Through the wealth life

Chapter 189 Preliminary Consensus

Chapter 189 Preliminary Consensus
The next day, Li Guangyu also came to the Jaguar headquarters, and this time he will personally participate in the negotiation of Jaguar's acquisition.

At nine o'clock in the morning, in the Jaguar meeting room, Li Guangyu, Du Yuemei, Zhang Ziyu and Weaver Clark came here together. There were also Jaguar President Sampson Gerrard and the company's vice president Pushe Lauer in the meeting room. , and CFO Celis Evely.

Weaver Clark said: "Our government intends to sell Jaguar to Mr. Li Guangyu this time. This time I am here to seek the opinions of all Jaguar employees based on the principle of being responsible to Jaguar."

After Weaver Clark finished speaking, Sampson Gerrard immediately said: "Mr. Clark, all employees of our company are against the government's sale of our company."

Du Yuemei said: "Mr. Gerrard, please don't impose your personal wishes on all Jaguar employees. You have repeatedly prevented us from acquiring Jaguar for your own self-interest, trying to kidnap the will of all employees to ask the government to abandon this plan. You are doomed to fail to achieve this goal."

Li Guangyu saw that he was unable to communicate with them. It was obvious that Sampson Gerrard had no desire to communicate with them.

Li Guangyu said: "Mr. Clark, I think we should seek more opinions from Jaguar's middle and senior management, not just listen to the opinions of Mr. Gerrard and his surroundings."

Sampson Gerrard was naturally unwilling to do this, as he would lose the initiative.

Sampson Gerrard said: "Mr. Lee, we as the Jaguar leadership naturally represent the wishes of everyone in the Jaguar company. I don't think there is any need to ask for their opinions again. These are the suggestions they gave. "

Du Yuemei didn't expect Sampson Gerrard to be so shameless. It was just the opposition of a few of them. When did they consult the opinions of the people in the company, but now they came out against the Li Group under the banner of representing the opinions of all the people in the company. Take over.

Du Yuemei said: "Mr. Gerald, we should seek truth from facts. Your personal wishes cannot represent everyone. I hope that Jaguar will hold a mid-level and high-level meeting immediately to vote on this acquisition."

Sampson Gerrard is not willing to do this. If the vote passes the Li Group's acquisition of Jaguar, then he has no way out.

Sampson Gerrard said: "Mr. Clark, Mr. Li, I don't think there is any need to do anything extra. The reason why we oppose this acquisition is the opinion of Jaguar's management and all employees."

Weaver Clark said with a smile: "Mr. Gerald, since Jaguar's management and all employees are opposed to Mr. Li's acquisition, we should hold another meeting, so that Mr. Li and the others can give up on the acquisition of Jaguar. Please inform me immediately The management has a meeting in the conference room, don't try to delay, if you don't want to, then I will report your intention to block the government's decision."

After hearing what Weaver Clark said, Sampson Gerrard could only ask someone to inform the company's middle and senior management to go to the conference room for a meeting in half an hour.

After Li Guangyu and the others stayed in this meeting room for [-] minutes, they came to the big meeting room of Jaguar Company together.All the middle and high-level management personnel in the company are now in place, just waiting for their arrival.

After coming to the front desk of the meeting room, Weaver Clark said: "The reason why this meeting is held this time is that our government intends to sell the company's shares to Mr. Li Guangyu. Our government is responsible for the company and all employees. , specifically seeking your opinions first. Although Mr. Gerald has already consulted your opinions, Mr. Li and I still want to hear your opinions in person."

The management present here heard Weaver Clark say that Sampson Gerrard had already consulted them, and immediately looked at Sampson Gerrard.I was thinking in my heart when Sampson Gerrard had consulted my opinion, which was directly represented again.

Sampson Gerrard was also uncomfortable to be watched. After Weaver Clark finished speaking, he immediately said: "Colleagues, the development of our Jaguar has not come easily. As our British luxury and noble brand, we do not Can let him fall into the hands of outsiders. Only when we own the company can we make Jaguar better."

