate with partners. "

Li Guangyu has never thought that his current group needs to be listed, and Li Guangyu is not very interested in going public to collect money from shareholders.Nowadays, his major groups are not very short of money, and with the market value of his major groups, it is easy to get loans from major banks, and there is no need for listing to be supervised by all parties.

Li Guangyu said: "Uncle Feng, I'm really sorry, I don't have any plans to go public at the moment. I'm afraid I can't help you with this."

Feng Jingxi did not show disappointment at Li Guangyu's refusal. If Li Guangyu was willing to list his company, he would have arranged for the company to go public a long time ago, and he would not hold all the group companies firmly in his hands now.

Feng Jingxi had already prepared for this. He said to Li Guangyu: "Guangyu, if I hadn't negotiated with the two consortiums of Palita and Merrill Lynch this time, I would not have thought of coming to you. I also know that you have always been unwilling to Please do Uncle Feng a favor this time as the group goes public. I am also preoccupied with financial matters, Sun Hung Kai Properties has never cared about it, and now I intend to transfer the shares here."

Li Guangyu did not expect that Feng Jingxi would be willing to let his group go public.Although Feng Jingxi transferred some shares when he left Sun Hung Kai Properties to establish Sun Hung Kai Securities, he still holds about 10% of the shares.

Now that the Hong Kong real estate industry is developing at a high speed, he is willing to give up the shares of Sun Hung Kai Properties in order to obtain the listing of a company under Li Guangyu under the underwriting of Sun Hung Kai Securities. Li Guangyu really admires his courage.

As for the shares of Sun Hung Kai Properties, Li Guangyu naturally wants to get them. Now he has to consider which group to list.

Li Guangyu said: "Uncle Feng, I naturally want the shares of Sun Hung Kai Properties. It's just that this matter is a bit sudden. I need to discuss with the company's senior management. I can't give you a clear answer right now. And I don't know four Uncle and Uncle Guo would like me to join Sun Hung Kai Properties."

Guo Desheng said beside him: "Guangyu, if you join our Sun Hung Kai Properties, I have no objection with your fourth uncle. You are famous for your good vision. After you join, please give some suggestions to the group."

Lee Shau Kee also expressed that he has no objection. Now he is busy with his own Henderson Land Development. Sun Hung Kai is managed by the Kwok family. Joining Lee Kwong Yu is also good for the group, so naturally he will not object.

Feng Jingxi said: "Li Sheng, you can think about it. I am not in a hurry. Negotiating with the two consortiums is not a matter of a day or two. You can inform me anytime you have a decision."

Li Guangyu replied: "Okay, Uncle Feng, I will reply to you in the next few days."

Feng Jingxi was very satisfied with this meeting. He believed that Li Guangyu would definitely agree that a group under his company would be underwritten by Sun Hung Kai Securities for listing, otherwise he would not have gone from refusal to going back to discuss with high-level officials. Li Guangyu was obviously tempted by the shares of Sun Hung Kai Properties. up.

After Li Guangyu finished talking with the big shots, he bid farewell to them and rushed to Jiayi Building.

After Li Guangyu came to the office, Zhang Ziyuhui reported: "Li Sheng, Hongyu Clothing Group reported that the design of sports and leisure clothing has been completed and a small batch of clothing has been produced. When do you plan to launch it?"

Li Guangyu was quite satisfied with the speed of Hongyu Clothing Group, so he said to Zhang Ziyu: "You can ask President Chen Dong to set a time, and let him contact Xiangyu and Jiayi Group to promote our new brand on a large scale, and at the same time, we will help Fei The Yu brand has found a good spokesperson."

"Alright Mr. Li, I will notify Hongyu Clothing Group of your request later." Zhang Ziyu said.

Li Guangyu ordered: "Ziyu, please inform the senior management of Xiangjiang to hold a meeting in the meeting room of Jiayi Building at nine o'clock tomorrow morning."

Zhang Ziyu replied, "Okay, do you have any orders?"

"That's all, why don't you go get busy?" Li Guangyu said.

(End of this chapter)

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