Through the wealth life

Chapter 269 The Studio Opens

Chapter 269 The Studio Opens

As time slowly passed, almost all the guests arrived. Gu Zhengsheng was also the person in charge of the major film and television companies who welcomed them, and expressed his welcome to them.

As the mayor of Taoyuan City, Wang Jie also came here to attend the opening ceremony of Jiayi Studio.Wang Jie is still very happy for Jiayi Group to establish the studio in Taoyuan.

In the future, it will become a place where major film and television companies in Xiangjiang and Baodao will come to shoot TV dramas and films. This will have a huge driving effect on the development of the hotel industry and other service industries in Taoyuan City, and will promote the economic development of Taoyuan City. As the mayor of Taoyuan City, he has a strong political wealth on top of his resume.

Seeing Wang Jie's arrival, Gu Zhengsheng stepped forward to greet him and said, "Mayor Wang, thank you for coming to the opening ceremony of our studio."

Wang Jie said: "Mr. Gu, you are welcome. You choose to build a studio in our Taoyuan City. This is your trust in our Taoyuan City and our government. It has made a great contribution to the economic development of our city. I should come to attend Your opening ceremony."

Wang Jie knew that another group of Li's Group was going to enter Baodao. The news had spread from Hsinchu to the governments of various cities and counties in Baodao yesterday. In terms of management, Wang Jie is no exception.

After being polite with Gu Zhengsheng, Wang Jie asked Gu Zhengsheng, "Mr. Gu, will Mr. Li Guangyu come to attend the opening ceremony of Jiayi Studio today?"

Wang Jie still hoped that he could meet with Li Guangyu today, establish a relationship with Li Guangyu, and strive to let Li Guangyu's investment in Baodao be invested in Taoyuan.

Gu Zhengsheng said: "Mayor Wang, Li Sheng still attaches great importance to our situation. He rushed over from Hsinchu early this morning. I think he will arrive soon."

Wang Jie said happily after hearing this: "It's great that Mr. Li can attend in person. I will personally express my thanks to Mr. Li later. The establishment of your Jiayi studio in our Taoyuan City has made great contributions to our economic development." huge contribution."

At 45:[-], Li Guangyu's motorcade arrived at Jiayi's studio.The reporters looked at Li Guangyu's iconic motorcade, and their enthusiasm rose instantly. They didn't expect that Li Guangyu would come to attend the opening ceremony of Jiayi Studio in person today.

As for why everyone knows that it is Li Guangyu's arrival, this is also Li Guangyu's unique travel team. Regardless of Xiangjiang, Baodao, Japan, the United States and England, there are such identical fleets for Li Guangyu's use. There is no Anyone with the same configuration as Li Guangyu's team.

Anita Mui and the others in the guest area also discovered Li Guangyu's arrival. Anita Mui was also very excited. She is only a 17-year-old girl, and like many teenagers in Xiangjiang, she admires Li Guangyu very much.

Anita Mui happily said to Teresa Teng at the side: "Sister Lijun, Li Sheng is here. I didn't expect Li Sheng to come to the opening ceremony in person today. Who said that Li Sheng doesn't value me, Jiayi Group."

Teresa Teng looked at Anita Mui, who has become a little girly now, and felt that Li Guangyu had too much influence on Hong Kong's young generation.In the past few years, she has often been in Xiangjiang and knows the situation in Xiangjiang very well. Countless teenagers regard Li Guangyu as their idol.It's a pity that Li Guangyu is too far away from them, it is very difficult for many people to have the opportunity to see Li Guangyu once.Even for Anita Mui, she only had the chance to meet Li Guangyu as a guest performer at large group banquets during the year.

Teresa Teng smiled and said: "Li Sheng just has a lot of group affairs, so he manages you a little bit less. I think he still attaches great importance to you."

Anita Mui said: "Sister Lijun, you don't need to comfort me. It's not that I don't know the specific situation. In Li Sheng's mind, our group is probably the last one. This time he can come to attend the opening ceremony. I think the staff of Jiayi Group who are present today are already very happy."

Anita Mui is too clear about the internal situation of the Li Group, just look at the high-level configuration of the Li Group.Several groups are led by executive officers, while the remaining groups also have candidates.Only Jiayi Group and Xiangjiang Telephone Group are more embarrassing. They are both listed groups, but their status within the Li Group is not very good.

After Li Guangyu got off the car, Gu Zhengsheng and Wang Jie had already walked over.

Wang Jie said to Li Guangyu: "Mr. Li, welcome to our Taoyuan, thank you for allowing the studio to settle in our Taoyuan."

After listening to Gu Zhengsheng's introduction, Li Guangyu said to Wang Jie: "Mayor Wang, our studio is located in Taoyuan, and it is your government that provides us with an excellent investment environment, so that our studio can start construction quickly. We Li's Group thanks your government for helping our Li's Group,"

When Li Guangyu was talking to Wang Jie here, Fujiwara Huiyin, one of Li Guangyu's assistants, was interviewed by various reporters, especially several media from Tokyo.

Sankei Shimbun reporter asked Huiyin Fujiwara: "Miss Fujiwara, you are with Li Sheng this time, is this a job adjustment?"

Fujiwara Huiyin replied: "I am no longer the deputy financial director of Xingyue Group, and Fujiwara Junjie has taken over there. Now I will temporarily serve as Mr. Li's assistant."

Several Japanese media were very puzzled that this young lady came to be Li Guangyu's assistant because she didn't manage the family business well.

The Asahi Shimbun reporter asked: "Miss Fujiwara, can you tell me what made you choose to work beside Mr. Li instead of managing the family business?"

Although Huiyin Fujiwara has the heart of a strong woman, she is also doing this, but Japanese society is traditionally dominated by men outside the home, and women should naturally take care of their husbands and children at home, so she can't say that she wants to manage alone A group, this has spread to Japan, and the impact on the Fujiwara family is not very good.

Fujiwara Huiyin said: "Our Fujiwara family business has enough personnel to manage. This time I came to Mr. Li's side as an assistant, and I also hope to learn more. As for the next work issue, this still needs to be arranged by Mr. Li. "

After Fujiwara Huiyin answered two questions, she declined the reporter's interview and came to Li Guangyu's side.

At exactly nine o'clock, Gu Zhengsheng gave the opening speech for Jiayi Studio, he said: "Thank you all for coming to the opening ceremony of our Jiayi Studio, the Tang City built by Jiayi Group at a cost of 2000 million US dollars will officially open today Welcome, everyone is welcome to come in for a visit, and at the same time, major film and television companies are also welcome to come to shoot. "


After a series of activities, Li Guangyu, accompanied by Gu Zhengsheng, visited Tang City with Wang Jie, Gan Qin and Fujiwara Huiyin. It was built in imitation of the ancient capital Chang'an of the Tang Dynasty. Entering it, it still makes me feel as if I have returned to the streets of Chang'an in ancient times.

The Jiayi Group has already made preparations here. After Li Guangyu and the others came in, Jiayi TV Station was filming The Legend of Heroes of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, so there are many extras here, and everyone is wearing the costumes of the Tang Dynasty. That's why they gave Li Guangyu such a feeling. .

(End of this chapter)

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