Chapter 42
At 2:9 p.m. on February [-]th, Li Guangyu got into the car and rushed to Stanley Ho's residence.

Li Guangyu's villa and Stanley Ho's mansion both belong to Repulse Bay, so within a few minutes, they arrived at Stanley Ho's mansion.

After Li Guangyu got off the car, he saw that Stanley Ho had come out of the mansion, so he hurriedly went up to say hello.

Li Guangyu and Stanley Ho got into Li Guangyu's car together, and accompanied by Li Guangyu's bodyguards, they headed towards Huo's house.

Tonight, the Huo Mansion gathered most of the current Xiangjiang family heads, and today's reception is destined to be extraordinary.

When Li Guangyu and Ho Hongshen arrived at the Huo Mansion, they saw Huo Zhengting welcoming a visitor at the door, so they walked towards the gate of the Huo Mansion.Huo Zhengting said: "He Sheng, Li Sheng, welcome to come."

Stanley Ho said, "Main Court, why are you welcoming me at the door?"

Huo Zhengting quickly said: "Old Dou is inside with Bao Sheng and Xinhua News Agency President Zheng Sheng. I will lead you there."

He Hongshen heard what he said, so he couldn't say anything, so he and Li Guangyu walked towards Huo Yingdong under the leadership of Huo Zhengting.

When Li Guangyu came to the living room, he saw that several acquaintances were already present.After Li Guangyu said hello to his acquaintances present, he sat next to Stanley Ho.

Li Guangyu saw Li Ka-shing, Li Zhaoji, Guo Desheng, Luo Luocheng and other well-known figures in Hong Kong coming to the living room continuously.Thinking about what Huo Yingdong wanted to do tonight, he invited all the heads of the major Chinese families in Xiangjiang, and even the president of Xinhua News Agency.

When Li Guangyu was engrossed in his thoughts, Huo Yingdong said: "Thank you for coming to this reception I held."

"Huo Sheng is being polite, how can I not come at your invitation?"

"Yingdong, how could I not give face to your invitation?"

"Huo Sheng, if you invite me to this reception, that's how you think of me. Why don't I come?"


The people sitting there responded to Huo Yingdong one after another.

Huo Yingdong continued: "I know that you may still have a lot of questions about my invitation to this reception today. The main reason I invite you here today is to be a matchmaker. I also know that everyone is usually very busy. Get together. Today, I took this opportunity to invite everyone here just to exchange some ideas with you."

Everyone saw that Huo Yingdong said so and didn't open his mouth. Everyone looked at the charter king.At present, he is the only one who is qualified to speak with Huo Yingdong on behalf of everyone. Although Li Guangyu is rich, he is still too young to have that qualification.

Seeing everyone looking at him, the Chartered Ship King immediately knew that the heads of these families were going to use him as a shield again.But there is no way, it won't make Huo Yingdong cold.

So he said to Huo Yingdong: "Yingdong, if you have any ideas, let us know, we will definitely support if we can."

Huo Yingdong also knew the thoughts of the following families, so he said: "First of all, I would like to introduce a guest. Some of you must have met. The one next to me is Zheng Dong, the current president of Xiangjiang Xinhua News Agency."

All the family principals greeted each other with "Hello, President Zheng."

Zheng Dong said: "First of all, I would like to thank Huo Sheng for hosting this reception so that I can gather with you all. At the same time, I also hope that our Xinhua News Agency can become a bridge for you to communicate with the mainland."

At this time, Huo Yingdong said: "The current situation of Xiangjiang is very delicate. Huaying is negotiating on the issue of Xiangjiang. President Zheng and I just want to hear everyone's thoughts."

The following families did not speak immediately after hearing Huo Yingdong mentioning the Sino-British Xiangjiang issue.Nowadays, this issue is quite sensitive, and the development of a bad family business will be affected.

At this time, everyone turned their attention to the charter king again, and Bao Yugang was speechless to the heads of some families at this time. If there is any trouble, I, Bao Yugang, will take care of you. Why didn't you let the profitable business go? give it to me.

When the charter king was about to reply, unexpectedly Huo Yingdong didn't give him this chance.

Huo Yingdong said to Li Guangyu: "Guangyu, you are the youngest and have the most assets. What do you think about this?"

As for why Huo Yingdong asked Li Guangyu instead of letting Bao Yugang answer, it was because the charter king originally supported the mainland.

At present, Li Guangyu not only represents himself, but also represents the interests of the He family and the Luo family to a certain extent.It even influenced Li Ka-shing, Lee Shau-kee, and Guo Desheng to a certain extent, their thoughts.

Li Guangyu never expected that Huo Yingdong would ask him, and at the same time, Ho Hongshen touched him with his foot to remind him to be careful when speaking.

Li Guangyu said: "Huo Sheng, President Zheng, on the big issue of ownership of Xiangjiang, I support the mainland to take back Xiangjiang, and I want to sit down again with this idea."

Other families also echoed: "Huo Sheng, our family also supports the mainland to take back Xiangjiang."

Huo Yingdong saw that everyone had the same views on this major issue, and said happily: "I also believe that everyone will not be willing to be such a second-class citizen. At the same time, everyone must have confidence in the mainland. I believe the mainland will consider Xiangjiang's decision." According to the actual situation, make good decisions for the development of Xiangjiang.”

After that, Huo Yingdong didn't say anything more. At present, Huo Yingdong is just laying a foundation. Now he wants the major families to stand directly on the mainland's side. He can't do it in one meeting.

The reception could only be considered as the real start now. Li Guangyu, Stanley Ho, Li Ka-shing, Li Zhaoji, and Guo Desheng gathered together and started talking in low voices.

Li Guangyu said to Li Ka-shing, "Uncle Li, what do you think?"

Li Ka-shing said: "Guangyu, we all agree with the mainland taking back Xiangjiang, but Huaying is still negotiating on the issue of Xiangjiang, we'd better be careful!"

Lee Shau Kee also said: "Yes, our industries are all in Xiangjiang, a bad family will be ruined."

Stanley Ho said: "Guangyu, I think Huo Yingdong is going to push you to be the vanguard. You must be careful."

"I will deal with it well. We support the issue of the mainland taking back Xiangjiang, but it has to affect the development of our group, and it is impossible for us to publicly raise the flag for the mainland right now."

Then Li Guangyu said to several people: "On the Xiangjiang issue, we agree that the mainland will take back Xiangjiang. During the Huaying negotiations on Xiangjiang, we can unite to stabilize the situation in Xiangjiang for the mainland. This will not only help the mainland, but also benefit us all. development of the company."

Li Ka-shing and the others expressed their approval of Li Guangyu's ideas.

Stanley Ho said: "Guangyu, you must pay attention to what you say outside in the future. You are in this position now, and a careless word may cause an uproar. Nowadays, you no longer represent yourself alone. Many times you represent the He family. So you must be more careful in the future.”

Li Guangyu returned to Ho Hongshen's reminder: "I know, I must be careful in the future. Besides, people outside may not pay attention to me now. I am still young. I think these big problems are mainly on you."


(End of this chapter)

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