Chapter 280
In the afternoon of that day, after Li Guangyu discussed the issue of the joint venture with Yulon Group with several senior officials of the Bentley Group in the office.

Gan Qin came to Li Guangyuhui to report: "Sheng Li, HSBC has sent a notice that the two loans of our Li Group with them will be due in one quarter. I hope we can make preparations."

Li Guangyu knew that this was the official separation of HSBC and Li's Group. In the future, HSBC and Li's Group would only be competitors.In the past, HSBC did not care about the Li Group, but this time when Li Guangyu cooperated with HSBC, he brought the Bank of East Asia, and let the employees of the Li Group choose the Bank of East Asia. It's time to make a splash in the industry.

How could HSBC, who wanted to be the central bank of Hong Kong, want Li Guangyu, a big crocodile, to come in and grab food from them.This time, Shen Bi not only wanted to call back the loan from Li Sheng Group, but also contacted Standard Chartered Bank, his nemesis over the years, and planned to give Li Guangyu a head-on blow when Li Guangyu entered the banking industry. The group knows that the financial industry in Xiangjiang is still their world.

At this time, in the office of Shen Bi of HSBC, several senior executives of HSBC came here.

One of the senior executives said: "Chairman, if we make this call to the Li Group this time, I'm afraid our relationship with the Li Group will take a turn for the worse in the future."

Among them, the vice-chairman of Yinglun immediately said: "Our HSBC Bank and the Li Group have already cracked when they cooperated with the Bank of East Asia. Li Guangyu is ambitious, and his companies span several industries, which is already a conglomerate." Now, the only thing he lacks now is the core bank of the consortium, and this time he obviously wants to enter this industry."

The reason why Shen Bi made such a decision is because of this reason. In the past few years, he has learned a lot about this young man.On the surface, Li Guangyu is humble and polite to everyone. He looks very kind, but he is very domineering in his heart. He does not allow anyone to get involved in his own business. At the same time, he wants to become a hegemon in every industry.

In Hong Kong Banking, if Li Guangyu wants to become the overlord, then HSBC and Standard Chartered are the two stumbling blocks of the Li Group. Li Guangyu will definitely compete with them and HSBC, and even step on the corpse of HSBC to take the top position. How can Shen Bi be reconciled.

Shen Bi said: "Since the Li Sheng Group has chosen to cooperate with the Bank of East Asia, it means that the Li Group has already begun to prepare. Li Guangyu seems radical, but in fact, you can find that he has not taken a step to expand. Sufficient preparation, no matter his former real estate group, automobile group, or even the supermarket group today."

That Chinese executive still does not want the Li Group to have an important conflict with HSBC. Now the Li Group has become the glory of the Hong Kong Hua-funded consortium. This legend that has developed in just a few years is leading the Hua-funded family. Conquering cities and territories in the market allows Chinese-funded consortiums to compete head-on with British-funded consortia.

As a Chinese, he himself is very happy, so he doesn't want to face the pressure of the two giants, HSBC and Standard Chartered, when the Li Group Bank has not yet developed well.

I saw him say: "Chairman, I think it's too early for us to worry. There is no news from the banks of the Li Group. How can we compete with HSBC? I think our biggest enemy is still Standard Chartered Bank. They are ours. Objects that need to be guarded against,"

Shen Bi will not listen to the opinion of this executive this time. The reason why HSBC made him a top executive of the bank is to win over the Hua-invested family. It is more conducive to the development of HSBC's business to let him negotiate with the Hua-invested family.This time it was not to win over Li Guangyu. Shen Bi still insisted on forming an alliance with Standard Chartered to jointly suppress the Li Group, especially trying to prevent it from entering Xiangjiang's banking industry.

Shen Bi said: "Li Guangyu cannot be viewed with common sense. Each of his companies can quickly generate profits. God knows how much impact he will have on us when he breaks into the Xiangjiang banking industry. This time we have to do a good job. preparations to meet the challenges from the Lee Group."

Then Shen Bi ordered the Chinese executives to contact Li Ka-shing, Bao Yugang and others, hoping to ensure that their business would be handled by HSBC.

As the charter king and Li Ka-shing supported by HSBC, Shen Bi is still very confident in retaining the business of their two groups. Even though Li Guangyu is the second largest shareholder of Cheung Kong and Hutchison Whampoa, Shen Bi also has some I hope that Chinese people pay attention to repaying favors. If Bao Yugang and Li Ka-shing turn around and transfer the group business out of HSBC this time, their reputation will not be very good.

At the same time, Shen Bi said to the vice chairman present: "You contact the Xiangjiang Economic Department and try your best to influence them not to issue a bank license to the Li Group. If necessary, we will contact the local side to prevent the Li Group from obtaining a banking license."

If other Chinese families wanted to enter the banking industry, Shen Bi would only pay attention to it at most. It would be so mobilizing to mobilize people. It was really the development of the Li Group that made him feel uneasy.HSBC is the happiest that the Li Group does not enter the banking industry. The faster the Li Group develops, the better, and HSBC can make a lot of profits.

It's a pity that finance, especially banks, is something that every consortium must have.In order to maintain its position in Xiangjiang, HSBC can only try to exclude the Li Group from the banking industry.

One of the executives said: "Chairman, this can't stop Li's Group from entering the banking industry. Li's Group is not short of funds. They have the strength to directly acquire a large and medium-sized bank in Xiangjiang. We are afraid that there is nothing we can do about it. We It is impossible to prevent people's normal transactions."

Of course, Shen Bi knew about this problem. It was impossible to completely block the Li Family Group from the banking industry. He just wanted to delay some time. The acquisition of a bank is quite troublesome. It is not like getting a bank license. You can start building operations yourself in no time.

Shen Bi said: "From now on, you should pay more attention to the movements of the Li Group in this regard. If they have an acquisition target, we HSBC will also intervene to delay their time as much as possible. Or let us and Standard Chartered do a better job." preparation."

After listening to Gan Qin's report, Li Guangyu said to Gan Qin: "I see, you reply to HSBC, and our Li Group will definitely repay their loan by the deadline."

Gan Qin said, "Alright, Mr. Li, I'll reply to HSBC right now."

Du Yuemei who was standing next to him said, "Sheng Li, it seems that HSBC has started to take precautions against us. I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to get loans from HSBC in the future."

Li Guangyu said with a smile: "This is normal. Once our Li Group enters the banking industry, it will definitely impact the current situation of Xiangjiang's banking industry. As the overlord of Xiangjiang, HSBC obviously does not want their status to be affected."

"Li Sheng, if we want to compete with HSBC, I'm afraid we're still short of something. Do you have any plans for this?" Du Yuemei asked.

Li Guangyu said: "I have some plans in this regard, you don't have to worry, we will at least be on an equal footing with HSBC in Xiangjiang."

(End of this chapter)

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