Chapter 377
Since 79, many western countries have fallen into a new round of economic crisis, and the economic growth of many countries has stagnated. Among them, the United States and Britain are the most serious, and the economies of West Germany and France have also suffered severe blows.

Among them, the Japanese economy has also encountered serious challenges this year, and its economic development has slowed down severely.

This year, especially with the arrival of July, the economies of various countries have reached the lowest point, and the governments of various countries have also introduced many policies to protect their domestic enterprises, which has brought huge challenges to Hong Kong's enterprises.

Li Guangyu's own major groups were also affected by this policy, and their profits began to decline in July, especially the Bentley Group suffered heavy losses in the US market.

Just this July, the Reagan administration increased tariffs on imported products to protect domestic companies with similar products. In particular, the tax on luxury brands such as the Bentley Group luxury car was greatly increased to protect domestic sales of Cadillac and Lincoln.

As the largest sales market of Bentley Group at present, the introduction of this policy by the Reagan administration directly dealt a heavy blow to Bentley Group, which has just started.

Du Yuemei has been very busy this month. He is very clear that under the current situation, it is impossible for the Bentley Group to rely heavily on the US market, so she is now paying more attention to developing the market in the Commonwealth countries.

Although the current British government is not as powerful as it was at the beginning of the century, there are still more than [-] countries in the Commonwealth of Nations. As a British company, it has a very large advantage in the entire Commonwealth of Nations.

And this time the Bentley Group is focusing on developing markets in Canada, Australia and India. The consumption power of the masses in Australia and Canada is still very good, and there are many wealthy families in India. At the same time, the Li Group can bring Kirin Automobiles into India. market, even if India's economy is relatively backward, but there is a large population base and consumption power should not be underestimated.

On the afternoon of August 8, Zhang Ziyu came to Li Guangyu's office and reported to him the current plight of the Bentley Group and the group's plans for a period of time to come.

Li Guangyu knows very well that many luxury car brands will have a hard time in the next few years, which will lead to many luxury car brands changing hands many times in the next ten years. So be fed.

Today, the main profit of the Bentley Group is still from Jaguar, and Bentley also takes part of the profit. On the contrary, the low-end Kirin car has the least profit.Once each country increases tariffs on luxury goods, it will deal a considerable blow to the Bentley Group.

Fortunately, Li Guangyu already has some plans. As soon as the stock exchange opened this morning, all the orders in Li Guangyu's hands have been settled. At present, all the funds have been transferred to the account of Tianyu Bank, and it is time for Bentley Group to expand its types. Yes, at least in terms of trucks and buses, I still need to have vans, Li Guangyu Supermarket is expanding rapidly, and I need these in terms of logistics.

Li Guangyu said: "Zi Yu, bring a few more bodyguards with you when you go to India this time, and pay attention to your own safety."

Li Guangyu knew that India was still very dangerous to women, and Li Guangyu didn't want his group's talents to have accidents there.

"Li Sheng, thank you for your concern, I will pay attention to it myself." Zhang Ziyu said.

Li Guangyu thought that in order to make a difference in the Indian market, he still needed to cooperate with the local consortium, which would be more conducive to the development of the Li Group in the local area.

Li Guangyu said to Zhang Ziyu: "After you go to India this time, you can contact the Tata Group to see if they have any intention of establishing a joint venture factory. We can let Kirin Automobile cooperate with them in India."

As the president of Asian affairs of Bentley Group, Zhang Ziyu naturally has a better understanding of Tata Group, which is one of the top local consortiums in India and has a very high influence in India.If the Li Group reaches a cooperation with them, the development in India will be very convenient.

Zhang Ziyu replied: "Li Sheng, after I arrive in India, I will go to Mumbai to meet with the senior management of the Tata Group to see if they have such a willingness."


At five o'clock in the afternoon, which happened to be nine o'clock in the morning in London, Li Guangyu called Du Yuemei and made some arrangements for the future plans of the Bentley Group.

After Du Yuemei heard Li Guangyu's voice, she immediately knew that Zhang Ziyu must have reported the situation on her side.

Du Yuemei said, "Li Sheng, do you have any orders?"

Li Guangyu said: "Yuemei, you don't have to worry too much. There are some predictions about this incident. You should pay attention to rest when you rest. I don't want you to have to transfer me to the hospital again because of your health." Going to England, my staff is very nervous."

Du Yuemei was still very touched by Li Guangyu's concern. The boss did not blame the Bentley Group she leads for the unfavorable development, but instead told her to take care of her body.

Du Yuemei said: "Li Sheng, thank you for your concern, I will pay attention to rest."

Li Guangyu said: "Yuemei, for a long time to come, it may be difficult for our luxury car brand to develop a breakthrough. At this time, we should switch to other models. Remember when I asked you to pay attention to passenger cars. And some company with trucks?"

Du Yuemei naturally knew that when Bentley was just established, Li Guangyu asked himself to pay attention to the situation in order to prepare for future acquisitions, but Bentley has spent more than a year on the construction of the workshop, as well as the mainland joint venture and the Baodao base. Construction is underway, and there is simply no spare capacity for acquisitions at present.

Du Yuemei replied: "Li Sheng, we still have some financial difficulties. If we want to acquire a car company, I'm afraid we still need financial support from the headquarters."

Li Guangyu said with a smile: "Yuemei, don't worry, this time I will inject one billion US dollars into your group for the expansion of your group. You should make a good plan this time. Let Bentley Group become a comprehensive automobile group." , not just the sedan or sports car market.”

After hearing this, Du Yuemei immediately became excited. She did not expect that Li Guangyu would support Bentley Group this time. The injection of one billion US dollars gave her enough confidence to complete the task Li Guangyu entrusted to her.

Today, due to the impact of the economic crisis, not only her Bentley Group is sad, but also many car companies in England, France, West Germany and Italy are not doing well. He is confident that he can get his favorite car company at a lower price.

She also knows very well that it is difficult to compete with the major auto groups in West Germany, Japan, and the United States if they only develop a single car market. Those auto groups all develop cars, trucks, sports cars, and buses. , the comprehensive strength is very strong.

Du Yuemei said to Li Guangyu: "Li Sheng, don't worry, I will step up to handle this matter, and strive to complete our transformation from a single car group to a city car group this year."

Li Guangyu believes that with Du Yuemei's ability, he can definitely lead the group well. With Jaguar's engine research room, the heart of the automobile industry lies, Li Guangyu is not worried that his own automobile group will not develop.

In the end, Li Guangyu specifically warned: "Yuemei, we need to increase our investment in engine technology research and development. This is the basis for our Bentley Group to compete with other groups. We must not lag behind other auto groups in this respect. If When your group's financial resources are insufficient, I will make additional additions."

Du Yuemei herself naturally knows what an engine means to an automobile group. She has never reduced their research funding for the group in this regard, hoping to maintain her group's top position among the world's major automobile groups in this regard.

"Li Sheng, don't worry, I will continue to increase the investment in each research room of the group to maintain our advantages." Du Yuemei replied.


(End of this chapter)

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