Through the wealth life

Chapter 232 Treasure Island Production Base

Chapter 232 Treasure Island Production Base
After Du Yuemei led the Bentley Group to arrive in Baodao, they were warmly received by the Baodao government. Sun Yunxuan, the president of the Executive Yuan, even went to the Zhongzheng Airport to welcome Du Yuemei and others.

At the subsequent welcome banquet, Du Yuemei said: "President Sun, Li Sheng asked me to say hello to you on his behalf, and thank you for your invitation. He will attend the inauguration ceremony of your Hsinchu Science and Technology Park on time on December 12."

Sun Yunxuan said: "Ms. Du, Mr. Li is too polite. Since I talked with him personally last year, the investment of Li's Group in our Baodao has been accelerating. Now Jiayi Group's studio construction is nearing completion. I think When Li Sheng comes to Treasure Island, he can announce that the studio is in operation."

Sun Yunxuan attaches great importance to the cooperation with Li's Group. Sun Yunxuan has also investigated the studios of Jiayi Group many times to solve problems for the construction of Jiayi Group.With the coming of Bentley Group this time, Sun Yunxuan naturally hoped that the production base of the group could be located in Baodao, which would have a huge boost to the economy of Baodao and also bring the relationship between Li's Group and Baodao closer.

Sun Yunxuan knew that the negotiations between Li's Xingyu Group and Texas Instruments had come to an end.Regarding the chip production company, the Li Group has not yet selected a site. This is a huge opportunity for the upcoming Hsinchu Science and Technology Park, and he does not want to let go of such an opportunity.

Du Yuemei said: "Thank you, Dean Sun, for your concern for Li's Group. I think Jiayi Group will make arrangements for this matter, and Li Sheng will be happy to attend. Currently, Jiayi Group does not have its own studio, and in Bao'an The establishment of the island studio has made up for the shortcomings of Jiayi Group."

Sun Yunxuan said: "Ms. Du, you are welcome. You invest in our Baodao and drive our economic development. Our government should naturally care about your development. This is also our duty. We in Baodao also attach importance to the cooperation with your Bentley Group. , as long as you Bentley invest in our Baodao, I will always pay attention to the construction of Bentley, and help your group's construction troubles and difficulties at any time, so that you can quickly establish and put into production."

Du Yuemei did not immediately give Sun Yunxuan an answer. This matter cannot be settled immediately. She still needs to conduct a field inspection. At the same time, she also needs to discuss with Baodao about the establishment of production bases for Bentley's Jaguar and Kirin in Baodao. of.

Du Yuemei said: "President Sun, Li Sheng also intends to put the production base in Baodao. As for the final result, we still need to communicate with your government after investigation."

Sun Yunxuan is still very sure about keeping the production base of Bentley Group in Baodao. As long as Baodao can provide some preferential policies, he believes that Bentley will set up its Asian production base here.Through his understanding of Li Guangyu for more than a year, he knew that if Li Guangyu needed to establish a production company in Asia, he would generally only consider mainland China and Taiwan. build.

Sun Yunxuan said: "Ms. Du, all counties and cities in Baodao welcome you to visit. I will arrange for the Secretary-General of the Executive Yuan to accompany you on this visit to Baodao. He can help you solve any questions and problems. "

Du Yuemei replied: "Dean Sun, then I will trouble you."

After resting in Baodao, on September 9, Du Yuemei and his party, accompanied by Fei Hua, Secretary-General of the Executive Yuan, went to the outskirts of Taipei to investigate the situation here, to see if it was suitable for establishing a production base.

On September 9th, Du Yuemei and his party went to the south of Baodao again, and conducted an inspection here. Most of the machinery industry in Baodao is located in the south, which is why Du Yuemei came here for inspection.

After returning to Taipei after the investigation, Du Yuemei and her entourage discussed the choice of base location in the conference room of the hotel.

Zhang Ziyu said: "Sister Yuemei, didn't Li Sheng tell us to set the production base in Taipei?"

