Through the wealth life

Chapter 355 The Stock Market Rises

Chapter 355 The Stock Market Rises
Just entering July, the major British consortiums immediately released the financial reports of their listed companies to the outside world, followed by HSBC and Standard Chartered, which announced their own bank financial reports on the 3rd.

The stock market was affected by this, and the Hang Seng Index rose by more than 2.4% that day. In particular, the market value of these listed companies that announced their financial reports ushered in a considerable increase.

Newbijian, Shen Bi and others are very happy. They made a 450 billion order with the Li Group. This wave of rise has brought them a lot of gains. As long as the stock market can maintain the upward trend like last month, They had an amazing harvest at the end of October.

Li Guangyu also received the news of the stock market rising from the Tianyu Investment and Securities Department. He was not moved at all by this, and just told Sun Jianping to pay attention to cover his positions.

There is still half a month left, and Li Guangyu is not at all worried that this stock market crash will not happen. Now the business youth delegation led by Li Pengfei and others is very active, and they are making the final sprint to go to the mainland. The agency is also communicating privately with the mainland on the Xiangjiang issue.

Li Guangyu knew what was going on behind him, and he could sit on the Diaoyutai and watch the stock market ebb and flow, but those who followed him had trouble.

Nowadays, due to the brilliance of Xiangjiang's real estate industry, most of the listed companies are related to the real estate industry. Even if they are not listed companies in the real estate industry, the shareholders behind them also operate in the real estate industry.Affected by this favorable factor, the stock market value of major listed companies has risen to a certain extent.

This is at present when the British-funded consortium announces its own financial report. When the Chinese-funded consortium announces its half-year financial report, the stock market will definitely have another increase.

Inside Xiangjiang Asia Commercial Bank, the manager of the investment department is asking Chen Youqing what to do next, whether to continue to cover the position or slowly transfer the list in his hand.

Chen Youqing didn't expect that he had been following for almost a month, and the stock market still had no downward trend at all. On the contrary, with the arrival of the middle of the year, when the financial reports of major groups were released, they won a wave of skyrocketing.

Chen Youqing asked: "Is there any new action by the Li Group?"

"Chairman, Li's Group hasn't traded since the 25th of last month. Even if the stock market rose today, they didn't respond at all. They don't seem to care about it." The manager of the investment department replied.

After Chen Youqing heard this, he didn't make a decision immediately. He was thinking carefully about how to make a choice. He didn't have many orders in his hand. If he wanted to transfer, he should be able to find someone to take over.

It was just letting him give up like this, and he was always a little unwilling. He was thinking whether he should continue to gamble. Li Guangyu must have believed that the Hong Kong stock market would plummet in the next few months for the Li Group to be so indifferent. How could so much money be thrown into it.

Chen Youqing asked: "What do you think about the future of the Xiangjiang stock market? Is it possible that there will be a sharp drop in the near future?"

The manager of the investment department said: "Chairman, from our professional point of view, there is no sign of decadence in the Xiangjiang stock market. As the property market continues to strengthen, the stock market will also rise. I don't know what Mr. Li Guangyu judges The stock market will plummet in the near future.”

Chen Youqing said: "You continue to secure the position first, I will go to Li's Building to pay a visit to Mr. Li Guangyu, hoping to get some good advice."

After hearing this, the manager of the investment department knew that Chen Youqing still didn't want to give up like this, and he still hoped that the stock market would plummet, otherwise he would not have thought of visiting Li Guangyu in person.

"Okay, chairman, then I'll go back to work first." The manager of the investment department left Chen Youqing's office after speaking.

Chen Youqing himself immediately contacted the Li Group and mentioned his visit.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Li Guangyu met Chen Youqing in the office. The relationship between Chen Bichen's family and Cao Wenjin was quite good, and the development of the Cao family in Thailand also had some help from the Chen family.

Li Guangyu said: "Chen Sheng, you are welcome, please sit down."

After Chen Youqing and Li Guangyu sat down opposite each other in the reception area, he said to Li Guangyu, "Li Sheng, I came here this time because I need to consult you about something, and I hope you can give me some advice."

Li Guangyu said with a smile: "Chen Sheng, please tell me. If I can give you an answer, I will definitely let you know."

Chen Youqing then talked about the current situation of the Xiangjiang stock market and the changes in the market, and asked Li Guangyu's opinion on the stock market in the future.

However, Li Guangyu got some news that someone was following him to short the stocks of some listed companies. At this time, Chen Youqing came to visit him and asked him his views on the stock market.It must be that Xiangjiang Asian Commercial Bank has shorted the Xiangjiang stock market. Today's stock market has risen sharply, which makes him a little restless, so he came to ask his opinion.

Li Guangyu replied: "Chen Sheng, no one can say for sure about the problems in the stock market. Everyone has their own opinions. I don't dare to say that the Hong Kong stock market will definitely plummet. For example, the stock market is all good now, and today's increase is only one percent." At the beginning, I thought that the stock market will continue to rise next Monday after the weekend is over in the next two days, for example, our Jiayi Group will also announce the financial report for the past six months to the outside world tomorrow.”

Chen Youqing was even more heartbroken when he heard this. If he lost too much this time, he would not have much say in the family.Even if I quit now, it would be a big loss.

Chen Youqing asked directly: "Li Sheng, I also know that your Tianyu Investment Company has invested a huge amount of money in shorting the stocks of listed groups under the British consortium. I don't know what your plan is?"

Li Guangyu said: "Sheng Chen, you also know that I have not been very optimistic about the development of Xiangjiang in the next few years, especially the high-speed rise of Xiangjiang's property market has formed a bubble. I think you also know how powerful Xiangjiang's current property speculation is. , The vacancy rate of office buildings has exceeded 10%, so I am ready to take a gamble, I believe that this kind of development is unlikely to continue like this.”

The main business of Asian Commercial Bank is also in real estate. When Li Guangyu said this, Chen Youqing became even more impatient. Once the real estate market collapsed, his bank would suffer huge losses.

After thinking carefully about the current situation in Xiangjiang, Chen Youqing said to Li Guangyu: "Sheng Li, the property market in Xiangjiang is unlikely to collapse in the short term."

Of course, Li Guangyu knew that the real estate market would not collapse this year. The real collapse of the real estate market would be when Mrs. Thatcher visited the mainland next year.After the stock market crash, the property market can still maintain the current price, but how much can be sold depends on luck.

Li Guangyu said: "I'm just taking a gamble. If the stock market does not plummet, I can only admit that I am unlucky. Now I have invested a lot of money in, and I am not reconciled to withdrawing it like this. Besides, I am so old. The list may not be able to find someone to take the order."

Chen Youqing did not get a definite answer from Li Guangyu, and he was also very disappointed about this. He was very at a loss as to what choice he should make for the Asian Commercial Bank.

Reluctantly, Chen Youqing chatted with Li Guangyu about Xiangjiang's economic situation, hoping to get some useful information, and did not bid farewell to Li Guangyu until five o'clock in the afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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