Chapter 258

When Li Guangyu went to the Yokosuka Sumitomo Heavy Machinery Occidental Shipyard to attend the launching ceremony of the Sea Giant, Gan Qinglin was chairing a group management meeting in the meeting room of the Tokyo Star and Moon Real Estate Group to prepare for the first Star Moon City of the Star and Moon Real Estate Group. Opening for final preparations.

Gan Qinglin said at the meeting: "Li Sheng arrived in Japan yesterday. This is the opening of our group's first project, so please make sufficient preparations in the past two days to ensure that our group can achieve success in this opening." Excellent result."

The managers of Xiangyue Group attach great importance to this opening. After all, this is the first project developed by the group, and the investment cost exceeds [-] million U.S. dollars. This is already an extremely huge investment in the Japanese real estate industry. Except The real estate groups under several major consortiums can have such strength, and no one can invest such a huge amount of money in the first project like Xingyue Real Estate Group.

The Fujiwara family is also very hardworking on this matter. After all, their own family still holds nearly one-third of the group's shares. Only when the group is successfully sold can the Fujiwara family be able to increase their family's capital and influence. Therefore, as the group's administrative department Toshihito Fujiwara, the general manager, is also working very hard during this time.

Toshihito Fujiwara said: "President Gan, the opening procedures of our Xingyue City have been completed, and this aspect will not have any impact on our opening."

Gan Qinglin asked vice presidents Fujiwara Zhiqian and Lin Yanyun: "Mr. Fujiwara, Ms. Lin, how is the publicity about the opening of our Xingyue City going?"

Gan Qinglin attaches great importance to this work, but he knows that Xiangjiang has carried out a large-scale publicity for the upcoming Star City. Both Jiayi and Xiangyu Group are promoting Star City this month. Naturally, Yuecheng couldn't lag behind in the market opening.

Fujiwara Tomoken said: "President Gan, we have continuously advertised on the Asahi Shimbun and TV Tokyo for half a month. In Tokyo and the Kanto circle, most citizens can know that our group Starlight City will officially open for sale the day after tomorrow."

Lin Yanyun said: "Gan Sheng, I contacted Xiangyu Group. Their magazines and comics sold in Japan began to advertise for our group Starlight City ten days ago. This time it lasted for half a month."

Gan Qinglin is quite satisfied with this. With these publicity, he believes that the sales of Xingyue City will be very hot this time.Today's property market in Japan is also heating up. Although it is not as crazy as Xiangjiang, there are already many institutions hoarding properties.Moreover, the location of Star Moon City is not bad this time, it is located in the urban area of ​​Tokyo, this land was acquired by Star Moon Real Estate Group through the relationship of the Fujiwara family, in order to make the group's first project a hit.

Gan Qinglin then asked Qin Jiao: "Ms. Qin, how are the preparations for the guests at the opening ceremony going? Are all the preparations ready?"

"Gan Sheng, this time we will be present at the opening ceremony of our property market. Mr. Fujiwara Sanjian, President of Sumitomo Bank Sumitomo Kimura, Chairman of Seiko Epson Yamada Hara, and President of Iwanami Bookstore Yuji Yamaguchi will attend our opening ceremony. At the same time, here in Xiangjiang , Mr. He Youguang, Mr. Cao Wenjin, Mr. Bao Yugang and Mr. He Hongqing will also come to attend." Qin Jiao replied.

Qin Jiao was a little disappointed that not many people from Xiangjiang attended. Although she knew that the real estate tycoons in Xiangjiang were all focusing on Xiangjiang, but when Xiangjiang Star City opened next month, there would definitely be many tycoons from Xiangjiang attending .In this comparison, the opening ceremony of the real estate group here fell behind.

Gan Qinglin didn't have such an idea. As long as the opening can be sold smoothly, the group here may not lose to Starlight Real Estate in terms of profit. The group has invested more than 8 million U.S. dollars, while Xiangjiang Star City's investment has not exceeded [-] million Dollar.Even if the housing prices in Xiangjiang are rising rapidly, Gan Qinglin is still confident that he will surpass the other party in terms of profit this time, but this is not Li Guangyu's wholly-owned holding after all, and the profits obtained by then may not be comparable to the other party.

Gan Qinglin said: "Ms. Qin, don't be disappointed. After all, we are not Xiangjiang here. Li Sheng's influence here is definitely not comparable to that of Xiangjiang. We just need to do a good job in our own sales and strive to be above the end of this year." To get a good ranking, we can't do the first and second. We hope to be able to rank third under Li's this time. Our competitors are Hongyu Group and Tianyu Investment. I hope everyone will be united in the next few days Let's work together to complete the sale of our Star Moon City."

Gan Qinglin himself is not feeling very well. Since he took over the real estate group, the group has only invested but not produced. When the profits of each group of the Li Group are reported every quarter, as a member of the Li Group, the group he leads is at the bottom every time. , although I know this is only temporary, but I still feel uncomfortable.

Chief Financial Officer Bai Jiangting said: "Gan Sheng, we also hope that the sale of the Xingyue City residences and retail shops can be completed quickly this time, so that we can be more confident at this year's annual meeting, otherwise other groups will be in Profit, even though we have such good treatment, but failed to bring profits to the Li Group, I always feel a little uncomfortable."

After Bai Jiangting finished speaking, the deputy financial director Fujiwara Huiyin said: "President Gan and Director Bai, we also hope that the group can rank well under Li's banner, but the hope of ranking third this year is very slim. Now The Hongyu Group is not what it was last year. This year, the Feiyu brand is selling well all over Asia, and it has also occupied a certain market in the United States. I’m afraid it will be difficult for us to compete with them.”

"As for Tianyu Investment, this time the listing of Apple alone has brought more than 1 million US dollars in profit to Li's Group. We don't know the status of other companies' shares in its hands, but Tianyu Investment in Xiangjiang is said to be in November. He has earned nearly one billion Hong Kong dollars in the stock market, and we may not be able to compare at the moment."

Gan Qinglin himself still knows these things very well, and he just wanted to boost the momentum of the group's management, but now this has been suppressed by Fujiwara Huiyin.

Gan Qinglin wasn't angry either, it was good to let these managements realize the strength of Li's Group, and their own group is still far behind, so everyone is more motivated, so that everyone will not be swayed after this success.

Gan Qinglin said: "Everyone has also heard what Ms. Fujiwara said. Our group looks relatively large, but the group under Li's group is still relatively backward. This requires us to work together to develop and grow Xingyue Real Estate Group. I don't want Five or ten years later, our Xingyue Real Estate Group will still be ranked behind under the Li Group, so that when everyone attends the annual meeting of the Li Group every year, they will also have a dull face."

Qin Jiao said: "Gan Sheng, don't worry, we will work together to grow our Xingyue Real Estate Group. As we develop more real estate, our income will also increase accordingly. Our shops will provide us with a steady stream of With continuous cash flow, there will be no embarrassment of not getting any money for a year."

As the one who will take over the Xingyue Real Estate Group in the future, Qin Jiao obviously does not want the group she leads to be left behind by the Li Group for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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