Through the wealth life

Chapter 163 Jiayi goes public

Chapter 163 Jiayi goes public

At around [-]:[-], Li Guangyu's motorcade arrived outside the Far East Exchange.After Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing got off the car, the reporters all asked to interview Li Guangyu.

Li Guangyu said: "Thank you for your attention to the listing of our Jiayi Group. Since the time for the opening of the market is very close, I can only answer a few questions."

The first person to ask questions was a reporter from Xiangyu Daily. As a company under his own, Li Guangyu naturally had to take care of him first.

I just heard the female reporter ask: "Li Sheng, there are so many groups under our Li family, why did you choose Jiayi Group as the first listed group?"

Li Guangyu replied with a smile: "I think Jiayi Group is a media group. The listing of Jiayi Group can make the group more transparent and open, which is conducive to the supervision of the government and the public. This group serves everyone. It’s not just for my Li’s Group.”

A reporter from Hong Kong Economic News asked: "Li Sheng, we know that you have specially handed over the listing of Jiayi Group to Sun Hung Kai Securities in order to obtain shares in Sun Hung Kai Properties. May I ask what Li Sheng thinks about the current Hong Kong real estate industry?"

Li Guangyu said: "We all know that the real estate market in Xiangjiang is growing rapidly, and there is no sign of a decline in the short term. In the next two years, I am still very optimistic about the development of the real estate industry in Xiangjiang."

A reporter from the Business Daily asked, "Li Sheng, you still have many groups under your umbrella that have not been listed. Do you have any other listing plans this year?"

Li Guangyu is not willing to take his own group to the market. After the group is listed, there will be more troubles. How can it be so convenient now? The funds of each group can be transferred at will. When capital injection is needed, there is no need to hold a meeting. Li Guangyu himself Just say it.

The reason why Jiayi Group went public was mainly because Feng Jingxi gave it a big bargaining chip, and also because the sole proprietorship and control of the media group is really not conducive to future development, otherwise Li Guangyu would not let it go public.

这次佳艺集团上市, 李光宇拿出了30%的股份,其中5%股份分给了李氏集团的高层。其它25%股份是以17港币每股的价格交给了新鸿基证券, 李光宇自己依然掌控着70%的股份。而这股份李光宇个人持股30%,其它40%是李光宇的两家投资基金所持有。

Li Guangyu said: "This year, our Li Group has no plans to list other groups."


After Li Guangyu answered some reporters' questions, he and Cao Weiqing walked into the Far East Exchange.

Seeing Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing coming in, the senior executives of Jiayi Group greeted them.

Li Fuzhao said: "Guangyu, Weiqing, welcome to come."

As the Li Peicai family belonged to the same four big families as the He family, Li Guangyu still had to show respect.

Li Guangyu said: "Uncle Li, thank you for providing such a good platform for Jiayi to go public."

Li Fuzhao said: "Guangyu, I also want to thank you for listing Jiayi Group in our Far East. You have helped me a lot. Your decision will affect the choices of many Xiangjiang companies."

Feng Jingxi said from the side: "You two, don't be polite here. We are all Chinese families and we should support each other. We can't let the Xiangjiang Exchange controlled by the British consortium dominate."

Li Fuzhao said: "Your side please, the listing ceremony is about to begin."

As nine o'clock came, Li Fuzhao stood on the stage and said: "Today we are very happy that we have welcomed a strong group in the Far East. I think everyone is looking forward to it. I often hear stockholders complaining, why Mr. Li Guangyu If the group is not listed, everyone can make some money. Now this opportunity has come, Li Sheng’s first group, Jiayi, will be listed soon, and I invite Mr. Li Guangyu, Mr. Liu Tianci and Mr. Feng Jingxi to take the stage.”

After Li Guangyu and others took the stage, Liu Tianci presented Jiayi's 79 financial report to everyone.

Later, under the witness of Jiayi's top management and many shareholders, Li Guangyu and others rang the bell for listing.

However, the stock price of Jiayi Group directly jumped to 19 Hong Kong dollars to open the market. Li Guangyu still admired Feng Jingxi's operational ability. Being able to make the Far East Exchange open at 19 Hong Kong dollars showed his influence in this regard.

I don't know if Li Guangyu's influence is too great. Jiayi Group's stock price soared to 21.5 Hong Kong dollars within half an hour of its listing.

Li Fuzhao said: "Guangyu, congratulations, the market value of Jiayi Group has exceeded 20 billion Hong Kong dollars in one fell swoop, and your assets have increased by hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars in an instant."

Li Guangyu now holds 70% of the shares. The stock price has gone from a valuation of 17 Hong Kong dollars to the current 21.5 Hong Kong dollars. His assets have increased by more than 3 million Hong Kong dollars in an instant. It is no wonder that future generations of companies are thinking of going public. It is not a level.

Li Guangyu said: "I would also like to thank you and Uncle Feng. If it weren't for you two, our group might not be able to reach such a market value."

Feng Jingxi was also happy, this time he made a lot of money, and now he doesn't regret transferring the shares of Sun Hung Kai Properties to Li Guangyu at all, the profits here are enough to make up for the losses there.

Feng Jingxi said: "Guangyu doesn't need to thank us, this matter is good for us."

Li Fuzhao wanted to take advantage of the current rise in Jiayi's stock market, and wanted Li Guangyu to list other groups on the Far East Exchange.

Li Fuzhao said: "The stock market of Coslight Jiayi Group is in the green, and your wealth is constantly rising. Do you plan to list other groups? With the profits of your group, as long as you go public, your wealth will at least Go up five floors."

Although Li Guangyu was very happy to see the rising wealth, he had no plans to list those groups.He doesn't care how much wealth he has now, what he wants is control, after the group goes public, some issues are not up to him.

Li Guangyu only plans to use those Internet companies to go public in the future, and the market value of those companies is relatively virtual. As for his own industrial groups, Li Guangyu is still more willing to hold them in his own hands.

Li Guangyu said: "Uncle Li, I have no plans to list other groups. When I have such an idea in the future, I will definitely come to the Far East to list."

Li Fuzhao was disappointed to hear that Li Guangyu had no plan to go public. Many companies in Xiangjiang begged him to let his company go public. When Li Guangyu came here, he couldn't invite him.

Li Fuzhao said with a smile: "Guangyu, if you have a plan, please let me know directly, and I will help you handle it as soon as possible."

Li Guangyu watched here for an hour, and Jiayi's stock has risen to 22.3 Hong Kong dollars per share, and now it is starting to linger on this figure.

After Li Guangyu bid farewell to Li Fuzhao, Feng Jingxi and others, he returned to Jiayi Building with Cao Weiqing and Jiayi's top management. As for the stock market, people from Tianyu Investment Company were watching.

After returning to Jiayi, Li Guangyu instructed Liu Tianci: "Tianci, the group has gone public now, and you have to make arrangements for inviting independent directors so that there will be no mistakes."

Liu Tianci also knows that after the group goes public, someone will supervise it, and independent directors are one of them.

Liu Tianci replied: "Don't worry, Li Sheng, I will make arrangements so that it will not affect the development of the group."

Li Guangyu continued: "In the future, when you cooperate with major groups, you will have to figure out the financial aspects. They should pay less fees, and everything will be done according to the rules of the group."

"Alright Mr. Li." Liu Tianci replied.

(End of this chapter)

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