Du Yuemei said: "In fact, the establishment of a production base here in Taipei is not as beneficial as that in the southern part of Taiwan. There are many auto parts companies in the southern part. We can cooperate with them nearby. In Taipei, we still have to transport them from there. .”

Zhang Ziyu said: "Mr. Li may have considered that the Taiwan government is located in Taipei, so he decided to put the production base here. Sister Yuemei, what's your opinion?"

Du Yuemei said: "I have just contacted Li Sheng and told him the situation. Li Sheng asked us to choose according to the situation of the group. Moreover, I just received a new notice that someone has already taken up the position of your assistant. I didn't expect that This time it was so fast, when I resigned and Li Xuelan had to wait for a long time before I got a new assistant, this time it was so fast."

Zhang Ziyu was also curious about who took over as his assistant, so he immediately asked Du Yuemei, "Sister Yuemei, tell me who is Li Sheng's assistant."

"This time, this person is really a surprise. Li Sheng neither recruited from the outside nor recruited personnel from Xiangjiang. Instead, he transferred Gan Qin, the general manager of the administration department of Xingyue Real Estate Group in Japan, to serve as his assistant. "Du Yuemei said.

Zhang Ziyu was also surprised to hear that Gan Qin is not yet 26 years old, and among several assistants, her employment is relatively the lowest.The three of them all graduated from famous schools for studying abroad with a master's degree or above, and Gan Qin only graduated from the Chinese University of Hong Kong with a bachelor's degree.After Li Guangyu took over the family business, she expanded and joined the Li Group for the first time. Unexpectedly, Li Sheng still cared about his affection.

Du Yuemei continued: "So, Ziyu, don't worry that your position is over now, as long as you do a good job, you still have a chance to expand the Li Group in the future. The management of our Li Group expansion is basically composed of The internal promotion of our Li Group can be seen from the senior management of the major groups."

Shane Wesley couldn't understand the Cantonese conversation of the two, so he could only sit quietly beside him.

After Du Yuemei chatted with Zhang Ziyu about this, she turned back to the topic.She said: "Now that Li Sheng has given us the right to choose a region to establish a production base, we will have a good talk with the Taiwan government to see which side has more support in Taipei or Tainan, which is more conducive to the development of our Bentley Group. , we choose where to build our production base.”

In the next few days, Du Yuemei and others began to communicate frequently with Sun Yunxuan and government officials in Taipei and Tainan to discuss the conditions for Bentley to establish a production base in this area.

On the Xiangjiang side, after Ganqin returned to Xiangjiang, she came to Jiayi Building early in the morning on the 30th.After coming back yesterday, she received a notice to go to Li Guangyu's office in Jiayi Building to listen to the job arrangement this morning, so Gan Qin came here early.

When Li Guangyu came to Jiayi Building at nine o'clock in the morning, he saw Gan Qin waiting for him at the door of his office.

Li Guangyu said: "Gan Qin, why are you standing at the door, waiting for a long time?"

Gan Qin said, "Not long, it's fine to stand for a while."

After Li Guangyu and Ganqin entered the office, they said to Ganqin: "I transferred you back from Japan this time because I considered that Toshihito Fujiwara is more suitable as the general manager of the administration department in Japan than you. After you come back this time , will serve as my assistant, do you have any comments?"

Gan Qin was very disappointed when she heard what was going on, but she didn't expect to turn around. She came back to serve as Li Sheng's assistant. No wonder Gan Sheng asked her to report to Li Sheng more about the situation in Japan.

Gan Qin happily replied: "Thank you, Li Sheng, for trusting me. I don't have any objections. I will work hard and do my job as an assistant seriously."

Li Guangyu said: "I believe you have this ability. This is also Ms. Li Xuemei's recommendation to you. In the past two days, you should get familiar with the relevant affairs. Your office is next to you. Go and tidy up first. I don't have anything to do right now. "

"Alright Mr. Li." After Gan Qin finished speaking, she left Li Guangyu's office.

(End of this chapter)

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