Through the wealth life

Chapter 204 Jardine is out

Chapter 204 Jardine is out
While Li Guangyu was still chatting with Shigeru Yamamoto, Wang Qian, the general manager of the administration department, came over and reported to Li Guangyu: "Sheng Li, Mr. Bao Yugang invited you to have lunch at the Peninsula Hotel at noon, I hope you can come to .”

Li Guangyu said: "Go and reply to Baosheng, I will be there on time."

"Alright Li Sheng, I'll go and reply to Bao Sheng right now." After Wang Qian finished speaking, she left the game development company.

Li Guangyu said to Shigeru Yamamoto: "Mr. Yamamoto, don't be too anxious about game development, pay attention to the quality of the game. Now some of our games are continuing to sell well, and we don't lack games to take over. Only by making the quality of the game Well, our game will be able to achieve good sales."

Shigeru Yamamoto replied: "Li Sheng, we also emphasized one point to each game development team. We will definitely make games carefully and never make some games crudely and randomly, which will ruin the reputation of our group."


At noon, Li Guangyu came to the private room that Bao Yugang had reserved at the Peninsula Hotel.

After Li Guangyu entered the private room, he said to Bao Yugang, "Uncle Bao, you are doing well these days. This time, I would like to thank you for helping us when we acquired the two groups of Heung Kong Electric and Heung Kong Telephone."

Bao Yugang said: "Guangyu, come and sit down, let's chat while eating."

The lunch prepared by Bao Yugang today was pretty good. For 2 Li Guangyu's taste, he specially ordered some special Sichuan dishes.

Li Guangyu said: "Uncle Bao, why bother? If there's anything you need, just give me an order. That's really polite."

"Guangyu, try it and see if it suits your taste. Uncle Bao also heard that the Peninsula Hotel will soon become your royal hotel, and you basically treat guests here." Bao Yugang said.

After eating for a while, Bao Yugang said: "Guangyu, how many Wharf shares are in your hand? Uncle Bao needs your help now. Don't worry, Uncle Bao will not treat you badly. I am willing to give you 100 shares." Buy your shares at the price of Hong Kong dollars per share."

Li Guangyu did not expect that the charter king raised the price by another 20 Hong Kong dollars. It seems that this time the charter king is determined to take over Wharf.

Li Guangyu said: "Uncle Bao, our Tianyu Investment Company currently holds 15% of Wharf's shares. You can send someone to our company to sign the transfer agreement later."

The charter king knew that Li Guangyu would have some Wharf shares in his hands, but he did not expect that Li Guangyu would hoard so much.With Li Guangyu's shares here, plus his own shares, Jardine Heights is a loser this time.

Bao Yugang said: "Guangyu, it seems that you really have a heart for Wharf. You bought it once the year before last, and then released it. I didn't expect to buy so much this time. You don't have the right to be in Wharf. Go ahead."

Li Guangyu had no intention of becoming the owner of Wharf. Bao Yugang should let this group run by himself, as long as he could make a fortune.

Li Guangyu replied: "Uncle Bao, I don't have much interest in Wharf. Wharf is also mainly engaged in the real estate industry. I own the Starlight Real Estate Group, so I don't have much demand for it. Uncle Bao is also working with me now. Is your father-in-law ready to transform from shipping?"

The charter king has long considered that single shipping is too dangerous. In 78, he wanted to enter other industries, otherwise he would not have taken over the shares held by Li Ka-shing.

Bao Yugang said: "Guangyu, does your father-in-law also think that the development of shipping is already in danger?"

"Uncle Bao, my father-in-law and I feel that the current shipping has become saturated. If there is any adverse effect, it will have a greater impact on the Eastern Shipping Group. My father-in-law is also planning to set up a real estate group now, to Japan and our Xingyue Cooperate with real estate groups to jointly develop the Japanese market." Li Guangyu said.

Bao Yugang was a little surprised why Luo Wenjin didn't develop in Xiangjiang, where there are so many contacts.Nowadays, the real estate industry in Xiangjiang is also very good, but they have to go to Japan to develop real estate. Even if they have the support of Li Guangyu Group there, it is still not convenient in Xiangjiang.


At 03:30 in the afternoon, Bao Yugang held a press conference at the global shipping headquarters.

Bao Yugang announced at the press conference: "Our Pao Group now officially holds 51% of the shares of Wharf Group and has become the controlling shareholder of Wharf."

A reporter from Xiangjiang Economic News asked: "Bao Sheng, your shares were less than 36% in the morning, and now you have become the controlling shareholder of Wharf. Bao Sheng, can you tell me that the sudden increase in shares is Li Is it the shares controlled by the group?"

Bao Yugang knew that it would be difficult to hide his whereabouts from these reporters. Everyone knew that Li Guangyu must have Wharf shares in his hands, but he didn't know the exact amount.

Bao Yugang said: "The reason why we were able to obtain the controlling stake in Wharf so quickly this time is thanks to the Lee Group for transferring 15% of the shares in Wharf to us."

A reporter from Xiangyu Daily asked: "Bao Sheng, after Li Sheng took down Jardine Heung Kong Telephone Group yesterday, and today you took down Wharf Group, we want to know if there are any similar actions by Chinese families recently?"

Bao Yugang said: "We were also accidental this time. The reason why we were able to successfully win the Wharf Group this time is also thanks to the Li Group for withstanding the pressure from Jardine, so that our Bao family can get the Nine Dragons Group." As for whether the Chinese family has similar actions, I don’t know, I think Coslight knows more about this issue than I do, you can go back and interview you Li Sheng.”

When Bao Yugang was interviewed, in the office of Newbikin, the headquarters of the Jardine Matheson Group, Newbikin was full of frustration.It took a long time to prepare this time, and it spent a huge amount of money just to keep the Xiangjiang Electric Group. This operation was really a failure.

This incident is not only a blow to Jardine, but also to Niu Bijian. Nowadays, many people are questioning his ability, and many people hope that he will abdicate and give up his position so that they can take this position.

Newbijian thinks that the reason why he failed this time is that Li Guangyu and his Li Group, with their strong financial strength, did not allow Jardine to take the slightest advantage in the competition with them, but instead fell into a relationship with Li Group. The situation of the group fighting for financial resources.

At the same time, Newbigan is also reflecting on whether there has been a problem with the expansion of Jardine over the years. The rapid expansion has prevented it from controlling the controlling stake in the group. It is hard to say that it can be in the hands of Jardine.

While Nubijian was thinking, the office phone rang.

Niu Bijian picked up the phone and said, "Hi, I'm Niu Bijian, may I ask who you are?"

"I'm Henry Keswick, Mr. Newbigan, can you explain why in just a few days, we, Jardine, have lost the two major groups of Xiangjiang Telephone and Wharf? You this time But after raising more than 60 billion Hong Kong dollars, is this the result?"

Newbijian said: "I'm sorry Mr. Keswick, the reason why I failed this time is that I underestimated the strength of the Li Group, and I am willing to take responsibility for this matter."

"Mr. Newbigan, please maintain the development of the Jardine Group now. We don't want to hear that any of our subsidiaries has been acquired tomorrow. I will arrive in Xiangjiang within a few days." Henry Keswick said.

"Don't worry, I won't give them such a chance again." Newbijan replied.

(End of this chapter)

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