Through the wealth life

Chapter 274 Commencement of Taipei Bentley Base

Chapter 274 Commencement of Taipei Bentley Base

At nine o'clock in the morning on the 30th, Li Guangyu, Zhang Ziyu, president of Bentley's Asian affairs, and Lei Licheng, general manager of the Bentley branch in Baodao, attended the opening ceremony of the Asian production base established by the Bentley Group in Baodao.

Today, not only Taipei Mayor Wang Hui, Executive Yuan Sun Yunxuan, Vice President Xu Qingzhong, and Secretary-General Fei Hua all attended the groundbreaking ceremony.

On the business side, there are Yan Qingling and Wu Shunwen from Yulong, Gu Zhenfu from the Lugang family, and Wang Yongqing, the head of Formosa Plastics.

This time, the Taiwan government attaches great importance to Li Guangyu Bentley Group's construction base here. After the Bentley Group selected the construction area, the Taipei City Government completed the land recovery work in this area in less than a month, so that Bentley Group was able to move in quickly for construction.

Li Guangyu said to the coming Sun Yunxuan: "President Sun, thank you for the importance your government attaches to our group, which enabled us to enter the site and start construction in such a short period of time."

As Sun Yunxuan, who wholeheartedly hopes to develop the economy of Baodao, he welcomes entrepreneurs like Li Guangyu very much. The three projects invested so far have brought a lot of economic benefits to Baodao, which has benefited the local development. Economic development, so it attaches great importance to the cooperation with Li's Group.

The reason why this time was completed so quickly is that Li Guangyu’s money was in place quickly, and both the Baodao government and the Taipei City government below attached great importance to it. Mayor Wang Hui personally came forward to negotiate with everyone on many issues. Resolve differences in the middle.The purpose is to hope that when Li Guangyu visits Taiwan, the production base of Bentley Group can start smoothly.

Sun Yunxuan said: "Mr. Li, our government is here to serve everyone. If our economy in Baodao wants to develop rapidly, we need a large number of enterprises to be able to establish and start production in Baodao. It is also our responsibility to help you Li's Group to quickly establish and put into production. Government's responsibility."

The rapid economic rise of Baodao, together with Xiangjiang, South Korea, and Singapore, can become the four Asian tigers. This is inseparable from the ability of this government. It is a group of people like Sun Yunxuan who are dedicated to the economic development of Baodao. The economy has only achieved such results in these years.

At the commencement ceremony, Zhang Ziyu, vice president of Bentley Group and president of Asian affairs, introduced the current development of Bentley Group to the guests, and at the same time explained the planning of the Baodao production base.

When Sun Yunxuan heard Zhang Ziyu tell that most of the car parts produced by the Bentley Group would be purchased in Taiwan, Sun Yunxuan, Minister of Economic Affairs Li Guoding and others all smiled, obviously very happy.

Sun Yunxuan was very satisfied with this in his heart. The investment of Bentley Group will bring a lot of business to many auto parts companies in Baodao, drive the rapid development of Baodao's auto parts industry, and bring great benefits to Baodao's manufacturing industry. vitality.

Sun Yunxuan's only regret is that Li Guangyu's focus has never been on Baodao's side. It is unrealistic to rely on the huge investment of the Li's Group to boost the economic development of Baodao. Now he only hopes that his government will be dominated by the Li's Group. What he did was able to make Li Guangyu think of his treasure island first when investing.

After the groundbreaking ceremony, Sun Yunxuan said: "Mr. Li, our Baodao government will continue to provide assistance for the construction of your group, and we look forward to your Bentley production base being put into use as soon as possible."

Mayor Wang Hui also said to Li Guangyu: "Mr. Li, our Taipei City Government will provide good logistics support for the Bentley Group to ensure that the construction of your group will not be disturbed by external forces, so that the Bentley Group's complete vehicles in our Taipei can be delivered as soon as possible. Offline."

Mayor Wang Hui is very happy now. With the Bentley production base of the Li Group here, he can introduce many auto parts companies to establish companies around the Bentley production base and create an auto auto parts industrial park, which will be great. The promotion of Taipei's economic growth.

Li Guangyu said: "President Sun and Mayor Wang, thank you for your attention to our Bentley Group. The construction funds of our group will be transferred to the account of the company here as scheduled, and this will never affect the construction of the production base. At the same time, for us Once the production base is completed, it can be put into production. We will recruit a group of personnel in Taipei to go to the British Bentley Group for work training. After the production base here is established, our personnel can immediately go into production when they come back.”

Sun Yunxuan said happily after hearing this: "Mr. Li, we also have many technical talents in this field in Baodao. I believe that your group will be able to recruit satisfactory talents."

Sun Yunxuan was very happy that Li Guangyu was able to recruit talents in advance to prepare for the establishment of the production base. This was Li Guangyu's trust in Baodao and his optimism for his group.Naturally, Sun Yunxuan also hoped that Li Guangyu's group would develop better and better, so that they could get more investment in Baodao, and at the same time, enterprises in Baodao could also achieve great development in the cooperation with Li's group.

After seeing off Sun Yunxuan and others, Li Guangyu expressed his gratitude to Wang Yongqing and others who came to attend, and invited them to attend the luncheon at the hotel at noon. luncheon.

In the afternoon, Li Guangyu convened a meeting of the various responsible persons under the Taipei Lee Group, and made arrangements for the next development of Baodao.

Li Guangyu said: "In the next year, our group will focus on the construction of the Bentley production base and the semiconductor company. These are two extremely important events for the development of our Li Group in Baodao. Mr. Gu Zhengsheng will focus on Get those two things right."

Gu Zhengsheng said: "Okay Li Sheng, I will definitely urge the two companies to quickly build and put into use."

After Gu Zhengsheng finished speaking, Li Guangyu said to those present: "Next year will be a year for our group to invest heavily in Baodao. Many of our groups will come to invest in Baodao, so your work will be relatively busy. Please be prepared."

Those here are not worried about being busy with their affairs. They all hope to develop upwards. How can they go up without good grades? Next year, Li's Group will vigorously develop the Baodao market. This is their opportunity.As long as there are good results, when the group's personnel is adjusted, I and other talents will have a chance.

After Li Guangyu finished speaking, all the managers present expressed that they would definitely complete the tasks assigned to them by the group, so as to promote the rapid development of the enterprises of the Li Group in Baodao.

Li Guangyu said to Zhang Ziyu after the meeting: "Ziyu, I will return to Xiangjiang tomorrow, will you go back with us, or will you return after the year-end meeting?"

Zhang Ziyu said: "Li Sheng, I will continue to stay here for the next two days. The production base has just started. I will stay to see the situation. When the group holds a year-end meeting, I will return to Xiangjiang, so I can thank you and Yue. Sister Mei will report the specific situation here."

Li Guangyu said: "Well, you should pay more attention to safety here, and you'd better have bodyguards with you when you go out, so as to avoid some accidents."

"I know, thank you Li Sheng for your concern." Zhang Ziyu said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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