Through the wealth life

Chapter 272 Yulong Yan Family

Chapter 272 Yulong Yan Family
After receiving Gan Qin's reply, Yan Qingling put aside her company affairs, came to the hotel where Li Guangyu was staying, and arranged a luncheon at noon.

The main business of the Yan family is related to the automobile industry. It owns two automobile companies, Yulon and Zhonghua. Although they do not have much technology, the Yan family is committed to designing and manufacturing cars for the company, rather than blindly using foreign vehicles. Technology.This time, Li Guangyu also hoped to strengthen cooperation with Li Guangyu's Bentley Group, and at the same time provide assistance for the development of his own company.

Yan Qingling, who is over [-] now, is not in good health, but for the development of the group, he still persists, hoping that the family business can develop better.

When Li Guangyu arrived at the hotel, he saw Yan Qingling waiting for his arrival.

Li Guangyu got out of the car and walked over and said, "Mr. Yan, why are you being so polite, it really annoys me to keep you waiting outside the hotel for so long."

Yan Qingling said: "Mr. Li, thank you for coming to my banquet, please come inside."

Looking at the old man, Yan Qingling's body was relatively thin and his expression was a little tired due to his poor health.However, for the sake of the family's development, he did not let go of this burden, and lived at home for the elderly with peace of mind. He still supported his body and worked hard for the company.

Li Guangyu thought of the families of later generations, whether it was Li Ka-shing or Li Zhaoji, they were handed over to the next generation when they were 90 or [-] years old. The same is true for other families. When I was in my seventies and eighties, I was still busy with the group's affairs.

After coming to the private room reserved by Yan Qingling in the hotel, Li Guangyu said: "Mr. Yan, you must have something to do this time. Please tell me. If my Li Group can help you, I will do my best."

Yan Qingling knew that this was just Li Guangyu's polite words, if there was no interest, it would be no wonder that the Li Group would make a move for free.His Yan family and Li Guangyu are not related in any way, and the Li Group has no obligation to help him.

Yan Qingling said: "Mr. Li, you also know that I own two automobile companies. I hope that our Yulong Group can reach some agreements with your Bentley Group to promote our common development."

After hearing this, Li Guangyu said: "Mr. Yan, our Bentley Group is very willing to cooperate with local automobile companies. Many of our auto parts also need to be purchased from major companies in Baodao. I think the strength of your Yulong Group will definitely be able to Get an order from our group."

As the largest private car company in Baodao, Yulong Group still has certain strengths, but it is not good enough in some key technologies, such as engines, and some talents in vehicle design are still lacking.

Yan Qingling is still very confident in getting some supply orders for the auto parts produced by the Bentley Group in Baodao, but this is not what he wants to seek. Yulong Group jointly invested to establish a car company and develop a car, which is also beneficial for the group to learn from experience and lay the foundation for independent design and development of its own car brand.

Yan Qingling said: "Mr. Li, our Yulon Group now has a great advantage in auto parts. Not only our quality can stand the test, but also our prices are much lower than those in Europe and the United States. I think Bentley Group and our Cooperation can reduce a lot of costs for your Bentley Group. At the same time, our group also hopes to establish a joint venture with you like Continental FAW to promote the common development of Yulon Group and Bentley."

Li Guangyu has long heard the report of Bentley Group on the selection of partners in Baodao. Among them, Yulong Group will be the main supplier of parts and components determined by Bentley Group. The quality of parts produced by their group is still very good. The technicians from England all affirmed it.

As for Yan Qingling's wish for Yulong Group and Bentley Group to form a joint venture company, Li Guangyu had not considered this aspect before. Li Guangyu planned to ask the senior management for their opinions at the end of the year, especially the opinions of Du Yuemei and Zhang Ziyu.

Li Guangyu said: "Mr. Yan, in terms of parts and components, our group is also very assured of the products of your group. In this regard, we will increase cooperation with your Yulong Group. As for the establishment of a joint venture car company with Yulong Group, I can't give you a definite answer right now, and I want to seek advice from the top management of Bentley in this regard."

Yan Qingling was a little disappointed that he didn't get a positive answer, but thinking that this matter was indeed of great importance, it was human nature for Li Guangyu to be like this, even he himself would be cautious and would not make a decision lightly.

Yan Qingling said: "Mr. Li, I am looking forward to your good news. Don't worry, we are absolutely very sincere. Even our Yulong Group can let the Bentley Group hold the controlling stake in the joint venture company. Learn some techniques."

Li Guangyu didn't expect Yan Qingling to make such a concession, Li Guangyu thought carefully for a while and felt that it was not impossible.Anyway, the technology of the joint venture with Continental has been used, and there is no problem in using it to cooperate with Yulong Group, so as to create a low-to-medium-sized car product to seize the market.

Li Guangyu thinks that in the future, Volkswagen will cooperate with two automobile groups to develop two brands with similar types, and they often compete with each other in terms of sales in the mainland market.

Li Guangyu said to Yan Qingling: "Mr. Yan, I will carefully consider the suggestion. I personally think that our cooperation can still be carried out. I will give you an answer after discussing with the senior management of Bentley."

Yan Qingling was very happy after hearing this, as long as Li Guangyu was willing, Bentley would not have any objections.Yan Qingling knew how powerful Li Guangyu was in these groups. The Li Group was his dictatorial group. The decision he made would only be implemented by the top management of the Li Group, and no one would object.

Yan Qingling said: "Mr. Li, I believe our cooperation will be mutually beneficial, and Bentley Group will also achieve greater development."


After Li Guangyu returned to the office of Bentley Group in the afternoon, he said to Gan Qin, "Gan Qin, go and help me collect some information about Yulong Group."

"Alright Mr. Li, I'll contact our Jiayi Group branch right now. I think they will have more news." After Gan Qin finished speaking, she left Li Guangyu's office.

The young lady Fujiwara Huiyin has been a little unhappy these two days. She is also Li Guangyu's assistant, but Li Guangyu never arranges for herself to do things, and orders Gan Qin to handle everything. She is like a rubber stamp. Just hang a name.

After Fujiwara Huiyin saw Gan Qin go out, she asked Li Guangyu, "Mr. Li, do you have any orders for me to do?"

Li Guangyu said: "There is nothing to do now. You can learn more about the situation of our major groups. If necessary, I will tell you."

After hearing Li Guangyu's words, Fujiwara Huiyin spoke to Li Guangyu and left Li Guangyu's office.

(End of this chapter)

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