Through the wealth life

Chapter 226 Heading to Lisboa

Chapter 226 Heading to Lisboa
Just after Du Yuemei led the group to the mainland, Li Guangyu received an invitation from his uncle Ho Hongshen to go to Lisboa.

After Li Guangyu returned home, he said to Cao Weiqing, "Wei Qing, Uncle Jiu invited me to visit his Lisboa, take good care of yourself and the little one at home these two days."

Cao Weiqing said: "Guangyu, it's fine at home, you play there by yourself and pay attention to safety, why did Uncle Jiu let you go to Lisboa in person this time? What's the matter, isn't it the same to discuss it here in Xiangjiang?"

Li Guangyu knew that Stanley Ho was having a headache these days because of Ye Han's horse racing event. On the [-]th of this month, Ye Han opened the business but invited many people from Xiangjiang to support the venue, even Run Run Shaw past.

Li Guangyu said: "It's nothing serious, it's just that Uncle Jiu has been restless these days, so I'll go and persuade him."

After Li Guangyu arranged the family affairs properly, he went to Lisboa accompanied by Du Yonghong and others.

After Li Guangyu's boat docked, Li Guangyu saw Ho Hongshen's butler waiting here as soon as he got off the boat.

He Wu came over and said to Li Guangyu: "Master Li, please follow me, the vehicle is already waiting in front."

Li Guangyu walked forward with He Wu, Li Guangyu asked: "Uncle He, how is Uncle Jiu doing these days?"

He Wuhe replied: "Master Li, the master is in a lower mood these days than before. Recently, he is staying with the entertainment company during the day."

Li Guangyu asked: "Should we go directly to the entertainment company later, or go back to Uncle Jiu's house?"

"The master ordered that after receiving you, go directly to the entertainment company, and he will wait for you there." He Wu said.

After Li Guangyu arrived at the entertainment company, he saw that the place was still very lively. It seems that the horse racing meeting did not have a great influence on Stanley Ho. I don't know why Stanley Ho asked himself to come to Lisboa this time.

After Li Guangyu walked into Stanley Ho's office, Stanley Ho said, "Guangyu, come and sit."

Afterwards, Stanley Ho introduced several people next to Li Guangyu. One of them was He Xian, the head of the He family with a high status in Lisboa. The He family had nothing to do with the Xiangjiang He Dong family.

The other is Wang Jinyi, chief of the Lisboa Government Information Office, and Cui Deqi, head of the Cui family in Lisboa.

Li Guangyu really didn't know what Stanley Ho wanted to do with these people. These people had a very high status in Lisboa.If they couldn't solve the problem here, Li Guangyu felt that even if he came by himself, it would be useless.

Li Guangyu said hello to these few one by one, after all these are his elders, Li Guangyu should have the etiquette.

Stanley Ho said: "Guangyu, I am not the only one who invited you to come here this time. Both Uncle He and Uncle Cui hope that you can come here this time. We also have something to talk to you about."

Li Guangyu said: "Uncle Nine, Uncle He, Uncle Cui, if you have anything to do, just take orders, and I will try my best to do what I can."

He Xian smiled and said: "Guangyu, the main reason for inviting you here this time is that we want to cooperate with you. You also know that the mainland and Portugal signed a statement before Lisboa returned to the mainland in 99. Today, we Lisboa citizens still What I watched was the programs of the three TV stations in Xiangjiang, but Lisboa itself does not have a TV station. This time we plan to jointly establish a TV station to serve the citizens of Lisboa and at the same time convey the voice of the government well.”

Li Guangyu didn't realize that these people wanted to set up a TV station. With their abilities, there was no problem with this matter. Why did these people specially ask him to come here.

Li Guangyu said: "Uncle He, there is no problem if you are willing to set up a TV station. You should not be too troublesome about this matter."

He Xian said: "Guangyu, the Lisboa government has no problem with the TV license issue. We came here to ask you if you are interested in participating in this TV station. We hope to use your excellent skills Group development, as you know, we don’t have any useful TV talents in our hands now, and Xiangjiang’s talents in this area are also controlled by your three major TV stations.”

Li Guangyu didn't care whether he took part in the shares or not. Anyway, the TV station here is not in his turn to make decisions.

Li Guangyu said: "Uncle He, after you set up a TV station, you can just ask us Jiayi to cooperate directly. How can I not give you face, why do you want me to step in?"

Cui Deqi said: "Guangyu, as elders, how can we take advantage of you? The reason why we invite you here this time is to hope that you can become a shareholder of Lisboa TV. In this way, the cooperation between Jiayi and Lisboa to last long.”

Li Guangyu also knew that only profit can maintain our long-term cooperation, so he agreed to take a share in Lisboa TV.

Li Guangyu asked: "Uncle Jiu, Uncle He, Uncle Cui, do you have any plans now? When will the TV station start broadcasting?"

Stanley Ho said: "Guangyu, there is nothing now, it's just the idea of ​​the few of us, this time you are asked to participate in the stock, and it is to let you prepare for the establishment of the TV station. We don't understand these things, you have a lot of talents, you At the beginning, we single-handedly developed Jiayi, which was bankrupt, and we are very relieved to hand over TV Lisboa to you."

Hearing what Hongshen Ho said, Li Guangyu knew that he was attracted by these young men. Of course, it was also these elders who were helping him expand his influence in Lisboa.With the cooperation with the He Xian family and the Cui family, Li Guangyu's development in Lisboa will be smoother.

Li Guangyu said: "Uncle Nine, Uncle He, Uncle Cui, I will inform Ye Jiexin, a subsidiary of Jiayi Group, to come here to host Lisboa TV. She has many years of experience in TV stations, and now she also manages our Jiayi Sports Channel. Not bad, I think her ability is enough to lead the development of TV Lisboa."

Since these bigwigs wanted to establish a TV station, they naturally investigated the talents of the major TV stations in Xiangjiang, especially the internal talents of Jiayi TV Station.Shi Shaoming doesn't need to think about it, that person is now the vice president of Jiayi Group, and Ye Jiexin is the next one. Now Jiayi Sports Channel is developing very well under her leadership. Li Guangyu is willing to transfer such talents. Several are very satisfied.

He Xian said: "Guangyu, you can arrange these things. We believe in your ability. Under your arrangement, Lisboa TV Station will definitely achieve good benefits."

Li Guangyu didn't have high expectations for Lisboa TV Station. After all, Lisboa's population is too small, and it faces competition from the three major TV stations in Xiangjiang.

Afterwards, several people from Li Guangyu discussed the specific details of the TV station. He Xian and Cui Deqi each held 30% of the shares, and Li Guangyu and Ho Hongshen each held 20% of the shares, with a total capital of [-] million Hong Kong dollars.

Li Guangyu discussed the specific procedures of the TV station with Wang Jinyi from the news office after discussing the allocation of the TV station with several companies.

It was not until six o'clock in the afternoon that all the regulations were discussed. Stanley Ho had already reserved a private room in the restaurant. After Li Guangyu and Wang Jinyi finished talking, he took everyone to the restaurant for dinner.

(End of this chapter)

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