Chapter 343

The strength of the Xiangjiang media cannot be underestimated. The mutual accusations between Li Guangyu and Li Pengfei continued to simmer, and some media with ulterior motives also wanted to make things worse.

As a result, it was not only Li Guangyu and Li Pengfei who reported it, but also the Xiangjiang government, and the Li Group, its allies, and the British consortium were dragged into the water by those who wanted to.

Governor MacLehose sees that the press is so chaotic today, which has a very negative impact on the stability of Xiangjiang. He hereby held a Xiangjiang Media Conference in the name of the Xiangjiang government on the morning of April 4. The major newspapers and TV stations are at the helm Everyone is invited to attend.

Li Guangyu was called out by MacLehose and asked him to attend the meeting in person, and he was not allowed to arrange senior executives of the group to do it for him.

For Li Guangyu, MacLehose has quite mixed feelings. He is quite satisfied with Li Guangyu's contribution to the economic development of Xiangjiang. He is even more happy with his actions in Tianshuiwei. With development, the economy of the poor and backward Tin Shui Wai area has been slowly reversed, and people's quality of life has been greatly improved.

But Li Guangyu did not agree with them in terms of design and Xiangjiang's position, and even had a feeling of running counter to them.It doesn't matter if you are neutral, if you have nothing to do, come out and criticize a spokesperson you have chosen.

As the news continued to ferment, the members of the selection committee of the Xiangjiang Business Association were criticized as worthless. The shady news about this selection continued to be revealed, and various incidents that damaged the reputation of the members of the Business Youth League this year were constantly exposed. out.

If things go on like this, what qualifications does the Youth League have to represent the young generation of Xiangjiang to go north to the capital to discuss the Xiangjiang issue with mainland high-level officials.

This time, MacLehose not only hoped that the public opinion would calm down this time, but he was also ordered by the British mainland to stop the news about discrediting the business youth delegation as soon as possible.

In the meeting hall of the Governor's Mansion, MacLehose expressed his thanks to everyone who came today.

MacLehose said: "The economic development of Hong Kong has not come easily. I hope everyone can suppress the current hot topics of Hong Kong for the sake of Hong Kong's stability. Such reports are not good for Hong Kong and everyone here. Once there is turmoil in Xiangjiang, everyone will suffer."

The leaders of some newspapers present here, headed by Ta Kung Pao, are not willing to stop these reports. They hope to destroy the reputation of Li Pengfei and others, and see how he looks. influence is minimized.

Among them, a newspaper chairman who belongs to the same camp said: "Mr. MacLehose, we in Xiangjiang have always advocated our own news. As long as our media is not false and defamatory, the Xiangjiang government has no right to stop our media from reporting news."

MacLehose was very clear about the plans of these people. MacLehose said: "The freedom of speech in Hong Kong is our British government's commitment to all walks of life in Hong Kong. Selfishness, using the more than 500 million citizens of Xiangjiang as bargaining chips, the stability of Hong Kong's financial society is what the citizens need."

Li Guangyu himself was not willing to get involved in this, but the media chased him all day, and he had nothing to do.So he criticized Li Pengfei, a young bird, in order to reduce his influence on Xiangjiang after his failure to go to the capital.

Now that MacLehose has come forward, he can just get out.These reports are indeed not very good for the stability of Xiangjiang, especially the later reports are more and more involved, and some reports even deliberately caused confrontation between the Chinese-funded consortium and the British-funded consortium, posing a severe challenge to Xiangjiang's financial stability.

After MacLehose named Li Guangyu to talk about his views, Li Guangyu said: "Our news media is not wrong to have freedom of speech, but our news media should also shoulder the responsibility of maintaining social stability. Citizens of Xiangjiang don't need to talk too much. What slogan, what they need is a stable working environment."

Li Guangyu then elaborated on the incident, and at the same time apologized for the adverse impact he and his media had caused to the Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce and the Hong Kong government.

Li Guangyu called on the major media in Hong Kong to stop reporting on this incident for the sake of the stable development of Hong Kong.At the same time, I also hope that members of the Hong Kong Business Youth League will not talk about their slogans in public in the future. The citizens of Hong Kong do not need those things.

Li Guangyu was still very influential. After Li Guangyu finished speaking, led by He Hongyi, Run Run Shaw, Qiu Degen, Dongfang Daily Majia and Sing Tao Daily all echoed Li Guangyu's views.He said that the media would stop reporting on this incident, and he also hoped that Li Pengfei and others would not come out to expound the remarks that caused controversy among the citizens of Xiangjiang.

MacLehose is a little distressed. If Li Pengfei is not allowed to publicize his political views to the outside world, and does not create a false impression that the citizens of Xiangjiang support his views, what qualifications will their delegation have to discuss the future of Xiangjiang with mainland high-level officials when they go to the capital? .Without the support of millions of citizens in Xiangjiang, who would take this youth group seriously.

The leftist side didn't have a big opinion on this. As long as Li Pengfei and others were restricted from promoting those views in Xiangjiang, the pressure on the negotiations on the mainland could be relieved.

MacLehose said: "Mr. Li, as a politician of Xiangjiang, Mr. Li Pengfei has the right to express his views on the future of Xiangjiang. We have no right to prevent this. Moreover, the issue of Xiangjiang is not only a problem of our British and mainland China. , it is also an issue for the more than 500 million citizens of Xiangjiang, and the citizens of Xiangjiang have the right to express their opinions on this.”

Li Guangyu didn't bother to care about these nonsense matters. If some people hadn't reported his Li Group and Jardine HSBC against him this time, he wouldn't have wanted to ask about it. He could just wait for July to make a little money with peace of mind.

Li Guangyu said: "Mr. MacLehose, Mr. Li Pengfei has no problem expressing his political views, but he should not kidnap the wishes of the more than 500 million citizens of Hong Kong, let alone criticize other people's positions and choices in it."

MacLehose didn't know what Li Guangyu meant, maybe he was not happy because Li Guangyu and the Li Group were dragged into the water this time.Every time such a problem is involved, countless Xiangjiang families begin to pretend to be deaf.Especially these Chinese families in the upper class of Xiangjiang, when they are asked for their opinions, they will always shirk with various reasons.

MacLehose said: "Mr. Li, some of Mr. Li Pengfei's remarks are indeed inappropriate. I will communicate with Mr. Li Pengfei after the meeting. In future public occasions, to avoid such remarks again, our Xiangjiang government has always We respect your choices and will never force you to make any choices."

After Li Guangyu saw that MacLehose had put himself and others aside, he no longer cared about Li Pengfei's problem, and he had no ability to stop it himself.

Li Guangyu said: "Mr. MacLehose, I will ask my media to stop reporting on this incident. I also hope that some British-funded media will stop reporting on my Lee Group and myself."

Seeing that Li Guangyu was able to stop here, MacLehose was naturally happy. Without the vanguard of the Li Group, other things could be discussed.Without the slightest hesitation, MacLehose agreed to Li Guangyu. After the meeting, he would contact the British newspaper and stop some reports on the Li Group and Li Guangyu.

Li Guangyu then made a request to the leaders of the media present, hoping that everyone can cancel some reports on Li's group and his remarks after they go back, and don't deliberately create antagonism among the major groups in Xiangjiang. The economic development of Xiangjiang needs to be stable.

Regardless of whether it was a leftist newspaper or a rightist newspaper, for some reasons, they all agreed to Li Guangyu's request.Most of the neutral and neutral media are media with good relations with Li Guangyu, so they naturally agreed to Li Guangyu's request.


(End of this chapter)

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