Through the wealth life

Chapter 418 Dealing with Cathay Pacific

Chapter 418 Dealing with Cathay Pacific
Li Guangyu listened to Gan Qin's report to the board of directors of Swire Pacific Airways in his office. He could understand that the Sihuaiya family wanted to sell the shares of Cathay Pacific Airways. Sell ​​when the market value is still high.

Once Xiangjiang Airlines is in operation, it will definitely have a severe impact on Cathay Pacific Airways. If you want to sell it at that time, you may not be able to sell it at such a high price.

Li Guangyu asked Gan Qin to inform Li Xuemei to come to the office to discuss how to deal with this problem. At the same time, he also wanted to know how the discussion between Li Xuemei and Conny Akalin was going today.

After Li Xuemei arrived, Li Guangyu said: "Xuemei, how is your discussion with Akalin going?"

"Li Sheng, I hope that Boeing will make greater concessions in terms of price, but Akalin said that he can't make the decision. He still needs to contact the headquarters on this matter, so no specific agreement has been reached yet. But after the delivery of the aircraft On the one hand, Boeing has promised to deliver at least two aircraft to us every month." Li Xuemei said.

It seems that Boeing has a lot of goods. Every month, two planes can be deducted and delivered to Xiangjiang Airlines. I don’t know how Boeing negotiates with other airlines that ordered.

Li Guangyu said: "In this regard, you need to reach an agreement with Boeing as soon as possible. Cathay Pacific Airways will probably change. Once a Chinese-funded group controls Cathay Pacific Airways, we will lose many of our advantages, especially in the mainland market in the future. , we will face strong competitors.”

Now Xiangjiang has changed. As the Li Group continues to suppress the British consortium, the threat of the British consortium to the Chinese family is already very weak.When there is no external pressure, at this time, the major families in Xiangjiang have become internal struggles for their own interests. It is estimated that it is impossible to maintain the unity of the time when the British consortium dominated Xiangjiang.

Especially if some families control Cathay Pacific Airways, the threat to Xiangjiang Airlines will be very huge. At least in the mainland market, it will be more difficult for Xiangjiang Airlines to intervene.

Li Xuemei said: "Li Sheng, I will speed up the negotiations with Boeing, and at the same time I will meet with Mr. Jesse, the vice president of Airbus, so that I can put some pressure on Boeing and let them make some concessions."

Li Guangyu knew that it was not enough just to have planes, and the most important thing was to have people. The personnel recruited by Cathay Pacific Airways alone were not enough to support Hong Kong Airlines.

Li Guangyu said: "Gan Qin, tell Ms. Du in England, Ms. Peng in the United States, Gan Sheng in Japan, and Gu Sheng in Baodao to recruit people for me locally. The focus is on pilots and aircraft maintenance support." talent."

Gan Qin replied: "Sheng Li, I have written it down, and I will inform them of your order later."

Li Xuemei said to Li Guangyu: "Li Sheng, our airline can't just put up a name, each department should be established quickly, and at the same time, arrange personnel to go to the cities where we have approved routes to discuss the opening of our routes. It takes a lot of time. It’s no longer a minority.”

Li Guangyu said: "In this regard, you don't have to worry too much. We have fewer planes in the early stage and we can't open too many flights. If Boeing can deliver our two passenger planes next month, we will give priority to opening flights to Tokyo and Taipei. This area is still relatively easy to negotiate.”

Li Xuemei also knew that there were no problems in these two areas. The two areas where Li's Group invested heavily had a good relationship with the local government. They would not make things difficult for Li's Group on this issue.

Li Xuemei said: "Sheng Li, I will communicate with Boeing, and hope that they can deliver more aircraft to us in the early stage, so as to strengthen the strength of our airline. At the same time, our airline also tries to ask the government to approve more cities for us to fly to. , so that the development of our airline will not be restricted."

Li Guangyu is not too worried about this. He didn't approve of himself before. It was because Cathay Pacific Airways was controlled by a British-funded consortium. Now it is different. Once Swire Holdings divides the shares of Cathay Pacific Airways, Cathay Pacific Airways will become a Chinese-owned conglomerate. If the holding is held, the Hong Kong government will not hold back the development of Hong Kong Airlines for the benefit of Cathay Pacific.

Li Guangyu said: "Talk to Boeing as much as possible. I will find a way from the government. As for the establishment of various departments of the airline, I will start immediately. The candidate for the general manager has been confirmed, and it is Zhao Wenhua, the deputy general manager of Cathay Pacific Airways. Now Cathay Pacific The airline is basically managed by him, so there is no problem with his ability.”

Gan Qin said, "Li Sheng, why haven't you thought about eating Cathay Pacific Airline?"

This was also the question in Li Xuemei's mind, but Li Guangyu didn't say it, and she wouldn't ask, she knew that Li Guangyu had such a reason for doing so, and she firmly believed that Li Guangyu's decision was definitely right.

At first, Li Guangyu wanted to take the shares of Taikoo Co., Ltd., otherwise he wouldn't have ordered Ganqin like that.

It was only later that Li Guangyu thought of a problem that made him give up this plan.He knew that in the future the opponent would not allow himself to monopolize Xiangjiang's aviation industry. Even if he took over Cathay Pacific this time, he would have to give up a part of the airline's equity in the future.

He might as well run his own Xiangjiang Airlines with peace of mind. As for Cathay Pacific Airways, let the big families of Xiangjiang and the other side take over, and he himself can get a lot of profits from this share sale.

Li Guangyu said: "As for Cathay Pacific Airways, let's wait for a while. After our airline is in operation, the shares there can be sold. We don't engage in monopoly like Cathay Pacific. Our Lee Group has never been afraid of competition. "

Gan Qin and Li Xuemei didn't believe that Li Guangyu didn't want to monopolize Xiangjiang's aviation market. He probably had something in mind to say that.They knew all too well about their own boss, how could he be willing to give up such a big profit.

Li Xuemei said: "Li Sheng, since Swire Pacific is going to sell Cathay Pacific, can I buy their aircraft maintenance company? After buying them, it will be very beneficial to Hong Kong Airlines."

Li Guangyu said: "You don't need to worry about this. I have already ordered Lei Jianbin to estimate the value of this company. After the sale of Cathay Pacific Airways, this company is a tasteless to Swire. I think Shi Huaiya is willing to put It is for sale. Ganqin, you will talk to Shi Huaiya when the time comes, as long as they are willing to sell this company to us, then we will no longer block their sale of shares. "

Gan Qin replied: "Alright, Mr. Li, I will go to Taikoo Corporation tomorrow to discuss this matter with Shi Huaiya, and strive to take down this maintenance company and serve our airline."

After Li Xuemei and Gan Qin left, Li Guangyu was thinking about how Xiangjiang Airlines should develop in the future. Cao Guangbiao and others' investment in Cathay Pacific Airlines completely disrupted his plan. It is impossible for Li Guangyu's airline to dominate the Xiangjiang market. .

Li Guangyu became even more dissatisfied with Shen Bi. When he went to buy shares of Cathay Pacific Airways from him, he refused without even thinking about it. Now the speed is quite fast, and he sold the shares to Cao Guangbiao and others.

(End of this chapter)

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