Through the wealth life

Chapter 302 Zhang Baoshu

Chapter 302 Zhang Baoshu

In the afternoon, Li Guangyu listened to the meeting between Li Xuemei and Wing Hang Bank in the meeting room of Li's Building.

Li Guangyu said: "You just need to pay attention to this matter. Our private group should not spread any news that is unfavorable to Wing Hang Bank. After all, Feng Jingyao has a very close relationship with Li Zhaoji, Guo Desheng and others."

Li Xuemei replied: "Li Sheng, I will pay attention to propriety. This time, I just let Owen Trust Company pay a price, which is also beneficial to Feng Sheng."

Li Guangyu also didn't want the Yankees to take advantage of it for nothing. As long as the Li Group made a move, Wing Hang Bank would immediately turn around, and the Owen Trust Company didn't want to pay anything.

After Li Xuemei left, Li Guangyu said to Gan Qin: "Go and tell Du Yonghong to bring his comrade-in-arms to my office."

"Alright Mr. Li." After Gan Qin answered, she contacted Du Yonghong.

Li Guangyu wanted to see what kind of person the organization had spent so much energy in arranging this play.

Li Guangyu knows that the development of the Li Group is too big nowadays, and he is so young, some people are not at ease, so he wants to send some people around him, Li Guangyu can guarantee that there are definitely some other forces in his group The staff are concerned about every move of the Li Group, but they haven't been exposed.

In today's sensitive matter, many things are taking precautions before they happen, and Li Guangyu himself needs to take some precautions.Just like the adjustment of the bodyguard this time.He could believe that none of these bodyguards would betray him and the Li Group, but he did it anyway, and sometimes he couldn't just act on his emotions.

In Du Yonghong's lounge on the first floor of the building, Zhang Baoshu and Du Yonghong faced each other.Today Zhang Baoshu is wearing a fairly neat suit and a pair of black leather shoes, but they still look a little old.

Du Yonghong was not very happy with Zhang Baoshu in his heart, because some brothers he had been with for several years were transferred out, and he and others also put a question mark in Li Sheng's heart.

Du Yonghong said: "Brother Shu, how have you spent the past few years in the Kowloon Walled City? Since you have my contact number, why didn't you contact me earlier? In this way, I can also arrange for you to work in the Li Group earlier. .”

Zhang Baoshu knew that if he could not explain this problem clearly, Du Yonghong would definitely doubt his identity and the purpose of coming to Li's Group.

Zhang Baoshu said: "Yonghong, I left there a month after you left. Later, I came here from Pengcheng. Since February 78, I have been in Kowloon Walled City, working as a guard for a bar. Later, I also saw you by Li Sheng's side on TV, but I didn't have any credit at the time, so how dare I come to you."

Du Yonghong didn't really believe his rhetoric, considering how he was in the army, how could he stay in a place like Kowloon Walled City.Bar guard, I'm afraid it's not just a bar.

Du Yonghong said: "Brother Shu, tell my brother, did you come here with some mission, and if there is anything that needs my help, even though we came out of the same trench before, I will definitely help you. "

Zhang Baoshu looked at Du Yonghong's righteous look, as if he really wanted to help him.But Zhang Baoshu will not reveal his identity.

Zhang Baoshu said: "Yonghong, what are you thinking? I am just a person who lives for myself now. I don't have any tasks. I just hope to join the Li Group so that I can make a living."

Du Yonghong was chatting nonsense with Zhang Baoshu, hoping to get out Zhang Baoshu's identity, but unfortunately, Zhang Baoshu had been on guard against him for a long time, and he didn't get anything useful out of it.

While they were continuing to talk nonsense, the phone on the table rang, and Du Yonghong picked up the receiver and said, "Hi, I'm Du Yonghong."

Gan Qin's voice came from the phone, "Hello, I'm Gan Qin, Li Sheng told you to lead Mr. Zhang Baoshu to his office."

"Miss Gan, I will lead him up immediately." Du Yonghong replied.

When Zhang Baoshu followed Du Yonghong to Li Guangyu's office, he was still a little nervous.Even after several years of professional training, Zhang Baoshu's experience is still not enough to face the main character of his work, the current Xiangjiang legend.I keep reminding myself that now I am just a low-level task in the Kowloon Walled City, hoping to get a good position in the Li Group.

Although I have seen Li Guangyu many times on TV and read countless materials about Li Guangyu, Zhang Baoshu was still surprised when he actually saw Li Guangyu himself in the office this time. too young.

In mainland China, such a person is either working in a factory or studying in school, and the man in front of him is already at the helm of tens of billions of assets, affecting the lives of tens of thousands of families in Xiangjiang, and his companies even affect Xiangjiang. all aspects.

Youth represents impulsiveness, immature thinking, and a lot of uncertainty. He also knows what his superiors are worried about. This person has too much influence in Xiangjiang. It's a huge disaster.

After Li Guangyu saw Du Yonghong and the two came in, he asked them to sit down.

Li Guangyu said: "Zhang Sheng, why didn't you come to Yonghong earlier in these years. As his comrade in arms, our Li Group will definitely provide you with a good job."

Zhang Baoshu said: "Li Sheng, you can call me by my name. I just thought that I don't have an inch of merit, so it's not easy to contact Yonghong and enter the Li Group through his relationship."

Li Guangyu said: "This time, our Li Group would like to thank you for discovering Ruan Liubo and helping our group reduce a big threat. What position do you expect to be in when you come to our group this time?"

Faced with Li Guangyu's question, Zhang Baoshu didn't dare to directly ask to be by Li Guangyu's side, that would be too obvious.

Zhang Baoshu said: "Li Sheng, I also hope to find a meal at the Li Group. The exact location is just up to Li Sheng's arrangement."

Li Guangyu said with a smile: "I heard Yonghong said about your ability, but just randomly assigning a position is too condescending for you. Besides, you have done a great favor to our group this time, and I will not treat you badly." .”

What Zhang Baoshu expected was to be a bodyguard beside Li Guangyu like Du Yonghong, so as to pay attention to Li Guangyu's movements.

Zhang Baoshu said: "Li Sheng, you are polite. It is our duty to report the suspect. This time I was a little selfish, so I contacted Yonghong. With my ability, I am suitable to be a bodyguard. I can't do anything else."

Li Guangyu didn't intend to keep this person by his side, didn't they send someone over?I'll call him this time.

Li Guangyu said: "Don't worry, I'll still let you be the security guard. Our Pengyu Group's factory is getting bigger and bigger, and the security work can't keep up. I plan to let you go to Pengcheng to serve as the deputy of the security department of the Pengyu Group." General manager."

Zhang Baoshu was a little dazed when he heard Li Guangyu's appointment. He didn't expect that Li Guangyu would let him go to Pengcheng.

Li Guangyu asked: "Zhang Sheng, don't you want to?"

Zhang Baoshu came to his senses immediately, and said to Li Guangyu, "Li Sheng, I am willing, thank you for taking me seriously."


(End of this chapter)

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