Through the wealth life

Chapter 382 Changes in the Xiangjiang Film Industry

Chapter 382 Changes in the Xiangjiang Film Industry

The news that Golden Harvest Bullet Speeder earned [-] million Hong Kong dollars has just been fermented, and a bigger news instantly overshadowed this hot topic of Golden Harvest and became the new focus of Xiangjiang.

On the morning of August 8th, New Art City and Shaw Brothers held a joint press conference, and New Art City officially reached an agreement with Shaw Brothers Cinemas. From now on, New Art City's movies will be screened in Shaw Brothers Cinemas.

People from all walks of life in Hong Kong have been discussing this. Since Lei Juekun established New Arts City, he has always cooperated with Jiayi Cinemas.Lei Juekun himself also maintains a relatively friendly relationship with Li Guangyu, and Jiayi Cinemas has never suppressed Xinyi City. I didn't expect that the two who cooperated very well would suddenly part ways. This was a lot of surprises. People's expectations.

The Xiangjiang film industry will also usher in earth-shaking changes. In the past, Shaw Brothers declined, and Golden Harvest often faced joint pressure from Jiayi and New Art City. Now that New Art City has invested in Shaw Cinemas, Xiangjiang will once again be in a three-legged state. Future competition more intense.

Reporters from Xiangjiang also dispatched one after another, and began to find relevant people to conduct interviews in order to learn more inside information and report to the citizens, and also wanted to find out the truth about Jiayi and Xinyicheng's departure.

Jia Yunhua, general manager of Jiayi Cinema Company, became the first interviewee of many reporters, all wanting to know from him why New Art City left Jiayi Cinema and cooperated with Shaw Brothers Cinema.

A reporter from Sing Tao Daily asked Jia Yunhua: "Jia Sheng, we all know that Li Sheng and Lei Sheng have a very good relationship. Xinyi City has always cooperated with your Jiayi theater chain. May I ask why this situation has happened now? ?”

Jia Yunhua said: "Lei Sheng has personally communicated with Li Sheng about this matter. We express our best wishes for the choice of New Art City and hope that New Art City can develop better and better."

A reporter from Dongfang Daily asked: "Jia Sheng, may I ask if there is any inside story behind the departure of New Art City?"

These reporters hope that the bigger the problem is, the better it is that New Art City is dissatisfied, so that they can write a close-up.As long as it is not maliciously attacking Li Sheng, Li Sheng will not take care of reporting on some matters of his companies.There happened to be such a hot news this time, and it was related to Li Sheng's company. They didn't want to let this matter pass easily.

Jia Yunhua said: "Due to the continuous development of our Jiayi Film Company and New Art City, there are still some overlaps in some schedules, and our theater company has always been in a neutral state, not biased towards any party. Lei Sheng feels a little bit about this. I feel guilty, thinking that Li Sheng wronged Jiayi Film Company just to give him face, and Lei Sheng himself is also optimistic about the development of the film industry. It will be screened in Shaw Cinemas."

Jia Yunhua's revelation made them even more excited. They didn't expect that it was not a matter of cooperation, but that Lei Juekun directly took over Shaw Cinemas. In the future, New Art City will completely become the third largest film company in Hong Kong. They It also has the strength to compete with Jiayi and Jiahe for the top spot of Xiangjiang Film Company.

A reporter from the Hong Kong Evening News asked: "Jia Sheng, will the departure of New Art City have a greater impact on your cinema production?"

Jia Yunhua replied: "Everyone can rest assured that the departure of New Art City has already been planned on our side. Our Jiayi Film Company will increase production, and at the same time, the vacant share of New Art City will also be provided by other film companies in Xiangjiang. To fill in. In the past, Jiayi Film Company and New Art City basically accounted for 80% of our film schedule, and rarely received films from other Hong Kong film companies for release. Now we just happen to be able to serve Hong Kong’s medium-sized film companies. "

Mai Jia, the person in charge of New Art City, also faced many questions from reporters, and everyone wanted to know the attitude of New Art City.

A reporter asked: "Mai Sheng, we all know that many actors in your New Art City are under the Jiayi Group, and you chose to cooperate with Shaw Cinemas this time. Will this be detrimental to your future filming? ?”

Mai Jia replied: "This has no impact. Our relationship between Lei Sheng and Li Sheng has not been affected by this. The actors in our New Art City film will still cooperate with Jiayi artists, and there will be no problems."

The reporters were quite disappointed to hear such an answer. This is good, but there is no hot spot. Didn’t everyone want to see this? Hello, hello, hello everyone, what are the citizens of Xiangjiang talking about.

Ming Pao reporter asked: "Mai Sheng, now that you have left Jiayi, it can be said that you have the capital to compete with Jiayi and Jiahe. What are your future plans for New Art City?"

Naturally, Mai Jia also hoped that one day New Arts City could also take the position of the boss of Xiangjiang Film Company, but the current strength of New Arts City is still far behind that of Jiayi and Jiahe. It is better for him to keep a low profile so as not to attract The joint suppression of Golden Harvest and Jiayi Film Company.

Maijia said: "Our New Arts City is currently stabilizing our current position, and at the same time, we are also reserving more film talents. I believe that our New Arts City will always have a place in the Hong Kong film industry."

When these reporters were busy interviewing these relevant people, a piece of news shocked the Hong Kong film industry again.

The glorious Shaw Brothers Film Company officially announced its closure, and all its personnel were merged into TVB. The Shaw Brothers Film Company, which competed with MP & GI in the 60s, and Golden Harvest in the 70s, did not survive the 80s after all.

With the rise of Jiayi Film Company and New Art City, some systems of Shaw Brothers Film Company are increasingly unable to keep up with the development of the times. In addition, Run Run Shaw has made every effort to enter wireless TV stations, and he has little experience in handling the business of Shaw Brothers Film Company. , so at this time, the film company that had been established for more than [-] years ended.

Even Run Run Shaw even sold his cinema chain in Xiangjiang to Lei Juekun, and all the proceeds from Run Run Shaw will be invested in TVB, and the stock market of TVB also plummeted.

Run Run Shaw was also envious of Jiayi TV's excellent performance on the stars, especially the high advertising costs. He also planned to turn TVB into a satellite TV station, and the money from the sale of the theater chain was for this. of.

In Run Run Shaw's office, Fang Yat-wah knew that Run Run Shaw was in a bad mood, and the company he had established for decades had no choice but to close down.She knew that Run Run Shaw also loved the film industry very much, but the development of Shaw Brothers films really disappointed him. In the past two years, the theaters had to fill in the holes for him. This is also the reason why Run Run Shaw made up his mind to close the Shaw Brothers film company. .

Run Run Shaw said, "Yat Wah, how did we entrust the Asian Commercial Bank to purchase the stock for us?"

Fang Yihua said happily: "Mr. Chen Youqing said that the acquisition is almost done there, and the acquisition can be completed tomorrow. At that time, we will control 51% of the shares, and we will be able to completely control the wireless TV station."

This time it was a blessing that the stock market plummeted, otherwise they would not have been able to acquire so many stocks so easily.The Li family owns 35% of the shares, and now they can only become the second largest shareholder.

Fang Yathua has long thought about being able to control Wireless. Although Run Run Shaw and himself managed Wireless in the past, the largest shareholder is Lijia after all, and there are still relatively large restrictions on some of their decisions. Now he and others finally have the final say.

(End of this chapter)

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