Through the wealth life

Chapter 253 Boeing

Chapter 253 Boeing
On December 12th, Li Guangyu went to Seattle, where the headquarters of the Boeing Company is located. This time he went to Boeing to buy a plane for his own special plane. Nowadays, with more and more groups, he has to go to the world every year. Everywhere, it is much more convenient to have your own private plane, which is also safer.

After learning that Li Guangyu needed to purchase a special plane, the three major aircraft companies, Boeing and Gulfstream in the United States, and Bombardier in Canada, all contacted Zhang Ziyu, his assistant at the time, and invited Li Guangyu to visit their companies.The reason why Li Guangyu chose Boeing is because the range of Boeing is long enough. Boeing 747-200 directly travels from Los Angeles to Xiangjiang without stopping in Hawaii for refueling.

When Li Guangyu arrived at Seattle Airport, Boeing's president, Steve Cole, had been waiting here for a long time.

After Li Guangyu got off the plane, Steem Cole came up to him and said, "Mr. Li, welcome. I am the President of Boeing Company, Steem Cole."

Li Guangyu responded with a smile: "Mr. Cole, thank you for being able to come to the airport to welcome you, you Boeing is so warm."

"Mr. Li is able to come to our Boeing company for inspection and inspection. This is a trust in our Boeing company. Naturally, we must do a good job in receiving you," Stim Cole said.

This time, Boeing received Li Guangyu so solemnly, hoping to use Li Guangyu’s influence to open up the private jet market in Asia. Currently in Asia, this market is mainly controlled by Gulfstream and Bombardier. Boeing is in the field of private jets in Asia. There is no market.

Li Guangyu and others boarded the vehicle that Steam Cole sent to welcome them, and went to Boeing's headquarters in Seattle.

In the car, Stim Cole said: "Mr. Li, our Boeing 747-200 is also an aircraft that has been released in the past few years. The various designs are very advanced, and none of the aircraft sold in the past two years has had any problems. You Xiangjiang Cathay Pacific Airways also has our model of aircraft, and I think Li Sheng should have flown in it too. We can completely modify it for you on this basis, and the interior will be more comfortable and suitable for your flight.”

Li Guangyu said: "Mr. Cole, since I chose to visit your Boeing as the first stop, I also hope to buy from you. After all, your Boeing 747-200 aircraft has enough space. Even after the modification, my travel There is no problem with the crew. At the same time, I am more optimistic about your voyage. Due to business relationships, I often travel from Xiangjiang to the United States, or from Xiangjiang to England. In this regard, you still have great advantages.”

Boeing developed this type of aircraft at that time to increase the maximum flight weight, increase the fuel capacity, and increase the flight range to serve airlines with long-distance routes. This can also meet the needs of rich people like Li Guangyu who need to travel around the world. .

He also knew what Li Guangyu was worried about. The main reason was that Boeing was not as famous as Gulfstream and Bombardier in private jets. It was not as good as the other two in terms of interior modification, layout, and comfort. That's why Li Guangyu didn't place an order immediately. .

Stim Cole said: "Mr. Li, in order to occupy the private jet market, our company specially recruited their cabin interior designer from Gulfstream. Through his design and layout, it can make you feel more comfortable when taking such a special plane. comfortable."

Stim doesn’t want to let go of Li Guangyu’s order this time. He is a live advertisement. With the products he bought from Boeing, Boeing’s products may be considered in Southeast Asia, Xiangjiang, Lisboa, Baodao, and even Japan. product.

After arriving at the Boeing headquarters, Stim Cole introduced Boeing's interior decoration designer to Li Guangyu. Li Guangyu could tell him what requirements he had for the interior decoration layout, and he would design according to Li Guangyu's requirements.

After Li Guangyu visited the Boeing headquarters, Steem Cole personally led Li Guangyu and others to the Boeing aircraft manufacturing base, and visited a Boeing 747-200 aircraft that was about to be delivered after its manufacture.

When Li Guangyu entered the manufacturing base and looked at the parked planes and the planes being assembled in the workshop, he was still very shocked. These companies are the embodiment of a country's strength.Even though the market capitalization of many companies is much higher than that of Boeing, in terms of the impact on the United States, there are really not many companies that can compare with Boeing.

Li Guangyu looked at it and said to Stim Cole: "Mr. Cole, I think I have felt the strength of your Boeing. It is a good choice for my special plane to be manufactured by your Boeing. We can return to your headquarters first. Then let's talk about the next thing."

Stim Cole heard that Li Guangyu was willing to talk about the purchase, and immediately said with a smile: "Okay, Mr. Li, we will return to the headquarters now, don't worry, our Boeing company will definitely give you a very fair price, which makes you feel that the price is very reasonable. Great value for money."

In Stim Cole's office, Li Guangyu and Boeing's designers described their requirements in detail, and asked Gan Qin for some things. Boeing's designers proposed according to Li Guangyu and Gan Qin. The requirements are constantly sketched on the drawings.

Seeing that it was noon, the preliminary design of the interior was still not finalized. Stim Cole said: "Mr. Li, I think everyone can take a break. After lunch, we will continue to discuss."

Li Guangyu said: "Okay, Mr. Kuer, thank you for your hard work. These problems are probably the only ones. Let's make sure in the afternoon."

Rory Cool said: "Mr. Li, it's my job to serve you. It's nothing hard. We will continue in the afternoon until you are satisfied."

In the afternoon, Li Guangyu himself did not raise any opinions, but Ganqin raised a lot of questions about the decoration, such as what color to use, how to adjust the position of many layouts, Ganqin was careful about the decoration. I'm discussing.

After all the issues were settled, the negotiation on the price started again. Li Guangyu was not good at this aspect, so he handed over the full authority to Ganqin.

Stim Cole said: "Mr. Li, you really hired an amazing assistant. This is a profit that we don't want us to make."

Ganqin said: "Mr. Cole, you have to consider the influence of our Li Sheng in Asia. This is an advertisement for your Boeing. Think about the huge market in Asia. We didn't charge you for advertising fees. You can't It's too much, I think Gulfstream and Bombardier would welcome Li Sheng to buy from them."

Li Guangyu said: "Mr. Cole, you know that I have many groups, and I will definitely provide special planes for each group in the future. If the cooperation is happy this time, our group will cooperate with you in this aspect of business in the future. In the future, I will also enter the airline company. Intend."

Stim Cole was just complaining, he wanted Li Guangyu to remember Boeing's favor, and he didn't expect such a surprise.Li Guangyu has so many groups, at least ten or so planes are needed. If the Li Group establishes an airline company, it will definitely not be a trivial matter, at least dozens of planes. This is such a big order.

Stim Cole said: "Mr. Li, we only charge your cost price of 4500 million US dollars this time, which is definitely our cost price."

Li Guangyu also knew that it would be a good price for Boeing not to lose money. Li Guangyu said: "Mr. Cole, thank you, and the deposit will be credited into your company account later."


(End of this chapter)

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