Through the wealth life

Chapter 18 Taking over the 9th Dragon Bus

Chapter 18

In August, the Xiangjiang River has entered a period of frequent rains. The heat is accompanied by humidity, and sometimes there are strong winds.Lei Juekun's mood is as stormy as this weather. With the rapid economic development of Xiangjiang, the market value of Lei Juekun's family Jiulong Jianye has risen sharply.

When I should have been happy, I heard a report from Kowloon Bus that someone was secretly buying the company's stock, and the company's stock market was extremely abnormal.

Lei Juekun immediately contacted the company's major shareholders to see if anyone was selling the company's shares and who was buying the shares of Kowloon Bus.After some understanding, Lei Juekun was even more angry. Some of his partners actually sold the shares quietly without even saying a word.

In particular, the company's second largest shareholder holds 12% of the company's shares and has already transferred it out. Lei Juekun only feels like a wolf is coming, and doesn't know whether he is still the largest shareholder now.

Lei Juekun asked the Bank of East Asia, which has a long-term cooperation, to help acquire Kowloon Bus and ensure the status of the Lei family in Kowloon Bus Company.

At this time, Li Guangyu was listening to Yuan Tianfan's report at Tianyu Investment Company.

"Chairman, at present we have acquired 40% of the shares of Kowloon Bus, and the current price of Kowloon Bus has reached 4 million. Should we start a comprehensive premium acquisition now?"

"Is Lei Juekun doing anything?" Li Guangyu asked Yuan Tianfan.

"Lei Juekun rushed to the Bank of East Asia today. He probably doesn't know that we have so many stocks. He is slowly buying shares of Kowloon Bus in the market."

After listening to Yuan Tianfan's words, Li Guangyu said: "Since Lei Juekun already knows that we are buying the shares of Kowloon Bus, then don't be polite. Now Kowloon Bus is 4.5 yuan per share, and we will release the news now. Our Tianyu Investment is at a price of 5.5 yuan." We will make every effort to acquire the shares of Kowloon Bus."

"Good director, I'll make arrangements right away." After Yuan Tianfan finished speaking, he got up and walked out of Li Guangyu's office.

In the customer room of the Bank of East Asia, Lei Juekun was sitting on the sofa listening to the securities operator's report on the acquisition of Kowloon Bus shares.

Suddenly a trader broke in and said to Lei Juekun, "Lei Sheng, it's not good. Tianyu Investment released the news that it will buy the shares of Kowloon Bus at a price one yuan higher than the current market price."

As soon as Lei Juekun heard the trader's report, his face turned ugly. He immediately went to the securities manager Li Jianghong and said, "Jiang Hong, you should release the news immediately. We will buy the shares of Kowloon Bus at a price of 6 yuan."

After Lei Juekun's news was released, Li Guangyu knew about it immediately, and directly ordered Yuan Tianfan to snap up the shares of Kowloon Bus at a price of 7 yuan.

Today's stock market is very lively, with Li Guangyu and Lei Juekun's selling one after another, a large number of stockholders watched the shares of Kowloon Bus as quickly as a rocket to a high price of 7 yuan, an increase of as high as 67%, and only hated their confidants why they didn't buy more Click the stock of Kowloon Bus.

After Li Guangyu offered a high price of 7 yuan per share to buy the shares of Kowloon Bus, he bought 11% of the shares in the market in just half an hour. So far, the shares under Li Guangyu's name reached 51%.Li Guangyu quickly stopped the acquisition of shares, and at the same time released the news that he has 51% of the shares of Kowloon Bus, and has now become the controlling shareholder of Kowloon Bus.

Lei Juekun received a price of 7 yuan from Li Guangyu at the Bank of East Asia to snap up the shares of Kowloon Bus, and he felt like cursing his mother.Kowloon Bus is a public service enterprise. The Hong Kong government stipulates that Kowloon Bus shall not earn more than 15% of its annual profit. Is it worth buying it at such a high price?Lei Juekun is considering whether to continue to follow up, and the current price has exceeded his expectations.

While the traders were still waiting for Lei Juekun to make a decision, news came out that Tianyu Investment Company had controlled Kowloon Bus, and now Tianyu Company had stopped the acquisition of Kowloon Bus shares.

As soon as Lei Juekun knew the news, he knew that the Kowloon Bus had left him. He told the trader and left the Bank of East Asia dejectedly.

At this time, the market value of Kowloon Bus was like a roller coaster ride. After Li Guangyu announced the holding, the price quickly dropped from 7 yuan to 4.3 yuan per share, which was 0.2 yuan lower than the opening price in the morning.

On August 8th, Li Guangyu and Yuan Tianfan entered Kowloon Bus Company together. Today Kowloon Bus will hold a general meeting of shareholders, marking Li Guangyu's official entry into Kowloon Bus.

At the shareholder meeting, Li Guangyu officially became the controlling shareholder of Kowloon Bus, and at the same time served as the chairman of the board of directors of Kowloon Bus Company. At the same time, according to Li Guangyu's nomination, Ms. Guo Qingya was appointed as the general manager of Kowloon Bus.

After the general meeting of shareholders, Li Guangyu presided over the high-level meeting of Kowloon Bus immediately.

"Today, I am very honored to own this company responsible for the travel of millions of citizens in Xiangjiang. It is precisely because of this company and the existence of everyone that the citizens of Xiangjiang can enjoy convenient and fast travel.

The development of our company is worthy of recognition. However, in today's Xiangjiang, it is inevitable that the development of public transportation in some areas is still lagging behind, such as the Tin Shui Wai area.

As the chairman of the board of directors of Kowloon Bus, I have the responsibility and the obligation to make changes to these problems, so that the residents of Tin Shui Wai can also enjoy the transportation convenience brought by our company. "Li Guangyu said majesticly.

Those who don't know really think that they want to serve the citizens of Xiangjiang wholeheartedly!Isn't it just to build an industrial zone in Tin Shui Wai and prepare to develop commercial real estate?

Li Guangyu continued: "Guo Qingya will be the general manager of the company, and He Mengting will be the company's financial manager. I hope everyone will cooperate with the company's work in the future."

After Li Guangyu arranged the affairs of the Kowloon Bus Company, he asked Lei Juekun to discuss the acquisition of shares in the Kowloon Bus Company at the Peninsula Hotel at noon.

"Lei Sheng, sit down, let's chat while eating." Li Guangyu said politely to Lei Juekun.

"Li Sheng, what's the matter, please tell me."

"Lei Sheng, what do you think about Kowloon Bus shares?"

Lei Juekun also knew that after Li Guangyu took over the Kowloon Bus Company, he had no chance to join the Kowloon Bus Company again.It is also a good thing to be able to sell the shares to Li Guangyu to recover the funds and invest them in Jiulong Jianye. Since Jiulong Bus is doomed to be lost, Jiulong Jianye can no longer have the risk of losing it.

So he said, "Li Sheng, at what price are you going to buy my 32% stake?"

When Li Guangyu heard that Lei Juekun was willing to sell his shares, he immediately said, "Lei Sheng, I won't treat you badly. I am willing to buy your shares at a price two levels higher than the market price."

Lei Juekun heard that Li Guangyu's price had reached his expectations, but he still said: "Li Sheng, I don't want your price of 7 yuan per share when buying in the stock market. At the third level of the current market price, you can take my shares."

Li Guangyu agreed without even thinking about it. Although the current purchase price is a bit high, knowing the value of Kowloon Bus later, it is worth it.

Li Guangyu said: "Then thank you, Lei Sheng, I will order Yuan Tianfan to sign a contract with you this afternoon."

(End of this chapter)

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