Through the wealth life

Chapter 361 The Huo Family Dinner

Chapter 361 The Huo Family Dinner
Li Guobao and Chen Youqing's idea of ​​entertaining Li Guangyu didn't come true. Not long after they hung up, they received an invitation from the Huo family to attend the dinner held by Huo's mansion tonight.

Li Guobao and Chen Youqing knew very well that since the Huo family had invited themselves and others, it was impossible not to invite Li Guangyu, so they could only change their previous thinking, and they could only invite Li Guangyu to a banquet in the future to thank him.

Li Guangyu originally wanted to invite the staff from the securities department to have dinner together, but this time they have made great contributions to the Li Group, and his wealth will double in a few months.

It's a pity that such an idea didn't come true. Gan Qin deliberately reported to Li Guangyu that the Huo Mansion hoped that he could attend the dinner held by him tonight.

Li Guangyu said to Yuan Tianfan: "Tianfan, I have already booked the Peninsula Hotel. You and Xiaoning will attend tonight and thank the staff of the securities department. Let them persist for a few months. When the time comes, the Li Group will be They will not be disappointed."

"Li Sheng, don't worry, we will make arrangements." Yuan Tianfan replied.

After Li Guangyu gave Yuan Tianfan instructions, he returned home to attend the dinner parties of these families. Li Guangyu still needed Cao Weiqing to attend with him.

At this time, at Huo Yingdong's home, Zheng Dong, the president of Xiangjiang News Agency, was by Huo Yingdong's side.

After Huo Yingdong finished his work, Zheng Dong said to him: "Huo Sheng, please trouble you this time."

The situation caused by the two news at noon today made Zheng Dong very worried, especially the situation on the Xiangjiang stock market, which reflected the panic of the citizens of Xiangjiang. Messed up.

But now the Xinhua News Agency is obviously not easy to come forward, so I can only ask Huo Yingdong, and only Huo Yingdong has such prestige, which can bring the big family talkers together.

Huo Yingdong said: "You don't have to be polite, and I don't want Xiangjiang to decline. I believe that most Xiangjiang families also hope that Xiangjiang can develop stably."

When Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing arrived at the Huo Mansion, many people had already arrived here.

Seeing Li Guangyu's arrival, Li Ka-shing and Zhuang Mingyue immediately greeted Li Guangyu. Li Ka-shing was very happy this time. By issuing new shares to Changshi at the beginning of the month, his company had sufficient cash, and the cash made him a big profit this time. a sum.

Li Guangyu asked: "Uncle Li, what is the so-called Huo Sheng inviting us over this time?"

Li Ka-shing himself is not too clear, but it must be related to the current situation in Xiangjiang.Xiangjiang's accident this afternoon, the other side must know the situation, so they will invite themselves and others to come.

While Li Ka-shing was chatting with Li Guangyu, Cao Wenjin, Ho Hongshen, Li Zhaoji, Guo Desheng and Luo Luocheng all came here. As for Cao Weiqing and Zhuang Mingyue, they had already left here and went to their own circle.

Li Guangyu and the others were chatting about Xiangjiang's views, and at the same time, they were very fortunate to believe Li Guangyu's views on Xiangjiang's economy, allowing them to escape disaster.After the stock market plummeted, the property market couldn't hold on for too long, which reminded them of the stock market crash in 73, and this time it was more troublesome, and it also involved the Xiangjiang issue.

Huo Yingdong and Zheng Dong are also observing the situation in the banquet hall. Through these chat circles, we can judge which people have great influence.

Huo Yingdong said: "President Zheng, if you want Xiangjiang to maintain stability, you still need the assistance of Li Guangyu, Zheng Yutong, Bao Yugang, Xu Shixun and others. Especially Li Guangyu, look at the people around them, any family can come out to help In a circle, Li Guangyu has now become the representative of the interests of these big families, as long as Li Guangyu expresses his opinion, there will probably be no problem with them."

Zheng Dong is naturally aware of the terrifying influence of Li Guangyu and those around him. Each of them is a top family in Xiangjiang, and their alliance of interests, and now only the British-funded consortium can compete with them. No alliance of these Chinese-funded groups can Compete with them.

Huo Yingdong welcomed everyone at the beginning of the party, and then focused on the current situation in Xiangjiang, hoping that everyone can work together to maintain the stability of Xiangjiang.

After the dinner began, Huo Yingdong came to Li Guangyu and the others specially, and chatted with them about the current situation of Xiangjiang, hoping that they could stand up and contribute to the stable development of Xiangjiang.

Li Ka-shing said: "Yingdong, Coslight also discussed with us just now, and our major groups will send out information to the outside world. We are still optimistic about the long-term development of Heung Kong, and our company will also establish a foothold in Heung Kong. This will never change. "

Huo Yingdong was very happy to hear that. With these big family companies releasing such news, it can have a certain stabilizing effect on the hearts of the people in Xiangjiang, so that they will not stop panicking.

Huo Yingdong said: "You have to have confidence in the mainland. I believe that the mainland will definitely consider your development. The mainland's withdrawal of Xiangjiang will definitely not harm your interests."

Huo Yingdong then made a request to Li Guangyu, hoping that he could stand up and stabilize the confidence of Xiangjiang citizens.

Huo Yingdong is very aware of Li Guangyu's great influence in Xiangjiang, especially among young people, his influence is unparalleled.

Li Guangyu said: "Huo Sheng, I have already talked about this matter at the press conference in the afternoon. I and the Li Group have always been full of confidence in the future of Xiangjiang. I believe that the mainland government can solve the Xiangjiang problem very well. , to maintain the economic development of Xiangjiang.”

Huo Yingdong was very happy to hear Li Guangyu's reply. As long as Li Guangyu is optimistic about the mainland, the interest groups behind him will follow him and stand on the mainland. With their contribution, the impact of this incident can be reduced.

After Huo Yingdong talked with everyone for a while, he said goodbye and left to communicate with others.

After Huo Yingdong left, Li Zhaoji said: "Guangyu, the current stock market will not rise in the short term. Xiangjiang's economy will definitely suffer a heavy blow. Our Shauji Group will focus on Japan in the past few years. I estimate that Hong Kong's property market will continue. Not for long."

Lee Shau Kee used to be known as the existence of the stock god. In 73, he made a fortune in the stock market, and he is very clear about the impact of changes in the stock market.At the same time, I also thank Li Guangyu for allowing me to go out in advance and leave this vortex.

At the same time, I looked at Chen Zengxi of the Hang Lung Group. At the beginning of the year, he spent a huge amount of money to win the property development right above the Xiangjiang subway station. Now this situation has happened. I don’t know what the Hang Lung Group will do when the property market crashes. response.

Li Guangyu is very happy that Li Zhaoji can develop the Japanese market vigorously. In later generations, Li Zhaoji often suppressed Li Ka-shing in the 90s. It was only because he was not as early as Li Ka-shing in the choice of entering the mainland, and he was always suppressed by Li Ka-shing.

This time Li Zhaoji also left Xiangjiang early, unlike later generations who guard Xiangjiang and are reluctant to enter the mainland. After that, it is really hard to say who has more assets, Li Ka-shing or Li Zhaoji.

Li Guangyu said: "Fourth Uncle, if you go to Japan, you can contact Qinglin. If you have anything to do, you can go to him directly, and he will help you deal with it."

Li Ka-shing saw that Li Shau-kee was going to Japan. Although he wanted to, but he had Hutchison Whampoa behind him, so he had no choice but to give up.

(End of this chapter)

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