Through the wealth life

Chapter 20 Jiayi TV Station

Chapter 20 Jiayi TV Station

As the time comes to September, Jiayi TV has come to an end in August after a grand offensive in July.

On the morning of August 1978, 8, Jiashi announced that it would cease operations due to financial difficulties, and Jiashi would stop broadcasting from now on.

On September 9th, Jiayi TV Station was facing liquidation, and the bankruptcy administrator of Xiangjiang, Hoss, was the liquidator and took over Jiashi temporarily.

On the afternoon of the same day, more than 300 Jiashi employees, led by He Juhua, petitioned the Government of Hong Kong to investigate all responsibilities related to Jiashi and protect the rights and interests of its employees.

Li Guangyu's long-awaited opportunity finally came. On the morning of September 9th, he asked Hoth to drink tea at the Peninsula Hotel.

After chatting with Hoss for a while, he said to Hoss: "Mr. Hoss, you are currently the liquidator of Jiashi. It is not easy for Jiashi to change hands now, especially after the petition incident yesterday afternoon."

Hoss is now worrying about the liquidation of Jiashi. Hearing Li Guangyu's question, he immediately knew that Li Guangyu had thoughts about Jiashi.So he said to Li Guangyu: "Li Sheng, could it be that you want to take over Jiayi TV station?"

Li Guangyu said: "Mr. Huos, I am also one of the shareholders of Jiayi TV, and I don't want Jiashi to withdraw from Xiangjiang's stage just like this."

Hoss said enthusiastically: "Li Sheng, you are really willing to take over Jiashi, and now you only need about 5000 million to buy it. Now all the shares of Jiashi's shareholders are under our custody, including Li Sheng's shares. .”

It was not because of money that Li Guangyu waited until this moment to make a move.He said to Hoss: "Although I intend to take over Jiashi, due to some special regulations, Jiashi can't compete with Wireless and Lily. I can't jump into it knowing that this is a pit."

After hearing Li Guangyu's words, Hoss knew that he wanted to lift the requirement that Jiayi TV must broadcast educational programs within a certain period of time.

Hoss said to Li Guangyu: "Sheng Li, I can't make the decision to help you lift some of Jiashi's regulations. However, after the petition incident that happened yesterday afternoon, the Hong Kong Governor's Office must be under a lot of pressure now. You can contact some people now. Help clear up the relationship, and you talk to Governor MacLehose. I will work harder on it, and I believe it can relieve your troubles in this regard."

Li Guangyu knew that there was an opportunity when he heard what Huos said, so he said to him: "Mr. Huoss, thank you very much, I will contact the Governor's Office as soon as possible, and try to solve Jiashi's trouble for you as soon as possible."

In the next few days, Li Guangyu visited He Zuozhi, Luo Luocheng, and Li Ka-shing respectively, asking them to come forward to clear up the relationship for the release of Jiashi's restrictions, and Li Guangyu even visited the Governor of Xiangjiang, MacLehose.


On September 9th, Li Guangyu officially acquired Jiayi TV Station.At 15:09 in the morning, Jiashi's high-level executives were already waiting for Li Guangyu's arrival in the meeting room.Zhou Liangshuyi, Liu Tianci, Shi Shaoming, Lu Guozhan, Ye Jiexin, Lin Xuhua and other high-level executives were all present either excitedly or nervously.

Li Guangyu walked into the meeting room slowly, looking at the current TV talent elite, these will be the foundation of the Li family's film and television group.

Li Guangyu said in the meeting: "From today onwards, my Li family will hold Jiayi TV Station, and I will be the chairman of the board of directors, Ms. Zhou Liangshuyi will be the general manager, and Bai Jiangting will be the company's financial director. Liu Tianci will be in charge The creative director, Shi Shaoming is the program director, Ye Jiexin is the production director,..."

After Li Guangyu announced the appointment of the company, he said: "I will invest 2 million Hong Kong dollars in the company for the development of the TV station, and we have canceled the mandatory broadcast of educational programs from 6:10 p.m. to 30:[-] p.m. and from [-]:[-] p.m. to [-]:[-] p.m. Now we really have the confidence to compete with TVB and Lidi on the same stage."

"As a media company, Jiayi TV Station, I hope that you can uphold the philosophy of my subsidiary Xiangyu Group, and conduct news reports with a fair, objective, and realistic attitude. At the same time, we treat the mainland or Taiwan as equals and report impartially. .”

Li Guangyu continued slowly: "In the rest of this year, our Li Group will develop our film company and record company based on the TV station, and establish our own theater chain to form our film and television group. The employees in our station can also develop into movies, from the small screen to the big screen."

Li Guangyu explained his plan for the film and television group and some arrangements for the future of the TV station in the meeting for more than an hour.

After the meeting, Li Guangyu came to Zhou Liangshuyi's office.Said to Zhou Liangshuyi: "I have two ideas about TV programs. The first is our educational program. We asked the history professor of Hong Kong Chinese University to open a program of hundreds of lectures. The second is the program of Good Voice."

After Li Guangyu told Zhou Liang Shuyi about the methods of these two programs in later generations, Zhou Liang Shuyi told her from her years of experience in the television industry that these two programs will definitely have a high rate of completion, especially the good voice project. It can bring ratings in Taiwan, and it can also discover talents for future record companies.

Zhou Liangshuyi immediately said to Li Guangyu: "These two ideas of the chairman are very suitable for the production of our TV station, as our flagship product after the resumption of the station. I will negotiate with the station and arrange personnel to start these two projects as soon as possible."

After Li Guangyu saw Zhou Liangshuyi adopted his opinion, he said to him: "The news department in our station can cooperate with the Xiangyu Daily News Agency under the Xiangyu Group to share news with each other."

Zhou Liangshuyi was even more happy to hear what Li Guangyu said. With the cooperation of Xiangyu Group, the quality of news programs of Jiayi TV Station can be greatly improved.

After Li Guangyu and Zhou Liangshuyi talked about the TV station, they came to the office of the financial director Bai Jiangting.

When Bai Jiangting saw Li Guangyu came to the office, she immediately got up and said, "Hi Chairman, what can I do?"

Li Guangyu said: "Jiang Ting, the reason why I transferred you from Xiangyu Group is that Manager Zhou Liangshuyi has a strong working ability and has a very keen intuition for the development of the TV industry, but she is also very capable of spending money. So I hope you can strictly review the finances of each project in the company."

"Don't worry, I will strictly review the finances of each project according to the company's requirements, and strictly supervise the financial expenses of the company's various projects." Bai Jiangting said to Li Guangyu.

Seeing that Bai Jiangting paid more attention to this area, Li Guangyu was relieved a lot.

In the afternoon, I came to Xiangyu Group and told Li Xuemei about the cooperation between the two companies, and asked Li Xuemei to arrange the cooperation between the two companies in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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