Through the wealth life

Chapter 408 Withdrawal of the Marden Family

Chapter 408 Withdrawal of the Marden Family

After Li Guangyu completed the acquisition of Bao Yugang's shares, he immediately returned to Tianyu Securities Company to inquire about the acquisition situation in the stock market.

Sun Jianping said: "Sheng Li, we have acquired a total of 11.6% of the shares in the stock market in the past few days."

Li Guangyu is determined, and with the 44% of the shares he bought, Li Guangyu has completely controlled the Wheelock Group, and this time the voting rights have exceeded 50.00%, which is enough to ensure that he controls the Wheelock Group .

At nine o'clock in the morning the next day, Li Guangyu brought Guo Qingya, Zhou Xiaoning and Gan Qin to the Wheelock Group.

The front desk obviously knew Li Guangyu and others, but they were very strange about the arrival of Li Guangyu and others, but they didn't let them think for long, Bao Yugang and Zhang Yuliang came here one after another.

Li Guangyu said to the front desk: "You can contact Mr. Paul Madden, we need to see him."

After the front desk replied to Li Guangyu, he immediately called Secretary Paul Madden and explained the situation to him.

After waiting for a while, the phone rang, and the front desk staff answered it for a while, then hung up.Said to Li Guangyu: "Li Sheng, Zhang Sheng, Bao Sheng, please follow me, Mr. Madden is waiting for you in the office."

When Ma Deng heard the secretary report that Li Guangyu, Zhang Yuliang and Bao Yugang had come together, he knew that something was wrong, and he was also in a bad mood.He originally thought that Li Guangyu would continue to focus on the Swire Group and the Singapore Consortium. These two groups were currently causing resistance to him. He never expected that Li Guangyu would attack Wheelock.

After Li Guangyu and others came to Paul Madden's office, Li Guangyu said: "Mr. Madden, I came here this time to formally take over the Wheelock Group. Our Li Group has already mastered the Wheelock Group 55.6 % of the shares."

No matter how bad Paul Madden was in his heart, he was very gracious on the surface. He didn't ask Zhang Yuliang and Bao Yugang why they didn't inform him when they sold their shares. He knew very well that these were meaningless. The Madden family Since then, he has completely lost control of Wheelock.

Paul Madden said: "Mr. Li, your counterattack is really sharp and calm enough. We all thought that you would continue to fight with the Singapore consortium and the Jardine Group. I didn't expect you to fight against our weakest group. Let's do it."

It's not that Li Guangyu didn't do anything, he was waiting for an opportunity, he didn't want to spend countless financial resources and manpower, but in the end he couldn't get the effect he wanted, these few Li Guangyu will slowly clean up when he has a chance in the future.

Li Guangyu said: "Mr. Madden, it's time for your century-old era in Xiangjiang to come to an end. Please also inform the group to hold a high-level meeting, and our Li Group will officially take over. If you want, you can serve as a director of the group." Vice-Chairman."

Paul Madden is not interested in this. What is the use of this listed position? The Li Group has a controlling stake, and they have the final say on the group's affairs.

Now he has a new plan. Anyway, his family has lost control of Wheelock, so it is better to sell the shares and cash out.

He has seen through the current situation in Xiangjiang. The British-funded consortium no longer has any advantage here, but has become the target of the Chinese-funded consortium.My family should go to other Commonwealth regions to develop. Xiangjiang's stock market situation is not good, and shipping is even worse. It just so happens that this matter is left to Li Guangyu.

Paul Madden said: "Mr. Li, I don't know if you are interested in the shares in my hand. I know that if I hold so many shares, you will definitely feel uncomfortable. I also plan to end our family's business in Xiangjiang. .”

Li Guangyu originally thought that it would be very difficult for him to kick the Marden family out of the Wheelock Group. After all, the Marden family holds 35% of the shares. kind of hard.

Li Guangyu said: "Mr. Madden, can you make a decision on behalf of your family? You must know that this is an industry that your family has operated for more than 100 years."

Paul Madden said: "Mr. Li, don't worry, I can make such a decision on behalf of our family. If I didn't have this right, I wouldn't be sent here during this period."

As soon as Li Guangyu heard it, he knew that Paul Madden had a very high status in the family, and he probably had a lot of say in it. Besides, Xiangjiang was only one of the important assets of the Madden family. There are many industries, how could there be only one Wheelock in a family of more than 100 years.

Li Guangyu said: "Mr. Madden, then what are your requirements on the price?"

"Mr. Li, when the stock market plummeted, our family was already considering whether to focus on the development of Hong Kong's industry. Many people in the family suggested temporarily investing funds in Australia and Canada. It's a pity that you gave us money in the stock market. The family buried a big hole, which caused us a lot of losses and stalled our plan. Now that the loss of Wheelock is a foregone conclusion, our family does not want to fight with your Chinese consortium anymore. You came out to buy Bao Sheng and Zhang Sheng The same price will do.”

It seems that Paul Madden really wants to leave the market, and the asking price for Li Guangyu is not high. You must know that the stock market is plummeting now, and the market value of Wheelock has shrunk severely. The market value on the stock market cannot represent the actual market value of Wheelock. , but Li Guangyu won't lose money if he pays a three-tier premium.

Li Guangyu said: "Mr. Madden, I purchased Baosheng's shares at a three-fold premium to the current market value. Are you willing to accept such a price?"

After thinking about it for a while, Paul Madden agreed to Li Guangyu's price. Now it is not easy to find a family to take over his shares, and if the current situation in Xiangjiang cannot be changed, the stock market will go up. A big climb is very difficult, and it is better to get the cash early.

Paul Madden said: "No problem, Mr. Li, I'll let someone prepare the contract and arrange a high-level meeting later. I also hope that Wheelock can develop better under your hands."

It took Li Guangyu and others more than an hour before they came to the meeting room of Wheelock Group.

The middle and senior management of Wheelock Group were unaware of this emergency meeting, and asked people they knew if there was any news.

At the meeting, Paul Madden said: "The people next to me must be very familiar to everyone. From now on, Mr. Li Guangyu is the absolute major shareholder of Wheelock Group. The shares of Mr. Bao Yugang and Mr. Zhang Yuliang are the same. It was acquired by the Li Group."

Paul Madden's words completely shocked these middle and high-level executives. Without any rumors, the Li Group has completed the acquisition of Wheelock Group, and it seems that it will be delisted and privatized soon.

Li Guangyu said: "Everyone don't need to be nervous. Our Li Group has never planned to make a large-scale change of personnel. Please work in your respective positions with peace of mind. The benefits and benefits of other groups under our Li Group will be the same as theirs. .”

The top executives of the group didn't have much expression, but the middle-level people among them were very excited. The salary of the same position in Li's Group is much higher than theirs, and the year-end bonus is much richer than them. Now they can enjoy the same The treatment is over, and Li Guangyu is extremely welcome in his heart.

Li Guangyu then announced that Guo Qingya would assume the post of Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Wheelock Group, and Zhou Xiaoning would be temporarily in charge of Wheelock's finances.As for the other people's positions, Li Guangyu has not changed them for the time being, and will wait until Guo Qingya is familiar with the situation of Wheelock Group.

Seeing that Li Guangyu did not revoke their positions, these high-level officials were a little relieved, and at the same time made up their minds to perform well. There are many opportunities in the Li Group, and they might be able to get higher positions in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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