Through the wealth life

Chapter 156 Visit from Nintendo

Chapter 156 Visit from Nintendo

With the arrival of December, the staff of each group became more busy. Seeing that the end of the year was approaching, everyone was thinking of being able to hand in a satisfactory result. After all, this was related to their own year-end awards.

During this month, Li Guangyu was also very busy, and many important documents of the group required his signature.

On December 12th, as soon as Li Guangyu came to the office, Zhang Ziyu reported: "Li Sheng, Mr. Yokoi Gunpei from Nintendo will visit Ms. Li Xuemei of Xingyu Group at two o'clock in the afternoon, and hope to meet with you."

Li Guangyu said: "You reply to Mr. Yokoi Junping, I will meet him at Xingyu Group in the afternoon."

"Alright Mr. Li, I'll reply to Mr. Yokoi Gunpei right now." Zhang Ziyu left the office after finishing speaking.

After Li Guangyu had lunch, he came to Xingyu Group located in the International Building.

After arriving at Li Xuemei's office, Li Guangyu asked, "Xuemei, did Mr. Yokoi Junping tell you what happened?"

Li Xuemei said: "Li Sheng, I think it may be because of our home game consoles. Now Nintendo is also developing home game consoles. It may be that our group has something they need."

Li Guangyu didn't quite know what Junhei Yokoi wanted to discuss with Xingyu Group when he came here in person. The two groups had always been rivals, and Li Guangyu would not easily help him with Nintendo.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Junping Yokoi came to Li Xuemei's office, and Li Guangyu said, "Mr. Yokoi, welcome to our Xingyu Group."

Yokoi Junping said: "Mr. Li, Ms. Li, hello."

Li Guangyu said enthusiastically: "Mr. Yokoi, please sit down."

After Li Guangyu and the others sat down relative to each other, Zhang Ziyu poured tea for them and left the office.

Junhei Yokoi said: "Mr. Li, Ms. Li, the reason why I came to Xiangjiang to visit you today is that we at Nintendo have something to discuss with you."

Li Guangyu said: "Mr. Yokoi, if you have anything to do, you can contact Mr. Gan Qinglin in Japan. He can also make the decision. Why bother you to come to Xiangjiang in person?"

It's not that Junping Yokoi didn't think about contacting Gan Qinglin directly, but this time is of great importance to Nintendo. He thinks that it is better to visit Li Guangyu and Li Xuemei in Xiangjiang in person to show Nintendo's sincerity.

Heng Jing Junping said: "Mr. Li, I also want to see the development of Xiangjiang today. Only by visiting you and Ms. Li Xuemei at the same time can we show our sincerity."

Li Guangyu said: "Mr. Yokoi, I don't know what you mean by coming here this time?"

This starts with Li Guangyu's family game console released in Japan. As soon as this game console appeared, Nintendo knew that this product would be a hit.Nintendo also wanted a piece of the home game console market, and immediately established a home game console development team.

What is stuck with Nintendo today is the Xingyu Group game controller's cross-key patent, which is not easy to bypass.If the cross-key design is not used, it will affect the control of the game. Compared with the game console of Li Guangyu Group, people will definitely not want to buy a game console with poor control performance from Nintendo.

Tsunei Junhei said: "Mr. Li, we at Nintendo hope to buy out your group's patent on the use of the cross-pad gamepad, and we also hope that Mr. Li can do it."

All kinds of legal documents and patents of Li Guangyu's groups are handled by Qinghong, and each group has a team of lawyers just for these things, but they didn't expect it to come in handy this time.

Li Guangyu said: "Mr. Yokoi, there is no problem with the licensing of Coslight's patent. After we confirm the value of this patent, Mr. Gan Qinglin will discuss it with you. This will be more convenient for you Nintendo."

Yokoi Junping also knew that if he wanted to obtain the Xingyu Group's patent authorization for the cross key, obviously he could not succeed in a single visit, and it was already very good news that Li Guangyu was willing to authorize it.

Yokoi Junping said: "Mr. Li, I will contact Mr. Gan Qinglin in person at that time. I hope that our two groups can reach this authorization as soon as possible, which will be very beneficial to our two groups."

Li Guangyu said: "Mr. Yokoi, our group will come up with a plan as soon as possible, and we won't keep you waiting."

Junpei Yokoi achieved the purpose of this visit, so he said: "Mr. Li, Ms. Li, then I will not bother you, and I will return to Japan to report to the group immediately."

Li Guangyu said, "Okay, Mr. Yokoi, I'll see you off."

After Li Guangyu sent Yokoi Junping away, he said to Li Xuemei: "Your group will determine the value of the cross key technology, and any company that wants to obtain our patent authorization will agree to it, and then talk slowly, for our family. Game consoles take over the market to buy time."

Li Xuemei wished that her own company would be the best to use this technology, but she knew it was impossible.If Xingyu Group does not authorize other companies, it is likely to be sued for monopoly in other countries.The game companies in countries such as the United States and Japan will definitely not want Li Guangyu's group to use this technology alone.

Li Xuemei said: "Don't worry Li Sheng, I know how to do it, and I will buy as much time as possible for our own sales."

Li Guangyu thought about the popularity of home game consoles later, and told Li Xuemei: "We don't buy out this technology, we charge according to the use of the technology."

"I understand, we will follow your request." Li Xuemei said.

After Li Guangyu talked with Li Xuemei about some game company issues, he came to the nearby Tianyu Investment Company.

These few months have passed, and I don't know how the acquisition of Wharf is going.

Li Guangyu drove directly to Guo Fengtao's office. Guo Fengtao was busy sitting at his desk. Seeing Li Guangyu coming in, he immediately got up and said, "Hi, Mr. Li."

Li Guangyu said: "Feng Tao, come, let's sit down here and talk."

Then Li Guangyu and Guo Fengtao sat down opposite each other in the reception area.Li Guangyu said, "Feng Tao, how is our acquisition of Wharf going?"

Guo Fengtao said: "Sheng Li, we have used multiple accounts. After slowly absorbing these months, we have now spent nearly 11 million Hong Kong dollars to acquire about 37% of the shares. At present, the valuation of Wharf has increased slightly, and the price per share has increased. To [-] Hong Kong dollars."

Li Guangyu knew that in June next year, his shares would be very popular with Jardine Matheson and Chartered Ship King.Li Guangyu just wanted to sell it to the charter king at a high price. As for Jardine and Li Guangyu, he still had to settle accounts with them. The last land auction and the incident with Jiayi's artists all had the shadow of Jardine.

When Li Guangyu planned to grab the wharf warehouse with the charter king next year when Jardine was busy, Li Guangyu snatched Jardine's Xiangjiang Electric Lighting and Xiangjiang Telephone Company.

Li Guangyu said to Guo Fengtao: "Fengtao, I will transfer another 15 million Hong Kong dollars to you, and you will slowly absorb the shares of Wharf for us, ensuring that we can get [-]% of the shares. and the stock of Xiangjiang Telephone Company, I will continue to inject capital into you after the next year."

Guo Fengtao is naturally happy, he likes to do this, the more money the better.Said to Li Guangyu: "Don't worry, Li Sheng, I will definitely complete the task."


(End of this chapter)

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