Li Guangyu didn't want these managers to be influenced by Sampson Gerrard's words. In order to prevent Li Guangyu's acquisition, Gerrard directly played the national card, which was really shameless.

Li Guangyu said: "Every management, I believe that Jaguar will only develop better in my hands. We have a complete plan for Jaguar's future development, and I am also capable of helping Jaguar open up a market of billions of people in Asia. , Whether it’s Southeast Asia, or Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and mainland China, I have a certain influence. As long as we start business, your salary and benefits will be improved accordingly.”

Then Zhang Ziyu introduced the current situation of the Li Group to the management. The management present were very surprised when they heard the situation of the Li Group. They did not expect such a powerful family to exist in the small place of Xiangjiang.

Although Sampson Gerrard talked about taking the company into England's own hands, even the government doesn't have such an idea now, so why should he take care of it so much.

The Li Group has strong financial resources and a strong influence in Asia, which has a huge impetus for the development of Jaguar. As long as the sales market in Asia is opened, the performance will rise rapidly, and its salary and benefits will also increase rapidly. No matter how you look at it Li Guangyu's entry into Jaguar is beneficial to him.

Weaver Clark said: "Now everyone has listened to the explanations of Mr. Gerrard and Mr. Li. Everyone thinks for 10 minutes, and then we will start voting to determine whether our government will transfer Jaguar to Mr. Li."

The atmosphere in the conference room is very solemn now. During these 10 minutes, everyone felt that time passed so slowly. Even Li Guangyu was worried for a while. If the result of this vote fails, his efforts these days will be in vain.

Weaver Clark's voice sounded in the conference room, and he said: "Now we will send you a piece of paper with two options for you to choose from."

This time, Weaver Clark didn't let Jaguar's personnel distribute and collect, he let the staff he brought to do the operation.

After Sampson Gerrard and the others got it, they immediately ticked the option to disagree with Li Guangyu's acquisition of Jaguar.

After giving everyone 3 minutes to choose, the selection results were collected.

Weaver Clark said: "For the sake of justice, my staff will count the votes and register, and Mr. Gerrard and Mr. Li will send one person to supervise each."

Naturally, Li Guangyu sent Zhang Ziyu to supervise the balloting, while Sampson Gerrard sent the chief financial officer Celis Evely to supervise.

As Weaver Clark's staff counted the votes again and again, Sampson Gerrard's face became more and more ugly.

After the votes were counted, Weaver Clark said: "This time, more than 50% of the votes support Mr. Li's acquisition of Jaguar, while only 31% oppose Mr. Li Guangyu's acquisition. Our government will next negotiate with Mr. Li Guangyu for the acquisition of Jaguar." At the same time, Mr. Li Guangyu can also send a person to supervise Jaguar during the negotiation process, so as to avoid large losses.”

Li Guangyu knew that this was because Weaver Clark was worried that during the negotiation process with him, the management headed by Sampson Gerrard would make trouble inside, causing huge losses to the company.

Li Guangyu said: "Thank you for your trust in our Li Group. I believe that in the near future, everyone will not regret this choice."


After leaving the Jaguar headquarters, Li Guangyu said: "Ziyu, it's been hard work for you to stay in Jaguar during this period of time. Please take good care of Jaguar to prevent Sampson Gerrard from doing anything that will damage the company." come out."

Zhang Ziyu said: "Alright Mr. Li, I will be optimistic about Jaguar for the Li Group and protect the interests of the company."

Li Guangyu then said to Du Yuemei: "You will start negotiating with the British government in the next step. This time it involves economic reform. They want to use Jaguar as a pilot. I don't think Margaret Thatcher's government is willing to delay too long. As long as the price is not too excessive, you agree to the acquisition so as not to cause complications."

"I understand. I will negotiate the acquisition of Jaguar with the British government as soon as possible." Du Yuemei replied.

(End of this chapter)

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