Through the wealth life

Chapter 266 Hsinchu Science and Technology Park

Chapter 266 Hsinchu Science and Technology Park

After Li Guangyu came to Baodao to rest for a day, he arrived at the Hsinchu Science and Technology Park at 12:26 am on December [-] to attend the inauguration ceremony of the park at [-] o'clock.

Wang Min, the director in charge of the management of the park, greeted Li Guangyu after he got off the car, and said to Li Guangyu, "Mr. Li, you are welcome. Please follow me. Our President Sun has already arrived here."

When Li Guangyu came here, many celebrities from the political and business circles of Baodao came here. Several giants of the Executive Yuan, led by Sun Yunxuan, attended the inauguration ceremony of the Science and Technology Park. Minister Li Guoding.

In the business world, Li Guangyu knows Wang Yongqing, the head of the Wang family of Formosa Plastics Group, and Yan Qingling of the Yulong Yan family.There are also many family heads beside them that Li Guangyu doesn't know very well.

Sun Yunxuan said to Li Guangyu: "Mr. Li, you are welcome to come to Baodao again, and thank you for your trust in Baodao, and your willingness to settle semiconductor companies in our Hsinchu Science and Technology Park."

Li Guangyu said: "President Sun, this is also the excellent environment of your science and technology park, and the talents around the science and technology park attracted me to settle the company here. There are no such good conditions in Xiangjiang."

Sun Yunxuan was very happy with Li Guangyu's increased investment in Taiwan. This year, the studio invested by Jiayi Group has been completed. This time, he has successively invested in Bentley Group's Asian production base and Xingyu Semiconductor Company in Taiwan. The economy of Baodao has a huge stimulating effect, and at the same time, it can also drive the major families in Xiangjiang to invest in Baodao.

Sun Yunxuan said: "Mr. Li, don't worry, the talents who graduated from several schools around us will lean towards the industrial park to accelerate the development of our Hsinchu Science and Technology Park."

After Li Guangyu and Sun Yunxuan had been courteous for a while, they came to Wang Yongqing's side and waited for the ceremony to start.

After Li Guangyu came over, with the introduction of Wang Yongqing, Li Guangyu finally got to know the leaders of these famous families in Baodao.

He Chuan, head of the Yuhe family in Yongfeng, Lin Tingsheng from the Lin family in Datong, Gu Zhenfu from the Gu family in Lukang, Xu Youxiang from the Xu family in the Far East, and Wu Huoshi from the Wu family in Xinguang.

The businesses of these families have something in common that involves petrochemical, financial and other fields in Baodao. This is closely related to the political and business relations of these families. These families not only have a large amount of investment in the business world, but also have a lot of connections in the political world. Some family members are deliberately arranged to enter the political world to protect the family.

The heads of these families in Baodao also chatted with Li Guangyu in a friendly manner. For Li Guangyu, the richest man in Xiangjiang, they were still very willing to have a closer relationship with Billa.Especially Yan Qingling of Yulong, he very much hoped to establish a relationship with Li Guangyu and promote the cooperation between his car company and Bentley Group.

As time entered nine o'clock, Sun Yunxuan began to congratulate the completion of the science and technology park.

Sun Yunxuan said: "Thank you to all the guests who came to participate in the inauguration ceremony of our science and technology park. The establishment of our Hsinchu Science and Technology Park aims to develop the high-tech industry of our island, keep up with the pace of world development, and promote the rapid development of our island in the semiconductor industry. develop."

"Our science and technology park welcomes everyone to invest and settle in. We have established complete supporting facilities for everyone in the park, and our government will also provide one-stop services for everyone to settle in, so that you can develop your own business with peace of mind. At the same time, we Talents who have graduated from nearby universities will also be inclined to the interior of the park to provide rich human resources for our companies.”


More than half an hour has passed after Li Guoding, director of Baodao's management department, and Wang Min, director of Hsinchu Science and Technology Park, finished their speeches.

Later, under the witness of Sun Yunxuan, Qin Peng, vice president of Xingyu Group, signed an investment agreement with Wang Min, director of the science and technology park. Li Guangyu's Xingyu Group will invest [-] million US dollars in the construction and development of Xingyu Semiconductor Company.

This is currently the company with the largest amount of investment recruited by Hsinchu Science and Technology Park. Wang Min was very happy when he signed the contract.

At the same time, Wang Min also regretted that these families in Baodao did not have the strength of the Li Group. If these families poured hundreds of millions of dollars into the Science and Technology Park like Li Guangyu, he would not have to worry about the Science and Technology Park at all.

Wang Yongqing said to Li Guangyu: "Mr. Li, your generous investment in Baodao really shames us. In Taipei, the Bentley Group has just signed an investment agreement with the local government. The Bentley Group will invest [-] million US dollars to establish the Bentley Group Asia in Taipei. The production base is used to produce Jaguar and Kirin cars, and another [-] million US dollars has been invested here to establish a semiconductor company. The rich financial resources of the Lee Group also make us envious."

Looking at Li Guangyu's young face, the heads of these families here are also feeling a lot of emotion. They have started businesses for decades, but they are not worth the business of others in just a few years. The rapid development of Li's Group also makes them very envious and also I admire Li Guangyu's ability very much.

Li Guangyu said: "This is also the development of the world economy in the past few years that has given me such a good opportunity. Our group is just because of the time."

At the noon banquet, Sun Yunxuan said to Li Guangyu: "Mr. Li, there are many entrepreneurs from our Baodao here today. They are engaged in various industries. If Li Sheng is interested, he can communicate with them. I hope Li Other enterprises of the Shi Group can invest more in Baodao and drive the economic development of our Baodao."

Li Guangyu has many plans for Baodao. Next, he will bring real estate groups, supermarket groups, and theaters into Baodao, focusing on developing the market in Baodao.

Li Guangyu said with a smile: "Dean Sun, we are planning that some of our groups' businesses will enter Baodao one after another next year."

Sun Yunxuan said: "Mr. Li, we welcome the entry of your group. If you have any questions, you can contact me at any time, and I will help you deal with it."

After Sun Yunxuan left, Gu Zhenfu from the Gu family in Lugang said, "Mr. Li, I don't know what business your group has entered Baodao. Let's see if there is any opportunity for us to cooperate."

Li Guangyu said: "Mr. Gu, I plan to arrange my real estate group and supermarket group to enter Baodao for development. I wonder what industry Mr. Gu is mainly engaged in?"

Gu Zhenfu was overjoyed when he heard that Li Guangyu Real Estate Group had entered into the market. He knew that Li's Group had a huge amount of capital to develop each real estate. On the Xiangjiang side, not counting the land price, this time the first phase of development also used close to 14 billion Hong Kong dollars. But it cost more than 7000 million U.S. dollars, and Japan's Star Moon City cost more than 8 million U.S. dollars.Thinking of the building materials needed for this, he felt happy for a while.

Gu Zhenfu said happily: "Mr. Li, our Gu family is mainly engaged in the production of building materials. Among them, our subsidiary Baodao Cement Company is the largest cement company in Baodao, which is enough to meet your group's construction needs in Baodao. I hope Li Sheng's group can consider cooperating with us."

When Li Guangyu's real estate group entered the island, it naturally needed to cooperate with the local group on the island in terms of building materials. As for who to cooperate with, Li Guangyu would hand it over to Lin Yanyun.

Li Guangyu said: "Mr. Gu, our group will give priority to cooperation with you. In this regard, Ms. Lin Yanyun, the vice president of Starlight Real Estate Group, will discuss with you in detail."

(End of this chapter)

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