Through the wealth life

Chapter 264 Xingyue opens

Chapter 264 Xingyue opens

At 12:21 am on December [-], Li Guangyu accompanied Cao Wenjin and Bao Yugang to the sales department of Xingyue City to attend the opening ceremony of Xingyue Real Estate Group at [-]:[-].

Since Star Moon Group specially placed the opening on Sunday, and Star Moon Real Estate Group has been vigorously promoting it for half a month, and Japan's current property market is also continuously rising. When Li Guangyu arrived, he had already arrived at the sales department. Lots of customers.

After Li Guangyu and the others entered the sales department, Li Guangyu said to Gan Qin who was next to him, "Gan Qin, go and ask the group personnel arranged by Gan Sheng to maintain the order of the citizens outside to prevent accidents."

"Alright Mr. Li, I'll go right away." Gan Qin replied.

After Ganqin left, Bao Yugang said with a smile: "Guangyu, it seems that Japan's real estate market is really promising. Looking at the situation today, you don't have any pressure to sell this time."

Bao Yugang lamented that Li Guangyu's foresight was really powerful. When Xiangjiang Real Estate Group was still competing fiercely in the small pond of Xiangjiang, Li Guangyu had already opened up a large market outside.Bao Yugang, who has shifted his energy to real estate, naturally understands the situation in Japan very well. Although the increase is not as large as that in Xiangjiang, the market here is huge.Xiangjiang only has more than 500 million people, while Japan has a market of hundreds of millions of people.

Cao Wenjin said: "Yugang, you have to see that the risks here are not small. Unlike Xiangjiang, there is no pre-sale here. It can only be sold outside after the construction is completed, and such a project can be sold even if the speed is faster. Soon, it will take nearly two years, and there are uncontrollable risks in it."

Bao Yugang is naturally aware of these things. The pre-sale of commercial housing was invented by Xiangjiang himself, and a real estate company that has to be mentioned here, Huoxing Real Estate.In 1954, the sale of unplanned properties began, and with subsequent development, it gradually became the current real estate sales model in Xiangjiang.

It's a pity that the family that created this model was suppressed by the British government. Otherwise, there would be no chance of becoming the richest man in Hong Kong. However, this title has already been worn on Li Guangyu's head, and it is estimated that he will still be this man for many years to come. Young people are firmly seated on this throne.

While Li Guangyu was chatting, Sumitomo Kimura, the president of Sumitomo Bank, came over to say hello to Li Guangyu and the others.

Li Guangyu said: "Mr. Sumitomo, thank you for coming to the opening ceremony of our Xingyue Group."

Sumitomo Kimura said: "Mr. Li, as an important partner of Xingyue Group, I should attend such an event. You are welcome."

Sumitomo Kimura will not miss this kind of thing. How much money the Xingyue Real Estate Group will bring in for sale today will be placed in Sumitomo Bank, and many buyers are their customers of Sumitomo Bank. Sumitomo Bank Provide them with loan business, and be able to buy the real estate of Xingyue Group.

Sumitomo Bank today is playing with the left hand and the right hand, which not only boosts its own bank's business, but also helps Xingyue Group increase sales, and the funds are still in its own bank in the end. Sumitomo Kimura is getting more and more Looking forward to expanding the cooperation with Lee Group.

Afterwards, Fujiwara Sanjian, Yamada Harutake, Yamaguchi Yuji, He Youguang, and He Hongqing all came to the sales department.

At nine o'clock in the morning, as the president of Xingyue Group, Gan Qinglin made a congratulatory speech at the opening ceremony.

Today, Jiayi Group also sent personnel from the Japanese branch to cheer for the opening of Xingyue Group. Among them are Miyuki Nakajima and Koji Tamaki. The trump card that focuses on building.

Since it is expected that there will be a lot of house buyers today, Li Guangyu and the others are well prepared today. Li Guangyu dispatched lawyers from various branches in Japan to come here to assist, and at the same time, Sumitomo Group also sent a lot of lawyers. Business personnel come over to ensure that the various procedures of the house buyers can be completed quickly.

Citizens who intend to buy a house today have already signed in at the reception staff arranged by Xingyue Group and received their numbers when they came here.After the official start of the sales, Xingyue Group arranged for a group of 30 people to enter the sales department and began to sign the contract.

Those who come to buy houses today already have their favorite apartment types, especially those who have just come in. The apartment types have not been selected by others. They can quickly get the apartment types they want, so the front staff signed Buying a contract is very fast.

As time passed slowly, the citizens who came to buy houses kept coming in and out, and the sales situation was very good.

Sumitomo Kimura said with a smile: "Mr. Li, Mr. Fujiwara, congratulations, this time your Xingyue Group will definitely shake the Japanese real estate market tomorrow."

Fujiwara Sanjian said: "Mr. Sumitomo, your Sumitomo Bank has achieved a good harvest this time, but I found that there are many people handling business with you."

Sumitomo Kimura was very proud. Fortunately, he had drawn Li Guangyu ahead of time. If it had been later, Li Guangyu might have been snatched away by the Mitsui consortium. How could Sumitomo Bank provide so many businesses nowadays.

Sumitomo Kimura said: "This is also mutually beneficial. We have also increased a lot of sales for you. We also hope that we can continue to maintain such cooperation with Xingyue Group in the future."

Li Guangyu said: "We are also very happy with this cooperation. You Sumitomo Bank will be the best partner of our Star Moon Real Estate Group in Japan, and our group will always maintain close cooperation with you in the business here."

Sumitomo Kimura was very happy to receive Li Guangyu's promise. In the future, the investment of Li's Group will only increase, and Sumitomo Bank can obtain huge profits in the process.

Sumitomo Kimura then said to Cao Wenjin and He Youguang: "Mr. Cao, Mr. He Youguang, is your real estate group willing to cooperate with us? Our Sumitomo Bank is also willing to reach a long-term cooperation agreement with you to promote our common development."

Sumitomo Kimura knows the relationship between these two groups and Li Guangyu, and this time he also hopes to bring these two groups to the Sumitomo family, so as to improve the business of Sumitomo Bank, and at the same time expand the influence in Xiangjiang and Lisboa. Both of these two families have considerable influence in the local area, and Sumitomo Kimura does not want to give up such an opportunity.

Cao Wenjin and He Youguang naturally have no objection to cooperating with Sumitomo Bank. They know how influential the Sumitomo Foundation is in Japan, and cooperating with them will be more conducive to the development of their own real estate group in Japan.

At the banquet at noon, Li Guangyu specially expressed his gratitude to Yamada Hara Takeshi and Yamaguchi Yuji who came to attend. The Xingyue Group's affairs have no business connection with these two groups. This time it is for the sake of cooperation with Li's Group , came to attend the opening ceremony in person.

Yamada Hara said: "Mr. Li, we attach great importance to the cooperation with your Xingyu Group through Epson. We will naturally come to congratulate the activities of the group under Li's group."

Yuji Yamaguchi also said: "As a partner of Xiangyu Group in Japan, our Yanbo Bookstore has beneficially promoted the common development of us and Xiangyu Group in Japan. It is also a great honor to be invited to attend this event of the group under Li's Group. My pleasure."

(End of this chapter)

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