Through the wealth life

Chapter 323 Meeting Fok Yingdong

Chapter 323 Meeting Fok Yingdong

After Li Guangyu visited for a while, he asked Cao Weiqing if he wanted to return to the city with him. At noon today, Li Guangyu had to meet Huo Yingdong at the Oriental Culture Hotel, so he didn't have much time here.

Cao Weiqing said: "Guangyu, I won't go back yet, you can go back by yourself, I'm going to chat with my sister, and take a look at her place at noon."

After hearing this, Li Guangyu said: "Okay, I'll go first. You can ask your sister to see if the employees have any other requirements for the residence. If it is reasonable, you can discuss it with Zhou Huayu to see if it is ok. Adjustment."

"Alright Guangyu, pay more attention to your own safety. If there is any embarrassing thing at noon, you can push it away." Cao Weiqing said with concern.

After Li Guangyu instructed Cao Weiqing, he rushed to the Mandarin Oriental Hotel accompanied by Du Yonghong and others.

When Li Guangyu entered the box, Huo Yingdong was already waiting here.

Li Guangyu said, "Huo Sheng, I kept you waiting."

Huo Yingdong replied: "Li Sheng, the time is just right, and I haven't been here for long, please sit down."

After Huo Yingdong ordered the service staff to serve the dishes, he said to Li Guangyu: "Li Sheng, I have invited you over this time. I have something I want to talk to you about. I hope you can agree."

Li Guangyu said with a smile: "Huo Sheng is being polite, please tell me if you have anything to do. If I can do it, I will try my best."

Li Guangyu knew that when Huo Yingdong came to him, it was usually not because of his Huo family's problems. It was probably because there was something going on there and it was not easy to talk to him, so Huo Yingdong invited him to meet.

Huo Yingdong said: "Li Sheng, you should know that next month we will hold the men's volleyball World Cup qualifiers here in Xiangjiang, in which the mainland men's volleyball team will participate."

Li Guangyu felt a little strange when he heard this. For such a trivial matter, what did Huo Yingdong ask him for?

Li Guangyu said: "I have already heard the news. Xiangjiang is very popular nowadays. Our place is still too small. There are very few such competitions held in our Xiangjiang. This time, the citizens of Xiangjiang will be able to feast their eyes on it. "

The mainland still attaches great importance to this competition. In such a large-scale competition, its own team can achieve good results and improve the confidence of the people. It specially arranged for CCTV to broadcast the whole process of the national men's volleyball competition live.

This time Huo Yingdong and the others hope that Li Guangyun, well, Jiayi Sports Channel can also broadcast the whole process of the national men's volleyball team. Today, Jiayi TV Station is a satellite TV station, and many viewers in Southeast Asia, Taiwan and Japan watch it. This is to improve Huaguo Good times for influence.

It's just that the sports channels of the Li Group basically broadcast live basketball, ice hockey and football games, and now they start to broadcast some rugby and baseball games live. They have never broadcast live volleyball. Huo Yingdong knows that Li Guangyu broadcasts these live broadcasts because of Most of the live broadcasts are the Li Group's own teams.

It was not easy to find Li Guangyu in the mainland, and asked Li Guangyu's sports channel to broadcast the men's volleyball world preliminaries. After Huo Yingdong knew about this situation, he invited Li Guangyu himself, hoping that Li Guangyu's sports channel would be able to respond to this event. The match will be broadcast live.

Huo Yingdong said to Li Guangyu: "Li Sheng, I wonder if your sports channel has a live broadcast arrangement for this match?"

Li Guangyu himself really doesn't know whether the sports channel has arranged for the live broadcast of the game, so he doesn't pay too much attention to such trivial matters. The matters on the TV station are managed by Jiayi's senior management. Nowadays, Li Guangyu rarely asks. Liu Tianci, Shi Nansheng, Shi Shaoming and others, Li Guangyu was very relieved.

Li Guangyu said to Huo Yingdong: "Huo Sheng, I don't know much about this. These things are handled by Shi Shaoming and the others. After I return to the group in the afternoon, I will ask them to see how they arrange it."

Huo Yingdong knew that what Li Guangyu said should be true. Now that the Li Group spans several industries, Li Guangyu doesn't have so much time to care about these things.

Huo Yingdong said: "Li Sheng, I think many citizens would like to watch this competition held in Xiangjiang this time, but the audience seats in the venue are limited after all, and many citizens cannot witness such a competition with their own eyes. It is a pity for them, and I hope that your Jiayi Sports Channel can broadcast the game live, so as to make up for the regret of the citizens of Xiangjiang.”

Li Guangyu didn't think there would be many volleyball fans in Xiangjiang. Due to the influence of England, Xiangjiang has the most football fans here. There are even many football clubs in Xiangjiang, and the Huo family has a football club.

In the past two years, due to the strong promotion of the Lakers by Jiayi Sports Channel and the excellent record of the Lakers, there have been many basketball fans in Xiangjiang teenagers, and Larry Bird and Magic Johnson have been given special care and become The idol of countless basketball fans in Xiangjiang.

As for how much attention this volleyball will receive, Li Guangyu really doesn't know, but since Huo Yingdong has come to him, for the sake of future development, Li Guangyu really can't refuse.

Li Guangyu said: "Huo Sheng, there is no problem. After I go back, I will make arrangements in this regard. At least all the matches of the men's volleyball team in mainland China will be broadcast live."

Huo Yingdong was very happy after seeing Li Guangyu's promise. The current state of Xiangjiang is not clear. Behind the rapid economic development, there is already an undercurrent. Support the mainland in the future.

Huo Yingdong said: "Li Sheng, thank you for your support."

"Huo Sheng, you're welcome. Our TV station is meant to serve the citizens. Since the citizens want to watch the game, we naturally have to meet the needs of the citizens."


Li Guangyu came directly to Jiayi Building in the afternoon and asked Shi Shaoming about the live broadcast arrangement of the sports channel next month.

Shi Shaoming said: "Sheng Li, next month we will focus on the live broadcast of basketball and football. At the same time, next month we will also broadcast some NCAA games. The American University League is also very influential."

Of course Li Guangyu was aware of the so-called March Madness. In the United States, the influence of the NCAA was not much worse than that of the NBA.

Li Guangyu asked: "Does your sports channel have any plans for the men's volleyball world preliminaries here in Xiangjiang?"

Shi Shaoming said: "Li Sheng, our sports channel has no plan to broadcast live the men's volleyball team. We will arrange reporters to conduct some interviews, and we will conduct some reports on sports news."

Shi Shaoming himself didn't pay much attention to this. This was just the World Cup preliminaries. He was not even interested in the Men's Volleyball World Cup. If it was football and basketball, it would be the same.Besides, there is no staff reserve in this area in the station, and the ratings must be good, so he doesn't bother to do this.

After hearing this, Li Guangyu said, "Shaoming, please adjust your live broadcast plan for next month, and broadcast the entire match of the Huaxia World Preliminaries. As for the commentator, you can invite two special guests to comment."

Shi Shaoming knew that someone probably interceded with Li Guangyu, otherwise Li Guangyu would not have come to ask him to change the live broadcast arrangement of the TV station.He knew that besides basketball, Li Guangyu was not very interested in other ball games.

Shi Shaoming replied: "Alright Mr. Li, I'll go to the sports channel to make arrangements later."


(End of this chapter)

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