Through the wealth life

Chapter 242 American Sports Layout

Chapter 242 American Sports Layout
After visiting the Lakers players, Li Guangyu came to the office area of ​​Xinghong Sports Group, which is not very far from the Great Western Forum Arena, and the drive time is only about ten minutes.

Li Guangyu presided over the high-level management meeting of Xinghong Sports Group. After listening to reports from various departments, Li Guangyu said: "Now our sports group has basketball, ice hockey and football. The Lakers are doing very well, and ice hockey has also achieved Good results, but our football club in Coventry is still struggling to be eliminated and relegated, do you have a plan to deal with it?"

Peng Xiaoli said: "Li Sheng, in this regard, our management here mainly respects the opinions of the top management of Bentley Football Club. They suggested that one should bring back a few top players from other teams, and the other is to train their own young players. .Our headquarters has agreed with them and injected $2000 million into the development of the team."

Li Guangyu himself didn't know who the more famous football stars were, and he couldn't take advantage of them to be recruited to the club when they were young. In later generations, he only heard of a few names, and he didn't even know their full names. Not to mention what is going on with them now.

Li Guangyu said: "Leave the professional issues to the football club. You just need to help them do other affairs of the team."

Vice President Sith Pross said: "Mr. Li, we will handle the affairs of the Bentley Football Club according to your instructions. The chairman of the Bentley Football Club, the team general manager and the coaching staff are responsible for the team building issues. We The group headquarters will not intervene in this aspect."

Although Li Guangyu likes basketball, Xinghong Sports Group can't just focus on the development of basketball. For example, in Europe, football is the sports hegemony in that region, occupying an absolute influence.In the United States, basketball is not the overlord here. Basketball ranks third in the four major sports leagues in the United States, while ice hockey ranks fourth, football ranks first and Major League Baseball ranks second. Now Xinghong Sports Group The layout has not yet started.

Li Guangyu asked: "Xiaoli, does your group have any plans to expand in the coming year?"

Peng Xiaoli replied: "Sheng Li, we are going to enter the NFL (National Football League) next year. We are already looking at the teams we intend to sell, especially the teams in the California area. As the most influential sports league in the United States, we enter This alliance has greatly improved the influence of our Xinghong Sports Group and the Li Group in the United States."

Peng Xiaoli herself will not let the team she manages stop. Seeing that other groups under Li's are expanding rapidly, only her own group currently has only three teams, and the market value is only about [-] million US dollars.With such data, it is difficult to compare with other groups when summarizing at the end of the year. Even after Jiayi went public, its market value has been rising all the way, and it is estimated that Xinghong Sports Group will be at the bottom by then.

Li Guangyu is very satisfied with Peng Xiaoli's aggressive attitude. Now that he has seized the opportunity to become the owner of these teams, the market value of the team will only increase in the future. At the same time, he can also promote the products of the Li Group, so he will not lose money.Considering that the market value of the Lakers alone will reach billions of dollars in the future, Li Guangyu is now taking advantage of the fact that the team is not very valuable, and several major leagues have bought one to expand the influence of the Li Group in the United States.

Li Guangyu said: "When you are inspecting the NFL, you are also inspecting the MLB (American Baseball League). We will enter the two major leagues at the same time next year. In this way, our Xinghong Sports Group will be firmly established as a sports leader in the United States." status."

Peng Xiaoli immediately replied happily: "Li Sheng, we will recruit baseball professionals after the meeting to investigate the acquisition of baseball clubs."

Originally, Peng Xiaoli wanted to take it step by step and start to expand one by one. This time, with Li Guangyu's orders, she can do both. Among them, the financial problem can be solved by Li's headquarters, so she doesn't have to worry about the shortage of funds for this acquisition.

Li Guangyu then listened to Kings (NHL) President Jim Green's report on the Kings' team situation this season.

Li Guangyu said: "Mr. Green, I don't know much about ice hockey. How to build the team depends mainly on you. We can only help you in other areas. I hope the Kings can achieve success under your leadership. Brilliant result."

Jim Green said: "Mr. Li, thank you and the group's senior management for your trust in us. We will definitely lead the development of the Kings. We plan to complete the team's championship lineup within three years and launch a sprint to the league championship."

Li Guangyu also knows that sometimes, even if you have a good lineup, you may not be able to win the championship. Sometimes it depends on luck.The right time, place and people, this thing is beyond his control, and Li Guangyu doesn't want to put too much pressure on them.

Li Guangyu said: "Mr. Green, the team building is up to you, and don't put too much pressure on the team. We must ensure that the team is always a strong team in the league and pay attention to the health of the players. The championship is naturally ours." Goal, but don’t be disappointed if you don’t win a championship within a year or two. At the same time, if the players are under too much pressure, it will not be conducive to their performance on the court.”

Jim Green said: "Mr. Li, we will pay attention to the health of the players and their mentality on the court. I believe that the players on our team have a heart to compete for the championship, and they can withstand such pressure. Of course , we will not put pressure on them, I think the fans' expectations of them will make them feel the pressure."


After the meeting, Li Guangyu left Peng Xiaoli alone to talk with her about the development of the Li Group here.

Li Guangyu said, "Xiaoli, how many directly-operated and franchised stores does Hongyu Clothing Group have in the United States?"

Peng Xiaoli said: "Sheng Li, at the end of last month, there were 52 directly-operated stores under the three major brands of Feiyu, Chengyu and Hongyu under the Hongyu Clothing Group, and 645 franchised stores. It is the densest here in California, where there are more than [-] directly-operated stores and franchise stores. Especially in the Los Angeles area and San Francisco area, there is a brand store under our Hongyu Group in every block."

Li Guangyu said: "After we have stabilized California, we will focus on developing the markets in the eastern states, especially the markets in big cities such as New York, Washington, and Chicago."

Today, the sports market in the United States is mainly occupied by brands such as Nike and Converse, and Nike is not as strong as the later generations. This time period is the time when Hongyu Group seizes the market.

Peng Xiaoli said: "Sheng Li, Hongyu Group is already implementing the eastern market development plan. At the beginning of this month, Mr. Qin Ping, the general manager of the Hongyu Group branch, went to New York in person to preside over the development of the market there."

Li Guangyu said: "You have done a good job. Our group is now in a period of vigorous expansion. The current market for many of our products is not too wide. This requires our management and marketing personnel to develop new markets for our products. product sales."

(End of this chapter)

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