Through the wealth life

Chapter 244 Texas Instruments

Chapter 244 Texas Instruments
In the early morning of the next day, Li Guangyu and others took a chartered plane at Los Angeles Airport to Dallas, Texas, where the headquarters of Texas Instruments is located.

In his previous life, Li Guangyu heard the name here, and he only knew about this city because he watched the NBA.Looking at the NBA of that era in the previous life, the top three in Texas is always interesting to talk about.With Dayao joining the Rockets as the No. [-] pick, the influence of the American NBA in mainland China has greatly increased, and there are also many fans discussing these teams.

In the years when Li Guangyu watched the game, the top three in Texas were always the playoff teams.There are many fans on the Internet molesting the top three in Texas. The famous words are that the Mavericks are too weak, the Spurs are too old, and the Rockets are too strong. This was called the Texas Big Three at the time.

The city of Dallas is also known to many fans in the mainland because of the Mavericks. The mutual respect between team owner Cuban and German chariot Nowitzki also makes countless fans admire.

On the plane, Li Guangyu said to Qin Peng: "Qin Sheng, after the signing of this contract, your group will start to establish a company in Hsinchu, and first recruit high-level personnel of the company. As for the construction of Hsinchu, when the time comes, Starlight Real Estate Group will The Xingguang Jianye will go to Baodao to build the company, you can now work here in Xiangjiang, and move to Hsinchu to work after the establishment is complete."

Qin Peng replied: "Li Sheng, after we return to Xiangjiang, we will report your arrangement to Ms. Li Xuemei, and our group will quickly complete the establishment of the semiconductor company."

Li Guangyu said: "The company we established this time needs a large number of technical talents. In this regard, Xiangjiang is obviously unable to meet our needs. Your group has not yet formally established the company, and Hsinchu has not yet started construction. There are many in the United States. Looking for some talents, especially Asian talents, they are not treated fairly by many companies in the United States, our group shows sincerity, I think they are willing to work in our group.”

Qin Peng knew that last night Li Guangyu personally hosted a banquet for talents related to semiconductors, obviously preparing for the upcoming establishment of a semiconductor company.

Qin Peng said: "Li Sheng, don't worry, our group also attaches great importance to this aspect. Ms. Li Xuemei emphasized this issue at the high-level meeting. Our US branch of Xingyu Group has also been in contact with some of these people in the past two months. We will strive to enable them to work in our group."

Li Guangyu lamented that the ability of the group's top management is indeed strong enough. They don't need to worry about many things at all. They can handle the group's affairs in an orderly manner.

Since Los Angeles implements the US Pacific Time Zone, Dallas implements the US Central Time Zone.So Dallas was two hours earlier than Los Angeles. Li Guangyu and his chartered flight took off at [-] o'clock in Los Angeles Airport. After more than two hours of flight, it was already noon local time when they arrived at Dallas Airport.

Li Guangyu and the others rushed to Texas Instruments after they had lunch at the hotel they had reserved. At two o'clock this afternoon, Xingyu Group signed a technology transfer agreement with Texas Instruments.

Originally, Li Guangyu didn't need to come to Dallas in person. Qin Peng's presence this time is enough to show that the Li Group attaches great importance to this technology transfer. However, Li Guangyu received simultaneous invitations from the Dallas City Government and Texas Instruments. , I hope he gets enough to come to Dallas and attend the reception held by the city government this evening.

Li Guangyu knew that the city government obviously knew that his group would sign a technology transfer agreement with Texas Instruments today, so they invited him. As for what the Dallas city government wanted to discuss with him, Li Guangyu was not very clear.

At [-]:[-], Li Guangyu and his party arrived at the office building of Texas Instruments.

Outside the building, several founders of Texas Instruments welcomed Li Guangyu and others here.

Li Guangyu learned about these people under the introduction of Wang Qi, the general manager of Xingyu Group's American branch who was negotiating with Texas Instruments.

Sessel H. Green, J. Eric Johnson, Eugene McDermott, and Patrick E. Haggerty, these are the four who created this company and have great influence in the semiconductor industry. Influence.

Sessel H. Green, chairman of Texas Instruments, said: "Mr. Li, you are welcome to come to our company. This time is really a surprise to us. I didn't expect you to attach so much importance to our company and accept our invitation to come to us in person. Come."

Li Guangyu said: "I am also very happy to meet you. Texas Instruments is at the forefront of technology and is leading the technological revolution. Electronic components are developing rapidly. I believe you will be able to lead Texas Instruments to become a great company. "

These few people were very happy to hear Li Guangyu's praise of their company. The current market value of Texas Instruments is not comparable to that of Li Guangyu's Xingyu Group, let alone the entire Li Group.This time Li Guangyu was able to attend the signing ceremony in person, which was a great honor to himself.

Sessel H. Green said: "Mr. Li, Mr. Qin, and Ms. Gan, please come among you."

After arriving at the Texas Instruments conference, Li Guangyu said: "Mr. Green, this time I would like to thank your company for transferring a series of technologies to our group, which provides a foundation for us to develop the semiconductor industry."

Sessel H. Green said: "Mr. Li, you are welcome. We are also mutually beneficial. The funds we get from selling technology can also be invested in new technology research and development. This is also a great benefit to our company."

The executives of Texas Instruments are very satisfied with the deal with the Li Group. Some technologies that Texas Instruments no longer need can be sold to the Li Group at a high price of 5000 million US dollars. They all feel that the company has made a lot of money this time. up.

After mutual politeness, Qin Peng and Sessel H. Green, chairman of Texas Instruments, checked the contract and signed their names. Qin Peng also handed over the check prepared for the acquisition to Texas Instruments. financial director.

Li Guangyu said to the senior executives of Texas Instruments: "Mr. Green, Mr. Johnson, after my company is established, I still need you to send some technicians to help us establish transistor production workshops and chip production workshops. Is there any problem with this?"

Sessel H. Green said: "Mr. Li, as long as your production workshop is established and the production line is installed, we will send company technicians to assist you in production. This is a clause in the contract. We are not will break the contract."

Li Guangyu said with a smile: "Mr. Green, thank you very much. I hope that our group will have more cooperation with you in the future. If you are willing to sell your current technology at a suitable price, our Li Group is also willing to buy it. "

Sessel H. Green is not foolish enough to sell the current technology. He wants to sell it, and he will wait until Texas Instruments has a new generation of products before selling the current generation of technology to the Li Group.Anyway, they have a lot of money, and it would be better to use it to invest in the development of new technologies.

Sessel H. Green said: "Mr. Li, we at Texas Instruments have no plans to sell this generation of technology for the time being. When we want to sell it in the future, we must contact your Li Group."


(End of this chapter)

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