Through the wealth life

Chapter 392 Music Festival

Chapter 392 Music Festival
This year, the film and television industry in Hong Kong is full of excitement. Shaw Brothers closed down, New Art City and Jiayi parted ways, Shaw Brothers controlled TVB, and Golden Harvest achieved great success in Hollywood, giving Xiangjiang citizens countless things to talk about.

On the day of August 8th, Qiu Degen began to send out invitations, inviting talents from the Hong Kong music industry to attend the first Hong Kong Music Festival held by ATV at the Lee Stage on the night of the 12th.

This is a ceremony held by Asia Television Music Channel, which presents awards to musicians who have made achievements in the Hong Kong music industry last year.

Qiu Degen himself has bigger plans. Like Run Run Shaw, he is also actively preparing for ATV's star launch. This music festival only invited people from the Hong Kong music industry to participate in the first edition of this music festival. , Japan, South Korea and mainland music circles attended to expand the influence of ATV Music Channel.

Li Guangyu is naturally also one of the important people invited by Qiu Degen. Jiayi and Polygram won the most awards at the Xiangjiang Music Festival. The competition between these two record companies in Xiangjiang is already fierce. As long as the big boss of the other party releases a record , and this side will fight back immediately.

On the night of the 13th, when Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing came to Lee Stage, many celebrities came here. In addition to the current generation of heavenly kings, Xu Guanjie, Lin Zixiang, Lin Fengjiao and others all came here.

The bigwigs in the film and television industry also gave Qiu Degen a lot of face. Even though the music did not play an important role in the film, these company bosses still came to attend this grand ceremony.

Qiu Degen came over and said, "Guangyu, Weiqing, thank you for coming."

Li Guangyu replied: "Uncle Qiu, you don't have to be polite. The holding of your music festival has enhanced the reputation of our Xiangjiang music industry. In the future, I believe that this music festival can at least become a music festival in Asia."

Li Guangyu himself didn't have the heart to do these things, besides, he has record companies in various places, and the outside world will have a lot of doubts about awarding awards to his own people at the ceremony he holds.

When Li Guangyu and Qiu Degen were talking, Run Run Shaw came to have some ideas of his own. Now that there is no film festival in Xiangjiang, and I don’t have a film company now, should I also create a film festival? It's hard to justify not having our own film festival.

Run Run Shaw planned to discuss with Li Guangyu, Wrinkle Huai, Lei Juekun and others after the event. With their support, he would be able to organize the Hong Kong Film Festival.

After Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing sat down, Lei Juekun who was next to him said, "Guangyu, there are quite a few nominees from your record company this time, how many people can win the award?"

Li Guangyu said: "Uncle Lei, you still care about these things, I don't really care about these things, our group has not been going well recently."

If Qiu Degen's face hadn't been taken into consideration, Li Guangyu would really not be willing to attend such an event. He is currently having a headache about the London affairs. The Swire Group is really ruthless, and they actually got a foot in the acquisition of the Telecom Group.

While contacting members of parliament to talk about the threat of Li's Group's holding of Telecom Group to British information security in the parliament, they also contacted a local consortium in England to compete with Li Guangyu for the acquisition of Telecom Group.

Lei Juekun naturally heard some news from the outside world, and knew that Li Guangyu had been made things difficult for the airline company this time, the acquisition failed, and he had not yet been approved to form his own company.

Lei Juekun said: "Guangyu, I'm not as busy as you. My Jiulong Jianye side has gradually stopped the development of Xiangjiang side. Now that I have more time, I also want to develop Xinyi City better. There is no profit in the real estate industry, so we can only rely on this side, so I also know a little about related things."

This time, Li Guangyu not only has the two heavenly kings Alan Tam and Chen Baiqiang, but also the queen-level character Anita Mui, and the newcomer also has Jacky Cheung who has shown outstanding talent.

It is said that there are still many talents in Jiayi's artist class, and they are very valued by Jiayi TV Station. The reason is Li Guangyu's approval.Looking at the abilities of Alan Tam, Chen Baiqiang and Anita Mui recognized by Li Guangyu, Lei Juekun knew that the achievements of these people would not be too low in the future.

It's a pity that the talents here are all in Jiayi, he is not easy to find, otherwise he would have done it long ago. If New Art City wants to develop into a top film company in Asia, talent is their flaw. Lei Juekun has been thinking about making up for it Such a short board.

With the start of the event, Li Guangyu also temporarily stopped talking with Lei Juekun. The audience who came were all fans of major singers. Enthusiastic shouting, shouting the name of the star on stage.

These people will also sing their award-winning song on the stage, allowing everyone to enjoy an auditory feast on the spot.

This time, I don’t know whether Jiayi Records is already strong or the judges of ATV have made some moves. Anyway, this time Jiayi completely overwhelmed PolyGram. Li Guangyu saw the expression on the face of PolyGram Xiangjiang’s general manager. Not very pretty.

Except Teresa Teng's popularity is too high this year, and Anita Mui is no match for her, in some other awards, Jiayi Records has some advantages.

After the event, Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing visited the company's music artists and congratulated them on their achievements.

After meeting Anita Mui, Li Guangyu said: "Miss Mei, you don't have to be disappointed, our group will continue to increase investment in you in this regard. After all, Ms. Deng has been famous for many years, and you are only 18 years old. There are still many opportunities in the future. accomplished."

Anita Mui was just a little disappointed, she and Teresa Teng had a very good relationship in private, and she didn't have anything to worry about whether she could beat Teresa Teng.

Seeing Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing coming to comfort her, Anita Mui felt very happy, the whole group is probably the only one receiving such treatment.

Anita Mui said: "Li Sheng, ma'am, I'm fine. Sister Lijun is better than me. I don't feel ashamed to lose to her. I will work hard to accumulate experience and strive for better results in the future."

Li Guangyu asked Cao Weiqing to chat with the company's female singers here, and he came to Alan Tam, Chen Baiqiang and others by himself.

Seeing Li Guangyu's arrival, this group of people greeted Li Guangyu warmly.

Li Guangyu said: "Yonglin, Baiqiang, you are all very good, you have lived up to the company's attention, you can rest assured that Jiayi Group will continue to give you top-notch treatment in the future, and the promotion in Asia is useless. .”

Alan Tam said: "Li Sheng, the reason why we were able to achieve such results is all due to the group's publicity to us. We will continue to work hard in the future to strive for better results."

After talking with them for a while, Li Guangyu came to Jacky Cheung. If he was to say who he was most familiar with, this was him. Chen Baiqiang and Alan Tam were too old, and Li Guangyu didn't listen to many of their songs in his previous life.And Jacky Cheung's song Li Guangyu had listened to a lot in his previous life.

Li Guangyu said: "Xueyou, you should learn more from Yonglin and Baiqiang now. Your resources in the company will not be inferior to theirs. I look forward to your achievements in the future."

Jacky Cheung said excitedly: "Thank you Li Sheng for your attention. I will definitely learn from them and live up to your expectations."


(End of this chapter)

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