Through the wealth life

Chapter 424 Dilemma

Chapter 424 Dilemma
After Cao Guangbiao took over Cathay Pacific, what he faced was not a high-level welcome. When he hosted the first Cathay Pacific mid-level and high-level meeting, less than half of the people attended the meeting, and the top management was only the financial director and the human resources director. Attend.

The company's general manager, three deputy general managers, and managers of some important departments were not present. Cao Guangbiao's face was very ugly. Are Cathay Pacific executives dissatisfied with their waiting for someone to take over the airline?
While Cao Guangbiao was secretly annoyed, Roger Jim, general manager of Cathay Pacific Airways, was belatedly arriving.

Cao Guangbiao suppressed the dissatisfaction in his heart, and said to Roger Jim: "Mr. Jim, didn't I ask you to notify the company's middle and senior management to attend this meeting? Why is there only so few people in the company now?"

Roger Jim said nonchalantly: "Mr. Cao, I have notified you, and aren't they all here now?"

Cao Guangbiao was almost fainted from anger. It's not that he doesn't know the situation of Cathay Pacific Airways, so how could these people be the only ones.

I just acquired Cathay Pacific Airways yesterday, and I made an agreement with Swire to carry out the handover today, and this has become the current situation.He very much doubted that Swire AG played an important role in it.

Cao Guangbiao said: "Then what about those who were still working in the company a few days ago, where is the deputy general manager Zhao Wenhua? And what about the deputy general manager Wang Junchang?"

Cao Guangbiao was very angry. He planned to let these talents manage Cathay Pacific. Now that these people are not here, how can Cathay Pacific still operate.

Roger Jim was very happy to see Cao Guangbiao, who was in a panic. He had been serving as the general manager of Cathay Pacific Airways, but Cao Guangbiao did not intervene. He bought out Cathay Pacific Airways and completely lost his position. I can only take an idle job in Swire AG, and I feel very unhappy.

So this time, he cooperated with Lei Jianbin, the director of Taikoo, to play a big game. When Cao Guangbiao held a press conference, he signed the resignation report of all Cathay Pacific employees who wanted to resign.

This time, I can only blame Cao Guangbiao and the others for being too careless. Of course, even if they knew in advance, there was nothing they could do about it. Lei Jianbin did not wait for Li Guangyu's notice before taking action.When Swire Pacific decided to sell the shares of Cathay Pacific Airways to Cao Guangbiao and others, he started to do it.

And Roger Jim was very cooperative. The deadline for those resigned employees to work in Cathay Pacific Airways was yesterday. This was also discussed by Lei Jianbin, Wooden Shuaiya and others, in order to avoid affecting the sale of Cathay Pacific Airways.

Roger Jim said: "Mr. Cao, the two deputy general managers Zhao Wenhua and Wang Junchang, as well as some high-level departments of the company have resigned yesterday. At the same time, many pilots and flight attendants of our company also resigned yesterday. Today's flight I am also doing my best to ensure that it is running, I am afraid that there will be some problems in the middle, please deal with it as soon as possible."

Cao Guangbiao looked at the gloating Roger Jim, and his heart was already full of anger. He just took over Cathay Pacific, and this happened.If the flight is canceled because of this, it will definitely be a huge blow to them.

Cao Guangbiao questioned: "Jim, we bought Cathay Pacific Airways yesterday. Why didn't they report such a big matter to us and allow them to resign?"

Roger Jim was not angry at Cao Guangbiao's questioning, but said calmly: "Mr. Cao, don't get excited, you can't blame me for this matter, these people handed in their resignation report half a month ago, we also We can’t stop it forcibly. In order to maintain our company’s operations, we can only ask them to meet the deadline yesterday, our company is good at recruiting personnel. It’s just that the company was unable to recruit personnel to replace these things that happened later.”

Cao Guangbiao would not believe Roger Jim's words. What a coincidence, he had just completed the acquisition, and it was time for these resigned employees to leave.He believed that if he signed the contract today, those resigned personnel would definitely work until today.

And I still can't find their problem. If I look at the resignation reports and the approval time, it must be due yesterday. Such things are too easy to fake.What's more, they really want to leave, and they can't keep these people.

Cao Guangbiao said: "Mr. Jim, I don't care about the problems of these resigners. I hope that the company can guarantee the departure of all our flights today. I wonder if it can be achieved?"

Roger Jim said: "Mr. Cao, it's easy to handle the morning flights. I'm afraid it will be troublesome for the afternoon flights. I have already transferred some personnel from the afternoon to come in the morning. I have no one to send for some afternoon flights." Even the staff who should be off duty have been transferred to the morning to deal with it, I'm afraid you will need to deal with this problem."

None of the people who came to this meeting planned to leave Cathay Pacific Airways, but they hoped that they could fill their seats after the high-level executives left.

They are all too clear about the reasons for this situation in the company.Originally, this was aimed at Taikoo at first, but after the Li's consortium and Taikoo Group reached an agreement, the two joined hands to defraud the company that took over.

Xiangjiang Airlines needs talents, and Swire needs to sell at a good price, so Swire must maintain the stability of Cathay Pacific until Cathay Pacific makes a move.Xiangjiang Airlines also hopes that these talents will continue to train at Cathay Pacific until their plane returns.

How could Cao Guangbiao not know the whereabouts of these resigned staff, but he didn't want to ask.So what if you know it well, the Xiangjiang market is so big, it is obviously impossible for the two airlines to grow at the same time.If he was strong enough, he would also suppress Xiangjiang Airlines. He just didn't expect that Xiangjiang Airlines would be so ruthless this time, and it obviously didn't take a day or two to prepare.

He can be sure that since Li Guangyu had the idea of ​​building his own airline, he has been playing with these people's ideas.It's just that the target at the time was the British consortium, and naturally taking over Cathay Pacific would also take over the pit buried by the Lee consortium.

Cao Guangbiao didn't want to say anything more to Roger Jim. He also knew that Roger Jim was just here to complete the final handover.

Cao Guangbiao said to the coming managers: "Now our company is facing severe challenges. First of all, we must maintain the normal takeoff of our flights. Please work harder in this regard. I believe that Cathay Pacific Airways will not be caught by this. It's a little hard to beat."

Subsequently, Cao Guangbiao re-appointed the senior executives of various departments of the company, and hoped that they would lead the departments to complete the tasks assigned by the company.

Those promoted personnel are very happy, don't they stay for a higher position?Now it finally came true.

But then it will be difficult for them. Cao Guangbiao asked them to ensure that all Cathay Pacific flights take off on time, which is simply impossible.Hong Kong Airlines was particularly ruthless this time, and they poached six complete crew members, as well as some crew pilots, and some flight attendants, and Cathay Pacific lost nearly half of them.

(End of this chapter)

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