Chapter 341
After Li Pengfei was successfully elected as the young leader of the Xiangjiang business community, this person seemed to think that he had really become the leader of the entire young generation of Xiangjiang. The time of the delegation's visit to the mainland was announced, and some of their own ideas were put forward. They pretended to represent the citizens of Xiangjiang to discuss with the mainland, and made a lot of nonsense on some issues in Xiangjiang.

For some of Li Pengfei's remarks, the leftist newspapers strongly condemned, but neither the neutral nor the rightists happened this time, but several English newspapers praised Li Pengfei's actions.

As Li Pengfei's remarks aroused a lot of discussion from all walks of life in Xiangjiang, Li Guangyu was considered the No.People from all walks of life want to know what he thinks of Li Pengfei's remarks, and what Li Guangyu thinks about the Xiangjiang issue.

On the morning of March 3th, after Gan Qin reported to Li Guangyu about the opening of Hengyu Supermarket in Japan yesterday, she said to Li Guangyu: "Li Sheng, there are many media who want you to accept their interviews today. I don't know if you What's the plan."

Gan Qin also felt that Li Guangyu was quite tired. He was busy with the company's affairs, and the outside world didn't let him stop, and he could be involved in anything.This time, the problem was obviously caused by Li Pengfei. These media also came to find Li Guangyu and asked Li Guangyu to come out and talk about his views.

Li Guangyu knew that he couldn't avoid it. Nowadays, people from all walks of life in Xiangjiang want to stand up and talk about their opinions. If he keeps procrastinating like this, many people will feel very uneasy.

Li Guangyu said to Gan Qin: "Go and tell them that I will hold a press conference in our conference hall on the second floor at three o'clock in the afternoon. They are welcome to come and attend."

"Alright Mr. Li, I'll reply to the media right now." After Gan Qin finished speaking, she left Li Guangyu's office.

After receiving Gan Qin's reply, the media reporters from major newspapers in Hong Kong were very excited. Now Li Guangyu accepts their interviews less and less. Ask some worthwhile questions.

Because Li Pengfei's remarks are quite special, this issue has become the focus of the game of various forces, and the Li Group is already a banner in Xiangjiang. Li Guangyu's views have obviously more influence on Xiangjiang than Li Pengfei, the so-called young leader of the business community. Go up a few floors.

Therefore, there were a lot of media that came this time. There were platoons of reporters from various countries with news stations stationed in Xiangjiang, and all the major newspapers and radio stations on the Xiangjiang side were all present.

When Li Guangyu and Gan Qin came to the meeting room, there were probably two to three hundred reporters sitting inside, and this time they really paid enough attention to Li Guangyu.

After Li Guangyu sat down, Gan Qin began to host the press conference. After thanking everyone for coming, she chose the reporters present to start asking questions.

The first one selected was a reporter from Xiangyu Daily, who was quite dissatisfied with Li Pengfei's election as the young leader of the Xiangjiang business community last time.

Chen Yajuan stood up and asked, "Li Sheng, as Xiangjiang's current No. 1 young generation in Xiangjiang, what do you think of Li Pengfei's election as the young leader of Xiangjiang's business community?"

Li Guangyu replied with a smile: "The title of No. 1 of Hong Kong's young generation is too much for me. As for Mr. Li Pengfei being elected as the young leader of Hong Kong's business community, I will not comment on it. It is up to the public to interpret it. "

Chen Yajuan was a little disappointed to receive such an answer. He also hoped that Li Guangyu would express his dissatisfaction at best, so that she could make a big statement and trample on Li Pengfei.

Gan Qin didn't give Chen Yajuan a chance to continue asking questions, but instead chose a reporter from the Industrial and Commercial Daily, which was considered her own family, and Li Guangyu was also a shareholder of the newspaper.

A reporter from the Business Daily stood up and asked: "Li Sheng, we have received news that Hengyu Supermarket Group has made a good start on the day it opened in Japan. Does Hengyu Supermarket Group have any plans for the future?"

Li Guangyu said: "Hengyu Supermarket has just started, and we will not start to expand too quickly. For the time being, we will only develop Xiangjiang, Baodao, Lisboa and the Japanese market, and the number of stores will not be too many. After our group has accumulated Rapid expansion will only take place after sufficient experience and sufficient reserve talents.”

The following reporters did not expect that the Li Group, which has always been known for its speed, will focus on stability in the development of the supermarket group this time.Look at the other groups under Li's, which ones were not built with sufficient funds.

After Li Guangyu finished answering this question, Gan Qin chose a reporter from TV Lisboa to ask a question, which made the other reporters who came here a little unhappy.In this agreed press conference, all the questions were asked by your Li Group and the media related to it. Are we here to accompany you? Is it possible that Jiayi TV will ask questions next.

Lisboa TV reporter ignored the grievances of his peers, got up and asked Li Guangyu: "Sheng Li, your Tianyu Bank Xiangjiang has obtained bank licenses in many regions. May I ask when your Tianyu Bank plans to officially open?"

Li Guangyu said: "We haven't set a specific time yet, and we will make specific arrangements for the business hours after the renovation of our business outlets in these areas is completed."

Ganqin also seemed to feel that asking the reporters from Jiayi TV to ask questions would not give these reporters face, so this time she chose the reporter from Sing Tao Daily to ask questions.

Seeing that the reporters from the Li Group were no longer asking questions, the reporters below immediately regained their spirits. What are the reporters from the Li Group asking? Today, everyone is not here to care about this.

The reporter from Sing Tao Daily took out his carefully prepared questions and asked Li Guangyu: "Li Sheng, I don't know if you understand some of the remarks made by Mr. Li Pengfei, and how do you compare them?"

After the reporter from Sing Tao Daily raised this question, the reporters below were very quiet. They all picked up their pens and waited quietly for Li Guangyu's answer, preparing to record every word Li Guangyu said. .

Li Guangyu said: "Recently, I have read some remarks about Mr. Li Pengfei through the newspapers. What I want to say is that I am a businessman, so I must do my job well, develop my group well, and contribute to Xiangjiang. contribute to the economic development of the country.”

"As for some other issues, I should not worry about them. I also hope that the citizens of Xiangjiang can do their jobs with peace of mind and not be affected by some external factors. The economic development of our Xiangjiang cannot be separated from stability, and I also hope We don’t want Hong Kong’s economy to be in turmoil due to external factors.”

Seeing that Li Guangyu had no intention of answering again, Gan Qin chose the reporter from Dongfang Daily to ask questions.

The reporter got up and asked: "Li Sheng, Mr. Li Pengfei's remarks involved the issue of Xiangjiang. I don't know what you think about it?"

Li Guangyu said: "The Xiangjiang issue involves a wide range of issues. I should not worry about this. I believe that the mainland and British governments will negotiate a good deal. They also hope that Xiangjiang can continue to develop steadily and well. What we have to do is to calm down Set your heart down, work hard to do your own thing well, and wait for the outcome of the negotiations between the mainland and England. Instead of adding fuel to the flames like some people did, which seriously affected the stable development of Xiangjiang."

Although Li Guangyu didn't mention anyone by name, no one knew that Li Guangyu was talking about Li Pengfei, which labeled Li Pengfei as a disruptor of Hong Kong's stable development.

The press conference lasted for nearly two hours before it ended. Most of these reporters returned with a full load. Some of them were disappointed. They hoped that Li Guangyu would stand on their side with a clear-cut stand. Unfortunately, Li Guangyu still It's so cunning, and it didn't leave any handles for everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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