Through the wealth life

Chapter 337 Li Guangyu's Counterattack

Chapter 337 Li Guangyu's Counterattack
Faced with HSBC's aggressive efforts to woo Chinese families, Li Guangyu would naturally not sit still and hand over resources beneficial to him to others for nothing. If he did not pay enough attention to these families, why should they hand over the business to his bank.

On the morning of March 3th, Li Guangyu instructed Ganqin to make a batch of invitation letters. Li Guangyu invited all the families to attend the celebration banquet of Jiayi Group's market value breaking through 11 billion Hong Kong dollars on the evening of the 13th.

Li Guangyu thought about it for a while, and it is more appropriate to invite you all for this reason. With the Hong Kong stock market soaring all the way, the market value of Jiayi Group officially broke through the market value of 30 billion Hong Kong dollars in the first two days, which is already quite high. market value.However, Li Guangyu estimated that this was also the most glorious moment of Jiayi Group in recent years.

When the next time you want to break through the market value of 40 billion, I'm afraid it will have to wait until four or five years later.When this July comes, even their own companies will be greatly impacted. Jiayi Group and Kowloon Bus will definitely be affected by this and the stock market will plummet.

After Li Guangyu ordered Ganqin, he came to Tianyu Investment Company and asked about the current progress.

Luo Qianwen said: "Sheng Li, we have already obtained a banking license from the Monetary Authority, and now we only need to recruit personnel and establish our bank outlets."

Li Guangyu didn't expect to get a bank license so quickly. This time, the financial management bureau is really fast.

Yuan Tianfan said: "Sheng Li, we have already prepared all the materials, and the financial management bureau has already reviewed them, but they have been delaying and unwilling to send them to us. This time, after you have discussed with Mr. MacLehose and the others , they just signed and agreed at the end.”

Li Guangyu said: "How do you prepare for the business outlets, and what is the specific plan?"

Yuan Tianfan said: "Sheng Li, we are going to put the bank's headquarters in Li's Building. We will make some renovations on the first floor, and use a part of it for our Tianyu Bank. At the same time, we are going to build a branch in Tianshuiwei. As for the rest, we will think about it later.”

Li Guangyu is not in a hurry to expand in Xiangjiang now. Xiangjiang has not had a good time in the past few years. Next year, there will be many banks that will be unlucky. When the time comes to acquire some, outlets will naturally exist.Li Guangyu pays more attention to external expansion, especially in Japan's Treasure Island region where he has more business.

Li Guangyu said: "Tianfan, you leave the Xiangjiang side to Ms. Luo. After you attended the Jiayi Group's celebration in a few days, you will go to Baodao and Japan to discuss the entry of our bank and get as much money as possible." Get more business licenses while getting a bank license. In Baodao, you can visit Dean Sun Yunxuan, which should be less difficult. As for Japan, let’s see what the Sumitomo family thinks. Lin to discuss."


At 3:14 on the evening of March 07th, Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing came to the Peninsula Hotel to welcome all the guests who came today.

The heads of all the major families that received Li Guangyu's invitation letter came to the Peninsula Hotel today.They were well aware of Li Guangyu's sudden reason to invite him this time.This is a response to HSBC and is also held for the forthcoming banking business of the Lee Group.

Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing waited outside the hotel until the celebration banquet was about to start before entering the hotel and heading to the banquet hall, which can be said to have given the big families enough face.

All the branches of the He family came here today, Luo Luocheng and Cao Wenjin were also helping Li Guangyu to accompany the guests, so that the heads of the families who came here would not feel left out.

At the beginning of the celebration banquet, Li Guangyu expressed his gratitude to everyone for coming. After telling about the achievements of Jiayi Group, Li Guangyu focused on the upcoming establishment of Tianyu Bank, and hoped that everyone can do well in future business Cooperate with Tianyu Bank.

Li Zhaoji said directly without the slightest hesitation: "Guangyu, don't worry, as long as your Tianyu Bank is established, as long as you can withdraw money from your bank, our Zhaoji Group's business will be handed over to your Tianyu Bank."

Guo Desheng also immediately said: "Coslight, Sun Hung Kai Properties Group is the same. Uncle Guo has great confidence in your bank. I believe that Tianyu Bank will definitely be able to compete with HSBC Standard Chartered in the near future."

Li Guangyu said: "Uncle Si, Uncle Guo, thank you for your trust in our bank. Don't worry, I am confident that we will develop Tianyu Bank into an existence comparable to HSBC and Standard Chartered."

With the memory of later generations and the financial support of the Lee Group, Li Guangyu is very confident in the development of his own bank. The only thing he lacks now is the right to issue banknotes in Hong Kong dollars. Li Guangyu must find a way to get it in the future.

Afterwards, Chen Xinglin, who had a close business relationship with Li Guangyu, also spoke, saying that Xinglin Knitting Group would transfer the business to Tianyu Bank.

Li Ka-shing said that he would hand over all the banking business of the Cheung Kong Group to Tianyu Bank. As for the Hutchison Whampoa Group, Li Ka-shing did not mention it.

The rest of these families said that when Tianyu Bank can handle overseas business in the future, they will hand over some of the company's business to Tianyu Bank.After all, many of their families have cooperated with Huazi Bank in Xiangjiang, and it is impossible to give up the cooperation there and transfer to Tianyu Bank.For example, the Bank of East Asia and the Asian Commercial Bank, and the Hang Lung Bank of the Chen Zengxi family.

Li Guangyu himself did not expect to get their business in Xiangjiang. Li Guangyu mainly wanted to grab their overseas business. This part was basically done by HSBC in the past. The current Chinese bank in Xiangjiang is Bank of East Asia. And Asia Commercial Bank can handle overseas business.The Bank of East Asia is mainly located in the Baodao area, while the Asian Commercial Bank is backed by the Pangu Bank of Thailand, so it can handle the business in Thailand.

Li Guangyu wants to build Tianyu Bank into a world-class bank. Baodao and Japan are just the first step in his expansion. Lisboa is much simpler. With the influence of Ho Hongshen there, Li Guangyu wants to It's easier to set up a branch over there.In Malaysia and Thailand, with Cao Wenjin's relationship, banks can also be opened. As for other places, Li Guangyu will slowly develop them.

Li Guangyu said: "Thank you for the support of the elders. Everyone knows that our Chinese family has been suppressed by the British consortium for a long time, and in financial banks, the British consortium is the overlord. Fortunately, we Chinese can unite Consistently, Chinese-funded families have gradually developed their own banks, such as the Bank of East Asia, which is the leader of our Chinese banks.”

"At the same time, in terms of exchanges, the establishment of the Far East Exchange also provides us with a good platform for the Chinese capital group, allowing us to get rid of some restrictions on our listing by the British capital consortium. The establishment of our Tianyu Bank is to let us Chinese-owned families get rid of the monopoly of HSBC and Standard Chartered in overseas business, so that everyone can have more choices."

Everyone was quite happy with the establishment of Li Guangyu Tianyu Bank, which broke the monopoly of Hong Kong British Bank on overseas business. Whether they cooperate with Tianyu Bank at that time or not, it will be beneficial to them, and they can be used as a bargaining chip in negotiations.


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(End of this chapter)

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