Through the wealth life

Chapter 329 Self-established bank blocked

Chapter 329 Self-established bank blocked
Tianyu Investment Company submitted an application for establishing a bank to the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, but nearly two months later, it still has not been approved by the authority.Even though Li Guangyu found some connections this time, it still didn't help. These British people from the financial management bureau didn't buy Li Guangyu and the Li Group's account, and directly stuck the application of Tianyu Investment Company here.

After Zhou Liangshuyi and Liu Tianci left, Li Guangyu came to Tianyu Investment Company to discuss bank issues with Yuan Tianfan and other high-level executives.

Luo Qianwen reported to Li Guangyuhui: "Li Sheng, this time the financial management bureau deliberately blocked us and did not want us to form our own wholly-owned bank. After the materials were submitted, they did not approve or give us specific reasons. Said that they are still reviewing, deliberately procrastinating."

Luo Qianwen was also very angry about this, so she specifically asked Luo Luocheng to see what was going on.

Li Guangyu asked Yuan Tianfan, "Tianfan, do you have any other plans so that we can wholly control a bank?"

After Yuan Tianfan came back, he has been paying attention to this matter. It is currently difficult for the Li Group to obtain the approval of the Financial Management Authority to establish its own bank. This time, many British consortia are behind the scenes to isolate the Li Group. Apart from the banking industry, fortunately, the Lee Group now controls Wing Hang Bank.

This time, the two managers of HSBC and Standard Chartered, which have the right to issue Hong Kong dollars in Hong Kong, contacted the director of the Monetary Authority, McBurney DeShawn, and strongly opposed the establishment of a bank by the Li Group. The reason was to avoid the emergence of Hong Kong Financial. turmoil.

Newbigan of Jardines, John Madden of Wheelock and John Swire of Swire all contacted McBurney DeShawn to express concern about the matter and did not want the HKMA to approve Lee's Group's application to establish a bank.

Today's Xiangjiang British-funded consortium feels that the Li Group is too much of a threat to them. If the Li Group wholly owns the bank and has the bank's unlimited financial support, who knows whether the company under its own will become the target of his attack , I still remember the fight between Jardine and the Li Group last year.

Especially Shen Bi, the boss of HSBC Bank, feels like he is feeding on tigers. At first, he thought that he would win over Li Guangyu, and hoped that the Li Group would bring rich returns to his bank after it grew stronger.

Facts have also proved that it has indeed brought good benefits to HSBC. In the past few years, HSBC has made a lot of profits in cooperation with the Li Group. Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. This kind of cooperation ended in just three years. Now Instead, HSBC will face the attack of this already strong tiger.

Looking at the development of the Li Group, one can see that the Li Group's ambitions are too great. He knows very well that once the Li Group enters the banking industry, it will definitely compete with Standard Chartered and HSBC, and will eventually rob them of the right to issue Hong Kong dollars. , this is definitely what the Li Group hopes to obtain.

Although Shen Bi and Powell Wilson, the head of the Standard Chartered Bank, fought fiercely, they had very consistent views when faced with a group that wanted to share their profits. They absolutely must not let the Li Group come out to share the power in their hands.

Yuan Tianfan replied: "Li Sheng, it may be difficult for us to wait for the approval of the Financial Management Bureau. The British consortium here in Xiangjiang is more cautious about our Li Group, so they are putting pressure on the Financial Management Bureau. We don't want us to Establish a wholly-owned bank. If the Carrian Group incident had not affected too much this time, the Xiangjiang government hopes to deal with this matter as soon as possible, and at the same time Wing Hang Bank suffered a run, we are afraid that we will not even be able to control Wing Hang.”

Li Guangyu knew that he had now become the main target of the Xiangjiang British-owned consortium. Regarding his Li Group, several British-funded consortiums in Xiangjiang had already united, hoping to curb the rapid development of the Li Group in Xiangjiang.

Luo Qianwen said: "Sheng Li, what I am worried about now is that not only will our application to form a bank fail, but also that we will not be approved by the Financial Administration if we want to acquire other banks wholly."

Li Guangyu has no good solution for this. This time, these British consortiums intend to target his Li Group. Xiangjiang is still under the rule of the British. These officials are also British. They will definitely support the British. On the side of the consortium.

However, Li Guangyu also has some plans. This time he plans to make a big deal in London. Isn't Standard Chartered Bank going to cooperate with HSBC to suppress him?Li Guangyu directly bought Standard Chartered in London, but there was no rush for this matter, and we would wait until he made a fortune from the stock market.

Li Guangyu said: "As for the bank application, you send people to urge the management personnel of the Financial Management Bureau every day, and ask them to give an explanation. If there is any condition that is not qualified, let them point it out. Our reporters and media can also Carry out follow-up and follow-up reports. At the same time, look at the small and medium-sized banks in Xiangjiang. If they can be acquired, they will negotiate and try the attitude of the Financial Administration.”

Li Guangyu is going to use his own media group this time. He wants to see how the Xiangjiang Financial Management Bureau will explain it. Li Guangyu is really not afraid that the management bureau will release the standards established by the bank. They Tianyu Investment Company If it is not possible to establish a bank, it is estimated that there are not many banks in Xiangjiang that can meet such standards.

Yuan Tianfan said: "Li Sheng, we will make good arrangements for this aspect. Regarding the bank acquisition, I already have a goal. This carrian group incident has affected many banks in Xiangjiang, and Guang'an Bank is one of them. Moreover, Mr. Liang Dingbang, who is now taking over Guang'an Bank, is a doctor and has little interest in the management of the bank. I will talk to him about the acquisition."

Li Guangyu said: "Tianfan, don't be in a hurry to negotiate. These British consortiums must be watching us very closely. I guess they will make it more difficult for me when they are bored. Otherwise, our acquisition will fall short. We Just delay the time, I think in July and August, they won't have much energy to pay attention to us."

Yuan Tianfan and the others are not stupid. Hearing what Li Guangyu said, he knew that something big would happen in July and August. Otherwise, how could these British-funded consortiums relax their vigilance against their own group? The group went outside for development, and even the group that invested in the shares persuaded them to go to Japan to develop the market. They estimated that in July and August, Xiangjiang's economy might be in turmoil.

Yuan Tianfan said: "Li Sheng, don't worry, I will make good use of the time."

Li Guangyu then asked Luo Qianwen about the listing of the Shau Kee Group. Seeing that March is coming, the time for the listing of the Shau Kee Group is approaching. Li Guangyu also wanted to know about the situation in this regard.

Luo Qianwen said: "Li Sheng, this time the Zhaoji Group took out 33% of the shares, and our Tianyu Investment Company took 20% of the shares, and 13% of the shares will flow into the market. The current market value of the Zhaoji Group is 13 billion. Valuation in Hong Kong dollars, the total number of shares is 3 million shares, and it will be officially listed on the Far East Exchange on March 1."

Due to the hot real estate market in Hong Kong nowadays, Shau Kee Group is also very popular among shareholders. Li Guangyu believes that once Shau Kee Group is listed on the Far East Exchange, its market value will soon rank among the top five in Hong Kong Huazi Real Estate.

(End of this chapter)

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