Through the wealth life

Chapter 172 Tianyu Investment Plan

Chapter 172 Tianyu Investment Plan
After discussing with Li Xuemei about the development direction of Xingyu Group this year, Li Guangyu came to Tianyu Investment Company next door.

Today's Tianyu Investment Company has strong financial resources. In January, Li Guangyu transferred most of the profits of several groups to this side, and the cash flow exceeded 50 billion Hong Kong dollars.

The reason why Li Guangyu mobilized so much money is to add value. The money is in the hands of Guo Fengtao, but it can make a lot of profits. Now that the Xiangjiang stock market is rising, Guo Fengtao can make money by investing casually. Not to mention that he himself has extremely high professional level.

The most important thing is that Li Guangyu is preparing for June. Now he is slowly absorbing some shares of Heung Kong Electric Company and Heung Kong Telephone Company.When the Jardine Group competed with the charter king for Wharf, Li Guangyu gave Jardine another fatal blow.

After Li Guangyu came here, he asked Guo Fengtao: "Fengtao, has our acquisition of Wharf shares been completed?"

"Li Sheng, at the beginning of the month, we used multiple accounts to complete the acquisition of 15% of the shares of Wharf. Now we are the third largest shareholder of Wharf."

It's not that Li Guangyu doesn't want to buy some Wharf stocks, it's just that there are not many stocks in circulation at present. If Li Guangyu continues to buy, it is estimated that he will be exposed.

Li Guangyu asked: "Is there any reaction from Jardine and Chartered Ship King?"

Guo Fengtao said: "Li Sheng, Jardine has been keeping a close eye on Mr. Bao Yugang. After confirming that the decrease in stocks on the market has nothing to do with Baosheng, he only thinks that there are retail investors hoarding, and has not made much reaction. .As for Mr. Pao Yu-gang, it may be that Jardine Matheson is watching too closely and there is no general trend to absorb Wharf stocks.”

Now the Jardine Group owns 30.00% of the shares, and after more than a year of absorbing the 78% shares of the Chartered King in 20, the shares have already reached nearly 30%. That is to say, except for the shares controlled by the three of them, The stocks on the market have only reached 20.00%.

Li Guangyu is very clear that Jardine is very nervous about Bao Yugang now, and Jardine is now preparing funds, preparing to start an anti-acquisition war by chartering the king's absence in Xiangjiang, but Jardine failed in the previous life, and Li Guangyu intervened in this life In one hand, Jardine would be even worse.

Li Guangyu said: "We don't care about Wharf for the time being, you slowly absorb the shares of Heung Kong Electric and Heung Kong Telephone Group, pay attention to the reaction of the market, and don't let Jardine transfer the target to us. "

"Don't worry, Mr. Li, I know how to operate. Now we have 6.4% of the shares of Heungkong Electric Group and 5.9% of the shares of Heungkong Telephone Group through multiple accounts."

Li Guangyu is already very satisfied with this speed. Li Guangyu said: "You just need to ensure that by June, you can control more than 25% of the shares of the two companies. Take control of the two companies."

Guo Fengtao is also very excited that he can operate and acquire companies under the Jardine Group in the stock market.Regarding the four major foreign companies, Guo Fengtao was still in his student days, and he knew very well how high the status of this group was in Xiangjiang.

He assured Li Guangyu: "Don't worry, Li Sheng, I promise to complete the task before June."

Guo Fengtao is very confident. Currently, the company has sufficient funds, and the current market capitalization of the two groups of Heung Kong Electric and Heung Kong Telephone are 64 billion Hong Kong dollars and 58 billion Hong Kong dollars respectively.It is more than enough to acquire 25% of the shares of the two groups.

Li Guangyu doesn't know much about Hong Kong's stock market this year, except for the famous Carrian Group incident in later generations, and the group's stock price will soar from 1 Hong Kong dollar to 17.9 Hong Kong dollars per share this year, he doesn't know anything else.

Li Guangyu said: "Feng Tao, from now on, you will slowly absorb a part of Carrian Group's shares and use more accounts, no more than 15% at most. This is a short-term investment, and I will let you sell it at a corresponding time. "

Guo Fengtao was very clear about Li Guangyu, he knew that this time Carrian was about to skyrocket, otherwise Li Guangyu would not have specially ordered him to buy it.

For Li Guangyu's vision in the stock market, Guo Fengtao admired him very much. I don't know where Li Guangyu got some news. He suggested that the company's acquisition of shares would always make a lot of money.

Guo Fengtao said: "Li Sheng, our investment department has also acquired some shares of Carrian, but not many. I will arrange it later. Now the stock of Carrian Group has started to rise, and we will hurry up to complete the acquisition task. .”

Li Guangyu also knew that Carrian's stock market has started to take off due to the good news that Carrian Group acquired Golden Gate Building in January and changed it to Carrian Center.

Li Guangyu was very happy that the investment department was able to acquire part of Carrian's shares in advance. It seems that many people in Xiangjiang are optimistic about Carrian Group.This is also good, when the stock market has almost risen, he can sell the stock as soon as possible.Li Guangyu didn't want to be hit by a disaster. In just a few years, Carrian Group's market value reached more than 70 billion Hong Kong dollars, but it collapsed overnight, and shareholders suffered losses.

After explaining to Guo Fengtao, Li Guangyu left Tianyu Investment Company.

After having lunch with Cao Weiqing at home, Li Guangyu asked He Jin, "Sister Jin, how is the renovation of our villa on the top of Victoria Peak going?"

As the housekeeper of the Li family, He Jin has always been dissatisfied with the house of the current Li family, which is very different from Li Guangyu's current status.After Li Guangyu bought the villa on the top of Victoria Peak, she and Cao Wei went to Starlight Real Estate Design Company to find someone to redesign, remodel the villa, and built two auxiliary buildings on both sides of the villa. , for domestic servants and bodyguards to stay.

Fortunately, the villa Li Guangyu bought covers an area of ​​more than 1000 square meters, and there is a large piece of land available for use.Only in this way, the garden area of ​​Li Guangyu's villa was very small.

He Jin replied: "Master, the main building of the villa has been remodeled now, and the auxiliary building is still under construction. It is estimated that it will be completed in June, and we can move in by the end of the year."

Li Guangyu can't do anything about it. He thought he could live in this villa after buying it, but He Jin wants to renovate it. There are a lot of reasons. Li Guangyu can't agree with it, and Cao Weiqing also agrees with He Jin. Opinion.

Li Guangyu said: "I don't have much time, and Wei Qing is pregnant again, so I need you to watch over there."

"Master, don't worry, I will take good care of that side, and then you and your wife can move in with peace of mind." He Jin said.

Li Guangyu didn't ask any more questions. This talent who had received training as a butler in England knew much more than him.

(End of this chapter)

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