Through the wealth life

Chapter 213 Buckingham Palace

Chapter 213 Buckingham Palace
At 5:20 on the morning of May 08, Li Guangyu went to Buckingham Palace accompanied by Li Weiming and others.

After Li Guangyu entered Buckingham Palace, he was in the royal family.Led by the housekeeper, they came to ****'s living room.

Li Guangyu was very fortunate to have the etiquette trainer sent by the He family to train him, and now he would not be ashamed in such an occasion.

Li Guangyu greeted the **** according to some British etiquette.

***** said: "Mr. Li, welcome to our Buckingham Palace as a guest."

Li Guangyu said: "It is a great honor to receive your invitation and come here as a guest."

****** said with a smile: "Mr. Li, I am also very happy to see a young hero like you here as a guest."

As the nominal head of state of England, although the Communist Party doesn't do anything, he has a high reputation among the British people and is very popular among the citizens.

In the ensuing conversation, **** did not talk about political issues or the Xiangjiang issue with Li Guangyu, but more about Li Guangyu's business with Li Guangyu.

***** said: "Mr. Li, although I am far away in England, I still know some news about Xiangjiang. Especially in the past two years, I have often heard about you from these news. So this When you came to England last time, I specially invited you to our palace as a guest, and I also wanted to see with my own eyes what kind of young man who created legends in Xiangjiang was like."

Li Guangyu said modestly: "Thank you for your attention. This is just an exaggeration by the media. I just got lucky. Now I have a certain result. This is also the result of my high-level efforts. My own level is limited."

*****Naturally, he has some information about Li Guangyu, and he still knows a lot about this young man's personality.Over the past few years, this man has always been very humble and polite to everyone, giving people the impression that humans and animals are harmless.If it weren't for these news, no one would know that he is the head of a family business that has reached nearly tens of billions of dollars.

It was such a harmless young man who launched a fierce attack on the Keswick family's Jardine Group last month, causing the Jardine Group to lose control of the two groups one after another.

***** said: "Mr. Li, you are too modest. The Keswick family is terrified of you now. It is said that they are planning to send family members to Xiangjiang to sit in the town in person to prevent the Jardine Group from being attacked by you again. You There are not many families in England who can do this action."

Li Guangyu didn't know what the purpose of the **** saying this was to warn him not to attack the British consortium again?
Li Guangyu said: "Your Majesty, this is also the problem of the Jardine Group itself. They have been expanding endlessly in the past few years, and they do not have strong control over the major groups. Moreover, due to the rapid expansion, many industries that serve the citizens of Xiangjiang The management has not kept up, and the citizens have complained about it. We also initiated the acquisition of some groups under the Jardine Group for the sake of the citizens of Xiangjiang.”

****** said with a smile: "Mr. Li, I don't have any opinion on your acquisition of the Jardine Group's group. I can’t blame others. I just admire your ability. If we in England could have a few people with the ability like you, our local economy wouldn’t be where it is today.”

Although the boss doesn't care about things, she still knows the domestic situation very well, and Mrs. Thatcher will often come to the palace to tell the boss about some domestic affairs.

The current domestic economic development is not satisfactory, the inflation rate continues to rise, and the living standards of the citizens have also declined to a certain extent. The government is also troubled by this.If more missions like Li Guangyu can come to England to invest, the domestic economy will definitely improve.

Li Guangyu said: "You don't have to worry too much. It is said that the government is implementing a series of economic reforms. I believe that under the leadership of Mrs. Thatcher, the British economy will soon be reversed."

***** said: "Mr. Li, I really hope that as you said, our citizens can live a little better."

Afterwards, **** didn't mention any business matters, but asked some questions about Li Guangyu's family.

***** said: "Mr. Li, I hope that when you come to England next time, you can bring your wife with you. I also want to see which lady can walk with a talented boy like you." Together."

Li Guangyu said: "Thank you for your concern. I feel very lucky to have a wife like Wei Qing. The next time I come here, I will definitely bring Wei Qing with me."

At noon, **** invited Li Guangyu to have lunch together.

It was not until four o'clock in the afternoon that Li Guangyu bid farewell to the **** and left.

After returning to the hotel, Zhang Ziyu asked Li Guangyu: "Sheng Li, how is Buckingham Palace? Is the queen as amiable as the people have heard?"

Li Guangyu said: "Isn't it just older there, more serious, with more rules, and no freedom like the outside world. The queen is very nice, and didn't ask me some difficult questions."

Zhang Ziyu didn't ask any more questions after hearing this, but said to Li Guangyu: "Li Sheng, I have contacted the plane at 08:30 tomorrow morning, and we can return to Xiangjiang tomorrow."

When Li Guangyu returned to the hotel, Mrs. Thatcher came to **** here.

Mrs. Thatcher said to the ****: "Your Majesty, you have met Li Guangyu today, how do you feel about him?"

***** said: "Thatcher, I can't see through this young man. He is very respectful and humble. As the owner of a family with tens of billions of assets, how could he behave like that to him? Humans and animals are harmless, so you must be careful."

As for why the Communist Party persuaded Thatcher to be cautious, it was because Thatcher told the Communist Party some of her own economic reforms, including the privatization of Chinese enterprises, and Thatcher hoped that Li Guangyu would participate in it , the current Jaguar Motor Company is just a test field. Once Jaguar develops smoothly, Thatcher will invite Li Guangyu to continue to increase investment in England, especially in the privatization reform of some state-owned enterprises.

Mrs. Thatcher said: "Your Majesty, you are also aware of our current economic situation. If we do not carry out reforms, the economy will become more and more difficult."


(End of this chapter)

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